Valintino - 2 -

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He tried to stop me as I walked around him. But I just put my hand up and shot fire at him. He quickly backed up in fear.

"Who you speak of is not here." He yelled.

"I'll see about that." I said as the army stood back but also on alert as I walked further in the encampment. Humans such weak creatures.

My mind was full of these thoughts as I stood staring at the large tent in front of me.

I took a deep breath and walked forward to the tent. As I opened the tent door, I saw her staring at the doorway. Her eyes grew.

"Holy shit, we were just talking about you," she said.

Still, the foul-mouthed girl I remembered. She looked older, but this world was full of mysteries.

"How did you grow so fast?" I asked.

"Oh, well....I'll tell you about that later. First, come meet my friends." She said with a smile

I sighed to myself and stepped forward. As she did.

"Everyone, this is my fiancé. Xuan JuanLin." She said, widening her smile.

Damn straight. I said to myself. I walked closer and slid my arm around her waist. I couldn't wait to leave here with her.

"Xuan JuanLin, this is Juan LinYun."

I knew I picked a common name, but damn.

"It seems we were meant to be aquatinted." Juan LinYun said to me. I guess he was right.

"Seems so, our names are very similar." I said.

"Can we know what he looks like?" Asked some other young man. Seemed he was an emperor.

Sure you can. I removed my mask. Suddenly, I felt something far away coming. We needed to leave right now.

They are coming for you. You have to come with me right now, or you will die." I said as I tensed up some.

"I can't." She said with anxiety showing up all over her face. Was she fucking stupid? Humans don't care about her. They just wanted her for her power! Couldn't she see that?

"Are you insane? They will kill you?!" I said. I could feel them getting closer. How was I supposed to fight it? I couldn't. It's not like the Beast would litsen to me. Hell, I couldn't get out those grubs if I tried.

"I can't leave them, and they won't leave their people. Those people must know, I know them, and they will use that knowledge." She said as the rumbling grew around us.

"So you're going to die?!" I screamed. Rage was filling my body as I stared at her in shock.

"IF THAT MEANS EVERYONE ELSE LIVES? IN A HEARTBEAT!" She screamed back with power.

I stepped back.

"Ha, you were a mistake." I said as I turned to leave. I should have known.


"We must leave." Said my attendant.

"I know." I said. "I just received word they attacked the Nymphs. Gather anyone who can fight. While that woman is fighting with Sirens, we must hold them back on the mainland." I grabbed my sword and readied my mind.

"Do you regret it?" He asked behind me.

"Would it change anything?"

No answer. Though  there didn't need to be one.

As I exited the Manor, I saw the man who was a better leader than I ever was. The old man was right when he turned me away as a disiple, I wasn't worthy of it.

"You must be Valintino." He said. "My name is Theon. We don't have time."

He was right.

"Teleport the war has already started, I fear." He said.

We all nodded and teleported.

He was right. The fighting had started.


We burst forward and started cutting down the humans in front of us. They wore distinctive clothing, so it wasn't had to know who we should go after.

As I cut down someone, I looked up to see a strong human fighting some other strong person. Until he fell from the air. His legs. Fuck.

I ran forward and grabbed him. Raising my hand into the air fire exploding in the direction of the enemy.

"Hang on." I said.

"I believe her." He said.

I looked down. It was the man from before. The Emperor.

"She was better than any of us." He said as he closed his eyes.

My mouth grew dry as I handed him off to medics.

That's when I heard the roars and yelling. Dragons flew above me. Elfs jumped in the air while firing arrows down upon the human army.

My determination grew as I released my power upon the enemy. There was no way I was powerful enough to reach the leader, so I powered through what I could. After all, reaching Rank 8 was hard enough.

As we started gaining momentum against the large enemy, a large boom was heard. We all turned as a woman crushed the leaders neck within her hand.

My eyes grew.


Power radiated off of her.


My heart pounded in my chest as she spoke.

"Hear me!" She yelled with power. "The Human God is DEAD!"


As the enemy laid down their weapons, I couldn't help but laugh.

Some screamed in cheers while others laid on the ground.

I slowly made my way to the medic tent where I saw her go. I waited.

She exited.

Our eyes met. Disgust was all I saw.

There were so many things I wanted to say.

"You're the Haven God." I said with regret. "Kobe..."

"Fuck off." She said as she passed by me.



The Manor was quiet.

Then again, no one lived in it, but me.

My attendant is married. They expect a child in 4 months.

After I finished my meal, I quietly exited my Manor into the front pasture. The morning dew made the world around me smell quite delightful.

I closed my eyes.

The world around me changed as I opened them.

The cave seemed to call my name.

Before I realized it. I was standing at the edge. The molten rock seemed to call my name as I closed my eyes as I took a step over the precipice.

This is enough.

Kobe the Beast Tamer Where stories live. Discover now