Chapter - 49 - The Golden Tree

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"Did you like being a Geisha?" I asked.

"There were some parts I enjoyed, but mostly I disliked it."

I nodded.

"What will you do now?" I asked.

"Follow you of course. There is nothing out there for me." She responded as she looked into the fire.

"You cant always follow me. One day you will find what you want to do." I said as I turned toward her.

"I doubt it. You basically saved my life when you took me away. Not to mention I'm happier now." She said as she turned to me.

After that, we remained quiet a fell asleep under the trees.

I awoke early in the morning before the sun had yet to rise.  The stars in the sky illuminated the trees in such a beautiful way. The forest turned into such an ethereal wonderland. I stood up and made my way through the forest. 

I could hear distant sounds of swaying trees, frogs, and different insects.

I paused, frogs?

My interest peaked and I started walking closer to the sound. Then almost out of nowhere a beautiful lake appeared before my very eyes. It seemed to be lit up by magic itself, but I knew that wasn't the case.

The glowing lights were definitely fairies. They all seemed to dance around the frogs playing with them.

I sat down and happily watched as they played. One fairy decided to come over to me and check me out. I thought more and decided to take out the pebble I received once before from a fairy.

Once I brought out the pebble all of the other fairies happily came over as well. I smiled and showed them all the pebble.

See, I've met one of you before.

One of the fairies came forward and sat on top of the pebble and pointed her small finger at me.

I tilted my head in confusion.

She pointed at the pebble and then back up at me and then back at her.

"Did you gift this pebble?" I asked.

The fairy nodded.

"You're very small," I said.

"You're very big." The fairy spoke up in her small voice.

I smiled wider.

"You are right. Compared to you I am very big." I replied. "My name is Kobe by the way."

"Love the name. My name is Chepi."

"Wonderful to meet you Chepi."

The rest of the night went like so until I got very sleepy and fell asleep. I awoke back at camp right where I fell asleep last night before I woke up and found the fairies.

Was it all dream?

I thought as much until I saw one sold-colored pink pebble. I picked it up in my hands and remembered what Master said. Pink was a fairy's most valued color...

"Kobe, you're awake." I heard beside me.

I looked up to see Oh MeMei walking up to me.

I nodded.

For the rest of the week until the last day me and OhMeMei laughed and talked. Sometimes we drew and other times we would read one of the few books we brought.

All in all, it was a nice vacation from the constant struggle of getting stronger.

In the last few days, the trees would stay with me and Oh MeMei packed up our things. Today we would be heading out of the forest. The last thing we needed was to wake up tomorrow and have to walk through tons of white leaves.

The trek back through the woods was fun. I even taught Oh MeMei eye spy.

Everything was great until suddenly I noticed something to the left. I stopped talking and lead Oh MeMei forward.

There was a golden-leafed tree.

I was so confused and so was Oh MeMei.

"Oh MeMei have you ever heard of a golden-leafed tree?" I asked.

"I'm just as shocked as you are."

I stepped forward toward the tree and noticed 6 ripe round fruits growing on the tree.

I blinked in surprise and reached my hand out.

I was about to touch a fruit when the tree sent out a limb slapped my hand away.

"Ow! What was that for, tree?"

The tree shook.

"You're keeping these fruits for yourself?" I asked.

The tree did a nodding movement.

"I can't have two?" I asked.

The tree shook its limbs as if to say no.

"Stubborn tree," I replied.

I thought for a moment.

"What about a trade?" I asked the tree.

The tree shook some.

I pulled out my emerald. It was of no use to me anymore. It was too impure.  If I wanted a more useful emerald I would need a purer one. Maybe this tree would want it.

Immediately the tree shook all over. It started to reach out a limb but I pulled back.

"Two fruits!" I stated.

The tree slowly took off two fruits and held them in a limb. Quickly we traded and had what we both wanted.

"I wonder what you'll use that Emerald for." I looked a the tree as it held the emerald as if it would break it. "Bye tree." I waved goodbye.

The tree lifted up a limb and waved back.

And like that, I found a weird fruit for me and Oh MeMei.

As we left we saw a bunch of people arguing.

I wasn't going to speak to them but they walked over.

"Hey!" I turned my head.

"Yea?" I asked.

"You guys see a golden tree?"

"No." I lied through my teeth.

"I told you two girls wouldn't know. They don't even look like they went into that forest looking for it." Another guy said.

"Why are you looking for a golden tree? I thought only white trees grew out here." I was still confused why a golden tree grew out there.

"Every year a golden tree grows randomly in this forest and grows at least 6 fruits. Each fruit will help anyone reach Rank 5. I'm surprised you haven't heard of it."

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