Chapter - 80 - Entering Nymph Palace

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On the ground in front of me were so many pure white bones. They laid all over the ground. Completely covering everything. The area they covered was very large. In the middle was a floating rock, but I decided it would be best to just not mess with that.

The bones were also starting to creep me out so I sprinkled dust all over us and immediately a bright light shinned.

Mei and I opened our eyes in a new unknown place. We were in the middle of a thick forest.

I decided to be a girl since these were all nymphs and I dressed in a very nice black outfit. It had silver designs on it shaped like flowers and a silk white sash.

Mei also got ready in a pink outfit and off we went.

We followed the wedding invitations as they floated until they turned in separate directions.

"I'm sure is just the Nymphs being safe. I'll see you there Mei." I smiled.

She nodded and we followed our own.

After an hour of walking, I hit a clearing. In front of me were Nymphs going about their daily lives. They all wore different shades of green. Their clothing was loose and free. It didn't accent anything in particular, but it sure looked beautiful.

I took a step forward and all of the conversations stopped. All eyes turned toward me.

I smiled as I continued to walk forward.

Then all at once, the Nymphs swarmed me. What in the fuck?!

"Your the one Empress Ira spoke of!" One yelled.

"I want to touch her!" Another yelled.

Immediately, my mind went into flight. I jumped off the ground and into a tree.

"Keep your distance please," I said with a strained smile.

Then a man appeared with a whole group of people. I knew immediately that it was Xiong HoLing.  He didn't wear green like the rest, but a long flowing white outfit.

It covered all of his limps but it still showed off his broad shoulders and waist with a simple belt.

He also wore a silver crown on top of his hair.

He looked up and saw me looking down at him. I smiled and dropped to the ground.

"Well, don't you look like royalty," I said as I looked up at him.

He smiled as he looked down at me.

"I'll let her in with your word." I knew he was talking about Mei.

"I would like that," I said.

He nodded and waved his hand. Immediately, Mei stumbled out of the forest.

I smiled as she looked up.

She quickly ran forward and bowed to Xiong HoLing.

"Thank you for allowing me in." She said.

"No need to be formal. You are trusted by Kobe." He said.

She stood up and smiled.

"Come, my mother is waiting." I followed behind him with Mei.

Shortly, we reached a green and white building. The materials I was unsure of but the building itself was extraordinary. It was certainly something I didn't expect.

I walked in behind him and immediately caught the smell of something calming. It reminded me of the mermaid.

The hell?

We walked into a sitting area and I was in awe. The chairs and tables were made of vines and flowers. There were small birds and open windows to let in the air.

In the middle sat Ira. She wore a white outfit too. Her eyes were still the same emerald green as before. On the other side of her sat a very beautiful Nymph. Her hair was over her shoulder in a very loose braid and her outfit was a light green.

I smiled but I was immediately caught off guard by a running Ira.

"Kobe!" She yelled in happiness.

My smile stiffened and I hid behind Mei.

Mei stiffened as she stood there.

"Kobe! It's been so long since I've seen you! Why don't you give me a hug?" She asked in happiness.

I peered behind Mei.

"I don't do hugs. How about...a handshake." I put out my hand.

"Hand shake?" She blinked in confusion.

"Put this hand in mine." I grabbed her right hand and put it in my right hand.

She nodded.

"Then shake." I shook my hand up and down slowly.

"Oh." She nodded. "Never did I think I would learn something knew after all of these years." She looked up and noticed my green eyes. Her green eyes got very large. "OH MY GOODNESS! You!"

"What?!" I was utterly confused. "Do I look bad?"

"No, no. Kobe, how did you get your green eyes?" She asked.

"I woke up with them," I replied truthfully.

"You woke up with them?" She repeated.

I nodded.

She sighed.

"My great great great grandmother is Arantxa Langston."

My mind immediately went back to that book. Then I realized.

"HOLY FUCK!" I yelled. "Arantxa Langston lived close to 10,000 years ago!"

Ira's eyes grew big.

"You know of her?"

"Oh course I do! Her and her siblings could well be my ancestors in this world."

"Kobe, come sit with me." She brought me over to a chair. "When Arantxa was alive, her elder brother fell in love with her, but she was against such a marriage and ran away. Her two younger siblings were also against the marriage and tried to persuade him against it. He wouldn't listen and tried everything to track her down.

Little did he know, Arantxa married a human and had a child. When her elder brother found out, he was livid. He murdered Arantxa and her husband in a rage. The child got away and was found by a Nymph.

Later on, her elder brother distanced him self from everyone. He has long been presumed dead. Unless you are a god or goddess, you can not live for more than 3000 years."

I nodded.

"Then I would have to be a descent of one of the younger siblings."

She nodded.

"As far as I know. After the death of their beloved sister. Both younger siblings left and started their own Empire."

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