f o u r t e e n

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The day went great. We watched movies, ate pizza, played games, and we went to the hideout. I had a lot of fun today.

"Bye, see you guys tomorrow." I waved them goodbye before entering the door.

They already left, leaving me and Chan alone, again.

"Come on, we'll sleep now. But before that, you need to drink your medicine so you'll be really fine." He said, going to the kitchen.


"No buts, Y/n, I heard you coughing earlier." He said, pointing his finger at me.

"Aww!" I said, sitting down the couch. He continued to the kitchen, and came back with my medicine and a glass of water.

I drank it, though I hate the taste of it. It's so bitter~

He brought back the glass in the kitchen and we both went upstairs, to our room.

I entered my room, and flopped into the bed.

So much happenings today.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

But something is scratching on my window.

Or someone?

I rose up and went to the window, and saw something black.

It has a tail?

I decided to open it and had a clear view of what's that thing.

"Meooowww!" A kitten jumped to my feet and brushed his head against my leg.

I rose it up and look at him.

"You cutie kitty, where are you came from?" He purred softly, seems like he's lost.

"Well, you came to the right person. I'll take care of you." I put him down and he excitedly ran around me.

"I'll just tell Chan about this."

I walked to the door and he followed me. As I opened it, he ran fast as he went out of my room.

I knocked on the next door.

"Hey Chan?" I called. Few minutes later, he opened the door, revealing a sleepy Bang Chan.

"Ohh, you're still awake?" He said, rubbing his eyes and still adjusting from the light.

"Look what I found." I said, looking down. The kitten rubbed his head in Chan's foot.

"WHA- DID YOU WENT OUT?" He asked, almost angry in that tone.

"No, of course not. And will you lower down your voice? You might disturb the neighbors." I said, calming him down.

"I was going to sleep, but this lil' guy came, scratching in my window. He seems to be lost, so I took him in and will take care of him." I said, making him calm.

"Okay, but you're the one responsible for his dirts." He said, pointing his finger at me.

I nodded, making his smile.

"Good. Now, go to sleep."

We both ran to our room, and jumped to the bed. He did jumped as well and lied down beside me.

I petted his head, making him close his eyes and rubbed his head against my hand.

"You're so cute." I smiled at his lil' purrs.

"We should sleep now. Chan will be mad if we don't sleep as soon as possible." I said, turning off the lights. I put the comforter above us and slept tight.

• • •

I woke up from something wet on my cheeks. I opened my eyes and saw my kitten licking me.

"Hey stop it, it tickles!!" I giggled, but he didn't stopped.

"Come on, let's make breakfast." I told him and he went to the door. I opened it and he ran downstairs.

"Good morning Y/n!" Someone greeted me from downstairs. I turned to him and saw Minho walking to the kitchen.

I saw my kitten ran to his legs and brushed his body against Minho's legs.

"Awww! A kitty!" He said, petting his head. I walked to them and watched him adored the kitten.

"What's his name?" Changbin asked, joining Minho in petting the kitten.

"It doesn't have name yet."

"Let's name it Sooni!" He said.

"Eww hyung!" Changbin said, looking at him with a grossed face.

"Then, let's name it Doongi."

"No. Don't."

"Then, what about Dori?" Changbin just shook his head.

"Not your cat names. It's so old-fashioned." Minho raised his hand, ready to smack Changbin in his head.

"I'll kill you." Minho mouthed, making Changbin laugh, mouthing "I love you" back to Minho.

"Then, what should we call him?" I asked them, making them looked at me.

"Should we call him Seuji?" Chan came, sitting down beside me.

"Why Seuji?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Sounds cool to me."

"Okay, we'll call him Seuji."

Minho and Changbin nodded, playing with Seuji again. Chan and I just watched them playing.

"Breakfast's serve!" Someone yelled from the kitchen. Probably Hyunjin, because I saw him dancing some weird moves.

We all walked to the kitchen, sat down the dining table, and ate food made by Felix and Seungmin.

Chan gave me a plate of brownies.

"That's Felix's brownies. Try it." He said, smiling widely.

I grabbed one, and bit a few of it.

But, just biting it, I felt the softness of the brownie. I munched it and tasted a delicious, sweet taste. It's not that too sweet, and not that blant in taste.

This is perfect~

I smiled at Chan, bitting more of it.

"I love it." I said, making him smile.

"I sure you do."

We started eating our breakfast, of course, made by our Master Chefs Seungmin and Felix.

After, we stayed in the living room and watched movies. I was sitting between Jeongin and Chan.

Suddenly, Chan stood up and held his phone in his ears, then walked outside.

The door opened, entering Chan and went to me. He went to my ears and whispered.

"Come with me."

He pulled my arms and we went to my room.

"Pack your things." He suddenly said, without looking at me. He's still holding his phone, texting someone.

"Why?" I was standing there, not knowing what to do. I was just looking at him.

"Just listen to me and follow what I will say, okay?" He said, now looking at me. Those eyes, it says something.

I nodded as response, going to the closet and packed my things.

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