Chapter - 20 - No, I do not have feelings for you

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I continued behind the old man and we walked for some distance. We passed people and they all paid their respects with small bows. I just stayed behind the old man.

Then we made our way to what looked to be a library.

"This is a martial book library. The higher your Rank, the higher you can go up."

I looked up at the many stories of this Library. 6 Stories, so 6 Ranks?" I asked.

He nodded.


"How is it labeled?" I asked.

"By Element. You can only check out one book at a time. Now what you can learn from the book, is up to you. There are rare books in there all over the place but whether you find them is all up to you." The old man turned around and walked away.

I turned toward the library but didn't go in. Why should I go in if I can't even read!

I just hummed as I looked around. What to do...I tapped my arm with my other hand and thought deeply. What should I do?

I decided I should just go back to sleep, so I made my way back toward the Inner Disciple part.

I was halfway to my room when I saw the shy boy from yesterday. He hadn't noticed me as he played with a bird.

"Hey." I waved as he flipped around and the bird flew off. "Sorry." I gave a giggly smile and turned toward my room.

After I reached my room, I passed out on my bed. I slept for the whole afternoon. It was the middle of the night when I awoke. I yawned and got up. I put on an inner gown and walked into my sitting area. I was crazy hungry so I pulled out some ingredients and made myself some late night dinner.

After dinner, I decided to go and look at how my hair was doing.

I combed it out and looked in the mirror. It had definitely grown longer. It was a little bit lower than shoulder length.

My hair was a nice black and my eyes matched it well. I also noticed that my skin had cleared up very nicely from how it once was. I looked like a healthy young girl.

Then I heard a knock at my door.

The actual fuck? Who decided the middle of the night was a good time to visit?

I put on an outer robe quickly and walked to the door. I opened to find the shy boy from earlier. He turned toward me and shock was written all over his face. Did he not think I would answer the door?

"Yes?" I questioned.

"I live over there." He pointed behind him at the 1st courtyard.

"Lovely, was that all?"

"M-my name is Xiong HoLing." He said.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Chen FaSin."

"Go-goodbye." He turned and left suddenly.

I shook my head and got ready to close the door. Sadly though, it wasn't meant to be. Because Juan LinYun decided to make an appearance.

He appeared out of the clear blue at my door after Xiong HoLing left.

"Chen FaSin, I have a question."

"Can it wait for tomorrow?" I asked.

"No." He shook his head.

"Okay, speak." I waited for him to say whatever it was, I wanted to get back inside. It was chilly outside.

"How do I reject a girl?" He looked serious.

It took all I had not to laugh. Don't laugh, the man needs help I said to myself. I took a deep breath and looked at him calmly.

"Just be upfront, but not to mean. Just say something like, 'I'm not interested in a relationship right now, but thank you for the offer.' Got it? Okay, I'm going to cultivate." I turned around to leave and shut the door.

"Wait, Chen FaSin." He stopped me again.

"Holy mother fucker, what?" I opened the door wide this time.

"I'm not interested in a relationship right now, but thank you for the offer." He said with seriousness.

"Are you trying it on me or what?" I raised a brow.

"I'm letting you know I don't want a girlfriend." He said matter of factly.

"Wait, what the hell are you talking about?" I was so confused.

"You like me." He said. His face was still serious.

"The hell I do! What are you talking about? I'm 11! I don't like you at all in that way. If anything you are like an annoying ice cube. Now, would you please go for fucks sake?!"

I slammed the door before he could say anything else. My life was in, no way, gonna be some romantic book at the age of 11.

I huffed and went to cultivate.

So the days leading up to school starting went as such. I didn't spend much time out and nothing crazy happened. I was left alone by the 3 dorks and cultivating was a peaceful experience.

Then the day of school starting came. Today was not only the day I would find out who was all in my grade, but I would be ranked in my class.

I dressed up a little bit more and actually did a nice braid in my hair.

I left my courtyard and saw Juan LinYun and Wang HuDan talking. I pursed my lips as they both turned my way.

I started walking forward to them both, but I noticed something with Hawk Eyes. It was fast and coming from the right.

I narrowed my eyes as I stared in the direction it was coming from. A large white snake shot through the forest and straight at me. My eyes shot open.

I stood still and gave a smile.

The snake landed on the ground. He was big and towering as he stood over me.

"Wow, it hasn't been that long, but you grew like a weed." I had laughter in my eyes.

"Funny, what are you doing at a school?" He started shrinking back to his small self.

I yawned.

"Learning Chinese Characters," I replied. "Don't you remember?" I said as I bent down to Aden, so he could crawl on to my arm.

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