Chapter - 65 - Entering the Palace

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So I moved out of sight and walked following others. I was close enough to hear them gossiping.

"Did you hear? The queen of Amazon's is coming to TuZan." 1st Gossiper said.

"What? No, I didn't. Do you know why?" 2nd gossiper."

"I think I might," the 3rd gossiper spoke up. "I heard my father talking about an upcoming banquet in the Palace. Apparently, only a select few are invited. Apparently, the Amazon Queen doesn't appreciate a show."

The 1st nodded.

"Makes sense." The 1st responded.

"Do you guys know what she looks like?" The 2nd spoke up.

"I heard she has platinum blond hair and blue eyes." The 4th spoke up.

"How exotic!" Said the 3rd.

My mind immediately went to the Winter Solstice Festival. At that, I pursed my lips but kept listening. 

"Who is invited?" Asked the 3rd.

The 2nd spoke up, "I heard high officials and their Wives. No sons are invited, but their daughters are."

"Only daughters?" Gasped the 4th. "Well if the sons aren't allowed, I doubt the daughters will be allowed."

"I'm thinking the same." Said the 1st.

I stopped listening at this point.

If sons aren't allowed, then I needed to become some Manors daughter. I doubted any Concubine daughters would be privileged enough to attend so I needed to become a Main Wife's daughter.

There was just one main problem. Every manor knows who their Main Wife born children are.

I paused.

What if I just slipped in as a servant?

I ran through the possibilities and this seemed like the best solution.

I would just become a male servant and enter the Palace. Maybe then, I would be able to see who wrote the note. The thing is, I couldn't have people making connections with my face. I pursed my lips and took out some paste master gave me. It was supposed to change your appearance. I put it on while I looked in a mirror I brought. I looked like any other ordinary boy, except for my green eyes.  

I headed for the palace but paused. There's no way I could enter unless they bought me. I'll just watch from a distance.

I grew closer and closer and had Aden watch to see if I was followed. At a certain point, I turned off onto a side road and waited for the night.

When night came, I dressed in black and jumped to the palace walls. I stayed back a distance to not be noticed but used Hawk Eyes to see farther.

I noticed one section that was heavily guarded and watched. I saw wagons pulling up to a side door to bring food along with what looked to be girls and boys.

I pursed my lips and followed the wagon once it left. It reached the outer wall, got checked, and left. I had Aden activate his skill and over the wall, I went.

I followed the wagon outside the outer wall and into the Trading Empire. I kept following until it went straight into the Red Light District of the Trading Empire.

My confusion started to grow, but I continued in any way.

The wagon took side roads until it stopped at a brothel type building. Out came a well-dressed man with a small wrapped package. He gave it to the man on the wagon and off the man went.

I narrowed my eyes and jumped down to get a closer look. I didn't notice anyone leaving or going on which was odd on its own. The place above the door said, 'The Arousing Brothel.'

So, it at least said it was. I was tempted to enter, but at the same time, not so much. What if I was plucked up by them and got one of those tattoos like the one Mei had.

I shook my head. No thank you.

I decided to wait around until morning and see what happened then. In the morning, it was the same until different wagons dropped by with large bags and drove off again.

I waited for night and around that time, came the wagon. I decided it was now or never to make my move. I needed to get into the Palace. 

I jumped quickly over in an oldish garment and slipped right in with the younger crowd.

All of the kids looked distraught, while others tried to hold up whatever dignity they had left. My collar was up high enough that no one saw if I did have the tattoo. The man just lined us up and put us on the wagon.

I decided to act scared and uncertain.

By the time we reached the Palace, it had been almost 2 to 3 hours. We were taken off and filed into a line and inside.

Once inside, I glanced around but saw nothing, but darkness and some servants with lanterns. One man was holding aboard.

"My name is Hu. Today you be given your names. These are the names you will go by unless given a different one by your Master. Understood?"

We all nodded.

"Okay, I'll start."

He started looking at the young ones and giving random names to each one. He stopped when he got to me and grabbed my chin.

"Green eyes, go stand over there." He pointed to the left.

I did as he wanted and stood by my self.

He finished with his names and returned to the front.

"Remember these names, because I've already written them down." He said simply. "All of you will begin your servant training tomorrow. Do good. If you don't, you will get the privilege of cleaning the toilets, or clothing until you are reassigned." He paused. "Which rarely happens. Take them away."

He beckoned for a maid to take them away.

"Follow me." He motioned for me to walk behind him.

I did like he wanted as I looked around. We passed different areas and stopped at one sometime later.

"Inside is the Inner Courtyard." One moment.

He walked forward and beckoned a guard. They spoke and he pointed to me.

The guard nodded and moved aside.

I walked in but noticed nothing out of place besides the increased security. We stopped again after walking for a bit. 

"This is 2nd Prince's Court Yard. He likes Exotic servants to serve him. Follow me."


My mouth stiffened as I followed him inside the courtyard. 

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