Chapter 61 - In a play

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Oh, fuck this.

I turned around to walk off when a woman spoke up.

"Hey, you made that boy cry."

I ignored her and finished my cake. I kept forward and yawned in my hand.

I felt a hand coming for my shoulder so I turned around quickly and met her eyes.

"Touch me, and I will remove that hand." My voice was loud enough to scare her and make others quiet.

I twirled back around and hummed as I walked. I fell back into the crowd and looked around to see if any interesting things were going on. I saw a flyer on a building saying there was going to be a play in the town square a little later. I considered it and decided to go. I had only been to a play once before when I was young in my past life.

I looked around and asked a lady where the town square was. She pointed in a direction and so off I went. I walked through the crowd and hummed to myself as I did so. Crowds like this didn't affect me. If anything getting stuck on a train with it jammed full with people was worse.

I used a little bit of Flight Steps and swept through the crowd, almost like I was dancing. I didn't stop until I was met with the large town square. In the middle were a tent and a man yelling out they were almost sold out. I walked forward and signaled I would buy one.

"Young Master, you would like a ticket?" He asked.

"Yes please." I nodded and paid the man, 5 copper.

I walked inside the tent and sat down in the middle. Many were already talking about what the play might be about. I decided I didn't really care, I was just happy to watch.

I heard trumpets to the left and thought it was about to start until I saw the tent doors open and in came a palanquin. I was a little confused until I saw the chairs they had set up near the front of the action. I wondered what royalty would be seeing the play.

In came 3 other palanquins and out of them came what looked to be the Emperor, Empress, Juan LinYun, and a female I'd never seen before.

Oh? Was he getting married? How interesting. I guess he got over his thing with females.

I stood up like everyone and bowed to not draw attention but I did not follow with the greeting.

"Long live the Emperor." Everyone said.

"You may sit down."

After his statement, we all sat back down. I would glance every so often at them but never too much to draw attention. If anything, I noticed Jaun LinYun looked mad.

He must not like his lady friend.

About this time the play started and I focused on it. In the middle of the play, they paused, looked at the crowd, and asked for guests to come to the stage.

Many raised their hands, but I had no want to join in on that fun. Until a man with funny makeup stopped at me and stuck out his hand.

"Young Master, your eye color is very interesting might you join me on stage?"

I pursed my lips and decided to not cause a scene.

I nodded and stood.

I followed the man down on the stage with 3 other guests.

"It seems we have no females to play the princess, would you be our princess?" A  man asked a guest. She blushed and nodded.

"Would you be her Knight?" He asked another. He nodded.

"Will you be the princess's father?" The man nodded. You had to be careful about giving  someone random the position of a Emperor in front of the Emperor himself.

"And you, would you be the villain? He asked.

I smirked and nodded.

"Great, here. Take these and just start doing what they say. We will do the rest."

We all nodded and I read mine over until hit my line.

The story was about a girl who fell in love with her knight, but her father wouldn't allow it. He tried to have her married off to a Nobel, but in the end, she died by the Knight's side.

I actually took an acting class in high school, so I just channeled that into my part. If you hadn't guessed, I was the Nobel.

Finally, I was to enter.

"You are to marry this man!" I heard the man read.

I channeled my inner devil and walked out with dangerous eyes. I went up to her, bowed and placed my lips above her hand, but did not kiss. This was a play after all.

"You must be my bride to be." I raised my body and looked directly into her eyes with my dangerous ones. Except, she had completely forgotten her words.  I just smiled and continued. "It seems my beauty has no words, but this does not bother me. We have plenty of time to talk to one another."

I turned around to meet the male protagonist.

"Please don't get too close to Princess Yui." He said.

"She is to be my wife. I see no problem."

Now, the father of the Princess spoke up.

"Retire my daughter with your knight. I mu-"

Out of no were, my body reacted on its own. Flight Jumps activated, and I flew forward to save the actual princess before I had even realized it.

I grabbed an arrow from thin air and crack it in my hand. Juan LinYun was also on the move. He grabbed the man with the crossbow and threw him down on the ground. I turned toward the Princess. Just to see her looking at the situation in shock.

Then again, if I was her, I would be shocked too. It's not ever day you get shot at with an arrow.

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