Chapter - 40 - Gaining Experience

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I grinned evilly.

Aden slithered off and sat to watch.

The wolf was large and pure white. His eyes were a deep red. These wolfs got their name from their ability to smell their prey from a huge distance. Way longer than any normal wolf.

I was a little unsure of how to attack a Blood Wolf, but there was no harm in trying!

I opened up my coat and readied my hands. I narrowed my eyes and gathered water from the snow.

I activated Flight Steps and ran quickly around the wolf. The wolf lunges but I was just to quick. I became quite efficient in fighting in my skills so as long as I took him down quickly I should be alright.

I narrowed my eyes and darted at his underbelly. I used my small height to weave in and out of his attacks as I slowly started to get used to the movements.

Then I shot out some ice right out from under him. He cried out as ice dug into his fur. I saw as blood started flowing and the wolf cried out one last time before he fell over to fight no more.

I came forward and looked down at its face. Its head so large. I hummed as I took out a dagger. I lifted my sleeves and slammed my hand into the head of the wolf. I used water to clean away the blood while I dug for a moment. That's when I found it, a small white crystal. I lifted up the Beast Crystal to the sunlight.

I also used water to clean off the small crystal.

This wolf was of the Wind Element. I hummed to myself. Why didn't he use any wind skills? Maybe I caught him to off guard.

In any case, I got a Wind Crystal. I can use this to help level myself up!

Though this size won't do much good once I reach above 4th Rank. I smiled so myself as I put the Crystal in my bag.

I looked down at the wolf and thought for a moment. Oh hell, I bet wolf meat tastes good.

I reached down and started to dig out the wolf meat. I cut the back strap and some of the tender parts. I cleaned them off with water and wrapped them in some leather from my bag. I then picked up Aden and slipped the meat into my bag.

After all of this, I continued up the mountain, leaving the rest for the wild to eat.

It also got colder so I put on a mask over my mouth and nose. I also kept the hood down. I looked like any normal small child.

I walked for a bit until I started to hear a bunch of people talking. People? The last thing I wanted to do was deal with people.

I decided to not go anywhere near them. I turned away and walked in the other direction.

I was walking through the snow when I saw what seemed to be a large hairy animal. It had a lot of thick brown fur and a long tail. I had no clue what its face looked like.

I was quite curious as it was only Vicious Beast.

I stepped from the tree but it made no movement. I was a little confused but I just stepped forward. I got my water ready. I watched as I heard a crunch. Was it eating?

I walked more around to see bloody animals' faces and a bloody human. I watched as the animal bit down and tore into the person's abdomen.

Oh, that is, revolting.

That's when the Beast finally turned towards me. His face looked big but his eyes told a different story. They were a bright yellow and he had a very long yellow tongue. I knitted my brows.

Ew ew ew.

I decided at that moment this guy had to die. I got my water ready and used Flight Steps to dart around him quickly. That's when his tongue lashed out. It struck a tree and the tree was yanked from the ground and thrown.

Holy shit! Do not get caught by that!

I narrowed my eyes and kept running. I also shot out ice but the ice wasn't strong enough to penetrate his hide, so I used Ari and my Pure Energy. I created harder ice and shot it into his skin. They dug in and down cane the large hog Beast.

I walked closer as it took its last breath. What the fuck was this?

I took out the dagger again and slammed my hand into his head. Expect there wasn't a crystal. There was a bug instead. The bug looked dead. It was also bright yellow.

My eyes grew wide. What the fuck?

That's when I heard people show up. I looked up to see a big group of people making their way over. They looked to a part of a clan.


I stood up and looked at them all. Aden was hidden in my coat so there was nothing extra about me besides the fact I was small.

"Are you traveling alone?" An old man asked.

"Yes, now if you will excuse me." I turned to leave quickly.

"Wait! Would you like to travel with us?" He called out.

"No thanks!" I yelled out without looking back.

"Bu-" I cut him off.

I whipped around.

"I said no. Now fuck off." I said with eyes full of anger.

I then flipped back around and walked away. What is it with people! I say no and they still persist! Like holy shit! Leave me the hell alone!

I shook my head as I walked at a steady pace forward. I was still thinking about that yellow bug...what was that? I shook my head and kept forward. Whatever it was, it's dead now. I sighed and just kept forward.

Kobe the Beast Tamer Where stories live. Discover now