f i f t e e n

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Chan helped me carrying my luggage. I didn't brought a lot because he said so.

I carried Seuji in my hands and walked outside. Then, a van was waiting outside.

"Where are we going?" I asked him, looking at me with worry in his face.

Instead of answering, he pulled me to the back seats and sat there.

"We'll get you out of here." He said. Everyone hopped in and the van started. It drove off, leaving our neighborhood.

Seeing him with anxiousness in his face, it made me sad. I don't know what to do.

"Just relax there. I'll protect you." I nodded as response.

I looked back, seeing some men in hoodies staring at us, then they walked towards Chan's house.

"Uhm Chan? Who are those men?" I asked, clutching Chan's shirt sleeve. He smiled at me and hugged me tight.

"Don't worry about that. What matters is that we're all fine." He said, brushing his hand in my hair and kissing my head.

I rested my head in his shoulders and tried to sleep.

I felt a hug from my side. I raised my head and saw Jisung hugging me tight.

"I'll protect you Y/n, no matter what."

He smiled at me, but there's something else in it. Like there's something behind his smile.

"Why are you guys acting like someone is going to hurt me?" I asked him, looking straight in his eyes. He also looked at me, more like communicating me through telepathy.

"We just, want to protect you from bad guys." Minho butted in, turning his head at us from the front seat.

"Why? Why are they going to hurt me? I'm not even that special." I asked, making everyone quiet.

"Yes of course. To me, to us, you're special, so we save you." My attention focused at Chan.

I stared at him. His reactions were both worried and sad. Am I really that special?

"What actually made me special??" I asked as I looked at them. They looked at each other, asking who'll answer my question.

"Aside from the fact that we're on a mission, we already got attached to you. We don't want to leave your side." Hyunjin said as he looked at the others. I nodded and smiled at them.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you all as well. Even if a bullet will come to you, I'll cover you all with this tiny body." Everyone just laughed at me. "What?"

"I bet you won't move your place if you got pointed with a gun." Chan jokingly said, then he laughed at me.

"Duhh, I bet everyone can't move when someone pointed a gun to us." Then everyone started mocking each other. They really like teasing each other.

Then after that, they settled on their sets. The rest of the ride is quiet. Not that awkward silence, but a relaxing one. Everyone is asleep and taking a nap for the long ride.

I turned to Chan who's sleeping with his favorite neck pillow.

Ohh wait, that's the neck pillow I gave him for his 18th birthday.

I stared at him with a wide smile on my face. He's so cute with that pillow.

"Hey Y/n?" Someone tapped my shoulders. I turned around and saw Jisung looking at me.

"Uhm, you want to watch with me?" He said, showing his phone playing a video of some sort of planets.

I nodded, giving me the other earpiece and we watched until we arrived our destination.

Everyone woke up, and went out of the van.

"A hotel?" I asked, making them chuckled.

"Condominium." Jeongin corrected me.

"With the money I earned, I decided to bought a unit there in case of emergency, and here we are." Minho explained.

"Wait, I thought you bought a lot of cats for your pet collection?" Changbin asked the elder. He just chuckled.

"I bought three, named them Sooni, Doongi and Dori, and left them in my Mom's house for companion." He said.

"More like troublemaker." Jisung joked, making everyone laughed.

"Yahh, a dog brings more trouble than a cat." Minho said, defensively, making Hyunjin glared at him.

"Kkami never brought trouble at home, except he always ignores me." Hyunjin fake cried, Jeongin carrassed his back because of the fake cry.

Others just facepalmed. Well, who wouldn't.

"Let's get in. Someone might see us." Chan said, rushing inside.

We came to the lobby. Minho talked to one of the staffs, maybe asking things. Then, he called us to the elevator.

"Room 419." He said, pushing the button of 4th floor.

It went up, until we stopped in the 4th floor. The metal doors opened, revealing a long hallway.

"Let's go, the unit is right there." Minho pointed to the door from afar.

We walked down the hallway until we reached the second to the last door. It says 'Room 419'.

Minho pulled out his swipe card from his wallet and swiped it beside the door. It opened.

We hurriedly went in, assuming that someone is staring at us and watching every moves we make.

They shut the door and we're all suprised how luxurious the living room is.

Everyone plopped in the couch and threw their bags on the side, except Chan who's going around the place.

"There's only 1 room with 1 bed. We'll let Y/n sleep there. All of us are sleeping here in the living room." He said after his observation around the unit.

I went with him to the room he said, and saw how luxurious it is.

"Surely, Minho has a lot of money to afford something like this." I chuckled, making Chan smiled.

"Well, we all earn money so it's not a problem for him. He's the only child in his family after all." He said, pulling my luggage and put it in my bed.

"Thank you." He smiled at me, then kissed me on my forehead.

He left me, while I'm fixing my things and placing everything in the cabinet available here.

I plopped in the bed, slid in the comforter and went to sleep.

• • •

Happy 500 reads for this book!

I didn't expect for this book to be recognized this much.

All I thought at first, no one will read this but as the reads increased and many readers added this book in their reading list, it made me happy. Really.

Thank you for reading and voting my book, you know who you are.

I will work harder than before for making this book more interesting.

I love y'all!!!


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