Chapter - 76 - The Sirens

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When I awoke from my 'death' I was laying next to Aden on a beach. Around me were corpses and bones. I smelt something that surrounding everything.

Thought so.

It was just a dream. The man in the dream had no power to him and my voice wasn't hoarse.

About a second later Aden also woke up, but he had tears in his eyes.

"I didn't die," I said. My voice was dry and hoarse. I needed water.

Aden turned his head and grabbed onto me.

I knitted my brows.

"Let go." I felt very weak but I still raised my hands to his chest.

"I thought I lost you." He held me tighter.

"Aden, let go." The only thing that I hated more than the color red was the human touch. I shall never understand why people need such a thing.

He finally let go but the tears were still there.

I started to feel a little bad for doing that but I had to. I had a strong feeling that all of it was just a dream.

I took water from my space and started to drink.

"Need some?" I asked after I drank.

"No." He started to compose himself.

"Stay near me or we might enter another dream," I said. I lifted the mermaid's eye. "This is the only thing keeping us from falling into another dream."

The eye turned in hand and looked up at me.

"What? Your still fucking creepy." I said. The eye just turned and pointed in a direction.

Gotta keep moving. There's just one problem, I can't move. Shit, Aden's gonna have to carry me.

"Aden.." I turned my head and gave him a strained smile.

He nodded and picked me up.

I noticed I was still a boy, but my clothes looked torn. What the hell tore my clothes?

"Aden, do you know what tore my clothes?" I asked.

"When Ari's power flooded your body, your body grew to that of a full-grown man. Your clothing ripped during that."

I nodded.

"What about my mask?" I asked.

"It shattered."

"For fucks sake, that mask cost me a pretty coin too," I said angrily.

Aden smirked as he continued to carry me.

I decided to let him follow the eye while I slept. I was awoken by Aden calling out my name.

"Kobe, Kobe."

I opened my eyes and grumbled.

"Yes?" I looked up to see him looking down at me.

"We have a problem." He responded.

I turned my head and looked out to see fish people. They didn't look like mermaids. They had no hair and just fins around their circular heads. Their colors varied in between dark greens and dark purples. Their eyes were shaped like a fish. Their nose didn't exist and their mouths were large.

But the biggest difference was the very obvious legs.

I also noticed that there looked to be no reproductive organs on their naked bodies.

"You beast, you care for a human?" The fish person spoke fluent English.

"Hey fish brains, I speak English," I said.

The fish people started to talk among them selfs.

"Look..." I spoke up. "I bring no harm to you guys. I only come to return a mermaid that was captured."

The fish that spoke up first, stepped forward.

"Give me their eyes and leave this instant before I change my mind."

My eyebrows knitted together.

"Hold on, you're telling me that I traveled 2 weeks for you to tell me that you don't want them back?" I was absolutely shocked.

"Once a mermaid is taken away, they are not allowed back." The fish shook its head.

"Why is that?" I asked.

The fish sighed.


"Sickness?" I questioned.

"That mermaid is contaminated. If it were to enter back with the other mermaids. It would surely cause many to die and the mermaid's numbers are already low. We sirens protect the mermaids from people who try to hurt them.

After all, without them, there would be no peace in the world."

I remembered that feeling I felt.

"Wait, what do you mean there would be no more peace?"

"Mermaids are gods all on their own. They each possess a special power. It being peace. All a mermaid does is breath and in turn, release peace into the air. At one time, mermaids roamed everywhere and this whole world was devoid of war.

Until one human was born with pure Evil Blood. He was shunned by all other humans and therefore wanted all humans to hate each other. They called him, the Demon Emperor.

He roamed the land killing every single mermaid until there were only 5 left. At that time, he was murdered by the same people that he trusted. Even they couldn't handle seeing the world turn into such a dire state.

After that, a group of humans appeared and brought the world some peace. They established this place to be a home for us and the mermaids."

I nodded.

"Wait, then if this has been here for a long time, why are there still so few mermaids."

"That would have to do with the great disaster that happened almost 900 years ago. A mermaid was returned and we were happy so we placed it back, but it had a sickness that wiped out a lot of them. After that, a war spread over the land again."

I took in a sharp breath.

"I see, may I see what she says about this?" I asked.

The fish nodded.

I entered my space and saw her dejected expression.

I went up and placed my hand in the water.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Kill me, I can't live like this. Please kill me, Please." She pleaded.

I left my space.

"She wants to die," I said.

The sirens looked sad.

I sighed.

"I can end her life peacefully, and give you her eyes, but until I get better, I'm staying here."

They all looked at each other.

Kobe the Beast Tamer Where stories live. Discover now