Chapter - 110 - A Little Boy

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Once I reached the guild, I noticed something off. I could sense it. Fear.

I put out my senses further and searched for the smell. I got a small hint so I entered. There were many men around so it would be hard to determine which one was the shooter.

I put on the persona of a girl in need of a hitman. I walked up to the counter and rang the bell. A man with fear in his eyes came up to me.

"Little miss, the mercenary guild isn't accepting jobs at the moment, please come back another day."

Not accepting jobs?

"I have a lot of money," I said as I look out a big money bag.

His eyes lit up but he quickly dismissed it.


He was cut off by a hooded individual coming up behind him.

I was short so I could see his mouth. It looked like it had a nasty scar. I put out my senses and smelled him.

He had traces of the man but he wasn't him. An imposter? Most likely. Must be the robe.

Quickly, I leaped onto the counter and smashed down on his face with the bottom of my heel. He was low rank so I easily took him out.

As he fell, I ripped off the robe and checked it over as I turned and made my way back outside.

I could feel the shock around the room.

"Miss, your money." I heard behind me.

"100 Sliver. Take it."

I said as I left.

The cape seemed to not have anything special. Just a normal black cape. I almost threw it to the side, but I realized I was being watched. I couldn't tell from where so, as I walked, I folded up the cape and sent out Hawkeyes.

From the scared reaction of the guild members, I knew whoever he was, he was well known among them. And whether that meant he killed someone or he was just a well-known figure was still up for debate.

So I did what any reasonable person would do and I slipped into an ally filled with homeless people. Because of anyone knew anything it was homeless people with nothing to lose.

People begged and some tried to grab at me. But once I sent one flying, they stopped and let me be.

I looked over the crowd and settled on a little boy about 8 years of age. His eyes were covered by a lot of hair, but I felt he was still watching me.

So, I walked up to him and bent down.

"You're cute. Wanna become my master's slave?" This was all I could say. Less I cause too much attention in front of these people.

He just stayed still.


Well shit.

"Mmmm, too bad."

I quickly chopped his neck and he fainted. But almost just as quickly he seemed to be waking up.

The hell?

I reached forward and poured in healing energy to slow brain activity, so he'd stay asleep.

I lifted him up and realized this boy had no scars. His body was actually quite soft under the dirt and grime. A nobles child? Most likely. Probably why he didn't want to be a slave of one.

I walked out of the ally and into a random inn. I requested a room and once I entered, I tied him up and let him wake up. He immediately woke up and started to struggle against the bonds.

"I just want information and I'll let you go. I've got no need to hurt you or sell you."

He raised his head but just like before his long hair covered his eyes. The kid stopped struggling and spoke up.

"What do you want to know?" He asked.

"There's a man that's been through this area. The mercenaries are scared of him and he wore this." I threw out the robe.

He immediately moved away from the robe.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"I don't know. I don't even think the mercenaries know. He just came into town a week ago and killed Gu the leader of the mercenary guild. After that, everyone has been terrified of him."

I knew the kid was telling the truth.

"Why are you looking for that man?" He asked.

"Knowing things you shouldn't get you in more trouble than you want," I said. I got up and untied the child.

After I did, I turned around and took off my hat. I was getting all sweaty under it.

"You're just letting me go?" He asked.

"Yes. Now leave before I change my mind." I said as I pulled out a food bar.

"Can I follow you?" He asked.

I stopped eating and turned my head.

Once the kid saw my face, his body language immediately changed. He started to shake some and he stepped back.

"Didn't know I looked that scary," I said.

"Y-your eyes."

"What about me?" I asked as I sat down while also taking a chunk out of my food bar.

He raised his bangs and right there in front of me were green eyes just like mine.

I choked on my food bar but quickly recovered. Having green eyes didn't mean he was a devil.

There was really only one way to find out.

"Calm down," I said softly as I dropped to my knees. "I can heal you. I'm gonna cut your finger to see something."

"No!" He screamed.

"Hey," I said softly as I grabbed his shoulders. "I'm not a threat. I'm like you."

He stopped struggling. I took out a dagger and sliced my index finger. It quickly healed and he gasped.

"I'm not alone..." The child started to cry and as I brought him into my arms.

"I still need to test it," I said as I brought up his hand. I cut his finger and it instantly healed.

"How about a haircut?" I asked with a smile in my eyes.

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