t h i r t e e n

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Another day came. I got well because these guys are taking care of me.

And speaking of them, they slept here. Some here in my room, and some in the living room.

Good thing it's Saturday today.

I rose up from my bed, quietly walked passed the sleeping boys, avoiding to wake them up.

I opened the door, seeing Chan on the other side with wide smile plastered on his face.

"Good morning princess!" He said, putting his hand in my forehead, then smiled.

"How do you feel now?" I smiled. "Great."

He grabbed my hands and pulled me downstairs. I saw the other boys still sleeping. Chan and I are the only ones awake.

"Hey Chan?" I whisper yelled, he then stopped pulling me and turned to me.


"Can I cook breakfast?" He smiled, nodding.

He dragged me again until we reached the kitchen.

We started preparing the breakfast. I thought of making some pancakes. I already miss Mom and her homemade cooked food.

I remember, she always woke me up, then dragged me to the dining table and saw a bunch of breakfast, though we're just the only ones at home.

I mixed up all the ingredients and started heating the pancake pan, or something like that.

Then, two boys came in, rubbing their hands to their eyes.

"Good morning." Felix greeted in husky and low voice.

"Good morning!" Chan greeted back.

Seungmin washed his face first before greeting us good morning.

"Hey Y/n, you feeling well?" He added. I nodded while putting the batter in the pan.

"Ohhh pancakes! I wanna learn how to cook that!" Felix said energetically.

Seungmin ran to me as well.

I both gave then the batter. I grabbed the chopsticks and showed them how to flip the pancake.

"It's quite harder than I thought." Seungmin said, making Chan laugh.

"We can do this, of course." Felix motivated him. He walked away and grabbed something. He came back and showed it to us.

"Spatula is the secret." I chuckled while nodding.

I removed the cooked pancakes and let them cook.

"Wait, the butter!" Chan said, making them stopped from putting the batter.

"Yeah right, the butter." Seungmin got the butter and put a lot of it.

"Isn't it too much?" I asked, making them stopped again.

I grabbed a tissue and a chopstick, and dipped the tissue in the butters to lessen the butter in the pan. "You can use this instead of putting another spoon of butter."

They smiled to me and continued their business.

They put the pancake batter in the pan and waited until the other side was cooked.

We're focused on the pancake, and didn't realized that the other boys were already awake, watching us cooking.

Someone put his hand in my shoulders and some on my head, then greeting us good morning.

We greeted back, then focused again to Felix and Seungmin.

"What are they cooking?" Hyunjin asked, messing my hair.

"Pancakes." I looked to him, then to the boys.

I saw Felix flipping the pancake and it landed perfectly. I went to Chan and whispered.

"He's great at cooking, right?" He nodded, smiling.

"Stray Kids' Master Chef."

I observed them from my place. They must have interest in cooking, and they wanted to learn cooking pancakes, which is the easiest meal a person can learn.

"You must taste his brownies, everyone loves it." He added, looking straight at Felix.

Seungmin removed the pancake from the pan and went to me. "Is it good?" I smiled at him, nodding as response.

He went back to Felix and made some more. Chan dragged me to sat down.

"Let them cook, just relax there and wait for them." He said, then gone upstairs.

Jisung and Hyunjin sat on both sides me and looked at me.

"Hey, you okay?" Hyunjin asked, with a slight hint of worry in his face.

I smiled at him, nodding.

"I saw you preparing for breakfast earlier. You shouldn't do that, you're still sick." Jisung said, quite mad at me.

"I'm sorry. I just want to thank you for taking care of me."

"You don't have to. Having you in our lives is enough." He replied, smiling sweetly at me.

I smiled from the compliment they gave.

Jeongin went to us, giving me a console. "Let's play!" He pulled me to the living room, Jisung and Hyunjin following us.

I looked at the TV and there's some sort of bomber man game. I tried moving the joystick and the character in the game moved. I tapped those four buttons on the right side and it did some moves like throwing bombs.

We started playing. But me being the beginner, I always lose. Hyunjin and Jisung were laughing at me.

"Let me play it. I'll defeat Jeongin for you." Hyunjin grabbed the console from me and he sat beside me.

They played, but Jeongin still wins.

Jisung tried, but he just lost.

"No one can beat me in playing!!" He said, posing like a muscle man.

"Breakfast's ready!" Felix shouted, serving a plate full of pancake. Seungmin served orange juice in a pitcher.

"FINALLY!!" Minho screamed, running to the kitchen.

We all ran to the kitchen and sat on the dining table.

"Where's Chan hyung?" Changbin asked, looking around.

"I saw him going upstairs." I told them, looking up to the door of his room.

"Can someone get him?" Minho asked, looking at each of us.

"I'll get him." I stood up, going upstairs, to his room.

I knocked to his door, but no one answered.


No one still answered.

"I'm coming in."

I revolved the doorknob, and it opened.

"Chan?" I looked around, and there's him, sleeping in his bed.

Did he slept last night?

I went to him and put comforter in him so he won't be cold.

I smiled, looking at him. He just slept there, peacefully.

Thank you, Chan. For everything.

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