Entry Chapter - 2 - Dragons and Spirits

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My eyes grew as I read the words below the Entry.

In a different color. Newer.

"I lied."

My mouth grew dry as I ran my thumb over the words.


"Child, do you need to take a break?"

I looked up to see the Deity setting down some tea and pastries.

Wasn't sure where he got them, but I wasn't going to question it.

"Tell me...have you read this?" I asked.

"No." He shook his head. "Kobe left that here specifically for you."

I felt along the cover.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"Even I don't know." Said the Deity. "Well, I should say I'm respecting her wish."

"Her wish?" I looked over confused.

He sighed.

"Your mom didn't want anyone to look for her. She was pretty adamant about it. And well....."

"She scares you?" I asked.

He just nodded.

My mother is strong she always puts up a front around everyone. Even my dad. I recall times I saw her standing outside on the balcony.

Tears falling down her cheeks.

Did Dad know?

Why was she so sad?

I continued to read.

"Entry 10

36th Year 5th Month 20th Day

Today, me and Kobe received word that the Dragons want to visit Tatiana. Kobes a mess. She wants everything to be perfect.

So I retreated to my study to write something here."

I smiled. The Dragons did visit sometimes when I was growing up. Tatiana was always happy to see them.

I always heard them discussing quite loudly about Tatiana returning home. But she always refused.

Afterward, Tatiana would have to comfort Mom.

I wonder...

"What would happen if a Dragon got out of a contract with another Race?"

"I know what you're asking. And yes, the Dragons selfishly wanted their daughter Tatiana back." He said.

"What's the problem with that?" I asked.

"Your mother would have died." He said.

My mind froze.

They knew my mother would have died and still had the audacity to do what they did?

I felt like puking.

"Please don't puke in my Library." He said.

"Just...why?" I looked over confused.

"The Dragons are a selfish race. Once Kobe lost her green eyes, their love for her was gone. They realized they were being sort of mind controlled and wanted your mother dead." He said as he took a cookie.


I laid back in the chair.

"Entry 11

36th Year 5th Month 25th day

The Dragons left.

Kobe's crying. Tatiana told me what happened.

I want to destroy the whole damned race. She doesn't think I know. I have to act like I don't. She's trying so hard to be peaceable.

What should I do?

Entry 12

36th Year 5th Month 27th day

Kobe and me went out for supplies. The Empire Oh MeiMei and Theon built up is going quite well.

We even saw Ace. He was visiting Theon. He told us about Alex.

He still hates Kobe. She won't tell Alex about his Origins. Hell, even Ace doesn't know the whole story."

I paused. My older brother Alex died a few years ago. His wife and children didn't want me at the Funeral, but I showed up anyways. I only ever saw him a few times growing up.

There was one time in particular...Dad had a long talk with him. Afterward Ace made us leave.

After that, mom and dad had a massive fight.

If a recall, after that was when Alex secluded himself.

Seems like forever ago at this point.

Entry 13

36th Year 6th Month 4th Day

I haven't written for a while.

Kobe says the baby is moving. She can feel small flutters. Almost 5 months old. I wonder...what will the baby be when they're older?

I hope it's healthy."

I smiled.

"Kobe wants to have the baby at the Manor. I think it's best to give birth with the Spirits. After all...I'm a special case.

I won when she realized the baby's safety comes first."

I knitted my brows and looked up.

"Was Dad not a devil?" I asked.

The Deity chocked on his tea.

"Your mother never told you?" He asked.

"Told me what?" I clenched the journal.

"Your father is your father. Don't mistake that. But his body wasn't his."

"What?" It felt like my stomach dropped to my pelvis.

"Your father's Body was someone else's. The previous owner of that body was at death's door. Researchers did experiments on him with bugs called Guu. Healed the body but destroyed the Soul.

Your fathers a spirit who found its way into that body.

Most don't know this, but your mother figured it out. That Guu is used to make Host Bodies for Spirits. Spirits live long lives in such bodies."

I looked down and realized my hands were shaking.

"What does that make me?" I asked.

"Well, the deities aren't sure. This has never happened before. A host body has never been able to impregnate anyone before."

My mouth was quite dry so I reached to drink some tea.

"Don't think about it too much." The Deity said.


"The creator wanted you to be born, so you were born. He fulfilled Kobe's wish." He said.


"What wish?" I asked.

"Kobe wanted peace and she's got it. The creator threw you in as a gift. Though, I'm sure even he didn't know what you would turn out to be."

I bit my lip.

"What am I?" I asked.

"A Haven." He said as he continued to read.

"Im a freak," I said as I looked down at the journal.

"Ha!" He yelled out. "Look, kid."

I looked up.

The Deity waved his hand and a book floated into his grasp.

"This book is full of experiments. Experiments people did on other races because they could.

These people are freaks.

The way you look has no bearing on how freaky you are.

If you really must know, you're as beautiful as your mother."

My eyes grew and my cheeks flushed red.

I looked back down at the Journal.

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