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The air was icy.

I shivered under its touch.

I turned my head and saw Abby playing with Tatiana in her Dragon form. Tatiana had grown so much. 

It made me think of Adien. He's a Beast God now.

"Honey." I heard behind me.

He wrapped his arms around me.

"Hey," I said softly.

"It's cold, do you want to go inside?" Jason asked.

"Mhm, I have to be careful," I said as I rubbed my stomach. "Abby, sweetie, let's go in," I called out.

"Okay, Mommy!" She yelled as she turned around. One red-eye and one Green one. The Deities have never seen such a thing.

Maybe it's because of Jason.

She ran over and we all walked into the Manor. A small comfortable Manor under the protection of the new human God and Devil God. How many years had it been since I had seen them?

Mei's child was already grown and had kids of his own. Makes me think of Ace and Alex. My sweet boys. Ace was wandering the world and Alex...the last I heard he has a family. He hates me deeply. I just hope he grows to forgive me for killing his mother and father. After all, I could never bring myself to tell him of his origins. Instead, I'd rather he hate me instead of himself.

I closed my eyes as I thought of my children now. I never thought I would have children of my own. I opened my eyes.

I watched Jason pick up Abby with a smile, I smiled. I'm sure glad I did.


Legends formed over time about Kobe. Some said she died by herself after her husband passed away suddenly. Others say she was still alive, looking over the world in secret.

And all together, it had been forgotten there was ever an evil Human God.

But the Beast never forgot. They remembered her and told anyone who would listen about their savior. After all, she created a real home for them in the south, on an island she found by chance.

They never forgot about Kobe, the Beast Tamer.


Authors Note:

This story has been with me for a long time.

Thank you readers for supporting me. Without you all, I wouldn't have been able to continue writing through the many writer blocks I've had.

Thank you again,



This is not the end. Side stories will be coming. Any Side Stories you guys want to see?

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