Chapter - 43 - Lord Devil

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After a while I got tired of holding myself up, so I just flopped down and turned to the side.

I watched from the side as the world passed by. I wondered when we would reach our destination.

I didn't have to wait long because after a little bit they slowed down. The man in black put me down and I looked up to see a massive wall.

Holy shit!

Then I looked at my wind-blown hair.

Oh, it's so tangly. I was immediately put in a worse mood. You can kidnap me, but don't mess up my hair!

My hair is my pride!

Mother fuckers.

I huffed as I followed behind the man that kidnapped me.

The wall had a gate at the front which we walked through. I looked around to see people going about their daily things. Really, a lot of guards patrolling and some others doing tasks, everyone looked quite busy.

We kept walking past different buildings and then a tower came into view. The tower was quite large. It held flags that had the symbol of a black dragon.

The closer I got, the more ominous I started to feel. I bit my lower lip as I got closer.

There were powerful guards guarding the doors leading into the tower. They made way for me and the man.

The inside oozed of masculinity. It even had a masculine smell.

Then the man stood to the side.

Wait? The fuck? Who's in charge of all-

My thought was cut short when a man walked in. I turned my head to see Jason.

Expect Jason's clothes were different. They were a deep red. They oozed a devilish aura.

I really hated the color red, but damn it looked really good on him.

Jason and I just looked at each other for a long second. Then I started to laugh.

"The fuck are you wearing?" I gave a large smile.

Jason didn't smile. He narrowed his eyes and gave me a death glare.

The hell?

"Whoa, what's with that look? I thought we were friends." I put my hands on my hips.

Jason then noticed the green mark on my forehead. Then his eyes grew wide.


Oh shit! I forgot I look different!

"In the flesh," I smirked.

That's when Jason turned into a totally different person. He glanced at the man who immediately left in surprise.

Then he sat down in a chair and followed across from him.

"I wear this to intimidate people. Did it work?" He asked with a small smile. He also motioned at his clothes.

"You look..." I looked him up and down. "Very scary. From a scale of 1 to 10, a solid 10." I raised two thumbs.

"I didn't expect it to be you." He said.

"What? I wouldn't good enough to have a Water Spirit?" I raised an eyebrow.

He shook his head.

"Not that. I expected some girl who would fall for me and then I could use them to do work for me."

"Well, looks like we are both disappointed then," I said as I put my head in my hand.

"Oh?" He raised a brow.

"I hoped someone hot would have come out, but alas, life cannot be so nice I guess." I gave a boring look.

Jason's left eye twitched and his face froze, but he slowly recovered.

"I've never been called ugly," Jason said.

"Ugly? Who called you ugly?" I asked innocently.

"Very funny. Come, I want to show you something."

I got up and followed Jason.

We walked upstairs until we reached the top floor. Jason opened the door and the best thing for me to register was the smell. It smelled of medicine. I stepped in to see many bottles and papers.

"You wouldn't know this, but I sell many kinds of Potions. Some heal and others are poison."

I nodded as I looked around.

"So, is this a hobby then?" I asked simply.

"I would say so. I make these when I can but most of the time I'm gathering people to make my Clan stronger."

I nodded as I turned back to him.

"You clan looked quite strong. Why have you not made yourself known?" I asked.

"You wouldn't know, but there's a separate continent," Jason said.

My eyes grew wide.

"The one we live on now is called Pangea. The other one is called Heaven's Gate. Only the powerful live there. I personally could go, but I would like to have a clan so that when I go, I have a foothold."

All of his reasoning made perfect sense.

"Makes sense. Though I must ask, why did you bring me up here."

"Oh, yes. Because of this." Jason walked forward to a desk. He picked up a bottle of purple and yellow liquid.

"This is a very good Potion. I made it yesterday. I was going to sell it, but I'll give it to you. The Potion is called Toning Bones. It will strengthen your bones and attacks that once harmed you severely won't take much damage." He seemed very excited about talking about it.

I smiled warmly.

"Thank you, Jason." I accepted with gratitude.

I looked up to see him looking down at me with a surprised look.

"I almost forgot I had a name," Jason said.

"Then, what do people call you?" I asked.

"It depends, but all of my subordinates call me Lord or Lord Devil."

"What about the Hero thing?" I raised an eyebrow.

He nodded.

"Years ago I saved many people from an attack by a Celestial Beast gone berserk. Since then. Many have called me a Hero if they've seen me. Though only my subordinates do not. They fear me as their Lord. Some think I'm heartless and others respect it."

I nodded.

"Jason." A thought came to mind.


"Are Spirits hard to find?"

"Extremely. No one had a contract with an Elemental Spirit in many years. You're very lucky Kobe." Jason said.

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