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I was woken up by the sunlight coming from the window. I stood up and closed the curtains, dimming my room, and walked back to my bed for another round of sleep.

I heard the door opened but I didn't bother to look for I know who it is.

"Mom, can I skip classes today? I'm not feeling well." I felt her seated beside me. She removed the comforter off of me and held my forehead.

"You look fine to me sweetheart. Maybe you're just hungry. Come, let's go downstairs to have some breakfast." she pulled me downstairs and she let me sat down at the dining table.

She went to the kitchen and came back with a plate full of pancakes. I looked at her and smiled. "Thanks, Mom."

She smiled back as she served me a pancake with my favorite chocolate syrup.

While smiling, she watched me as I ate . I looked at her and asked. "What?"

"I wonder when you're going to bring someone here and introduce him to me as your boyfriend?" I choked at her sudden question.


She immediately gave me a glass of water. "Sorry honey. I was just excited, you know."

"It's fine Mom. No need to be sorry. And what are you excited about?"

"Just you having your boyfriend to protect you while I'm not around. And someone who will love you."

"Mom, I don't need that. I already have you. And I can protect myself."

"Okay okay, go prepare for school. I'm going to drive you there." She tidied up the dining table and went to the kitchen.

"Don't worry Mom, I'll be fine on my own." I replied as I went upstairs.

"You sure honey? I can drive you there. And also, I'll go shopping later." I looked at her and smiled. "I'll be fine. No need to drive me to school."

I made my routine and went to school. While waiting for the bus to arrive, I wore my earphones and listen to my favorite playlist.

It's only me who's here at the waiting shed.

Then, someone sat beside me.

I didn't bother to look at him. I saw him in my peripheral vision, he's wearing a boy's uniform in my school. Probably a transfer student.

I slowly looked at him and he's also wearing an earphone. He has blue hair that suits him well.

I saw him glanced at me so I was startled and looked away.

Then, three more boys came and went to him, greeting him a good morning. They all wore the same outfit as the guy beside me. They're must be his friends. And classmates, who knows.

I looked at them once and then looked away.

After a few minutes, the bus came and I immediately went to the back seats and sat beside the window. I looked outside and watch everything we passed onto.

My playlist suits the scene well as if I'm on a music video. I smiled at that thought.

I looked around and saw those guys on the other side of the bus, seating quietly while taking a glance at me. I saw that orange-colored hair guy who's looking at me. When I saw him, he looked away as if nothing happened.

I looked back at the window and was mesmerized again by the scene along with the song playing in my earphones.

Then, the bus arrived at the bus stop and I went down. I rapidly walked to my classroom and sat in my usual seats.

New vandalisms were written on my armrest, but I ignore them as I have nothing to do with it. I just put my handkerchief above my armrest, covering the whole of it so I won't be distracted by it.

I looked outside the window and saw the usual scenes that I always saw every day.

The cherry blossom tree blooming and now shedding its leaves. I smiled as it swayed along with the wind.

Then, a leaf from the tree came inside the window and landed on my armrest. I picked it up and put it in my wallet. Serves as memories.

The school bell rang, following by our classroom adviser entering with a new student beside her.

He's cute, with his braces.

I looked around and saw a vacant seat beside me. This is the only vacant one we have.

The teacher motioned her hand for the boy to speak up.

"Hello! I'm Yang Jeongin, nice to meet you. I hope we all get along together." He smiled, showing his braces.

"You may take your seat. As I am looking around, there's only one vacant seat next to (Y/n). You may take it." He walked to the seat next to me. I didn't bother to look at him. I just looked down and played with my hands.

The class went on and I didn't listen to her discussion. It bores me as always.

Then, the lunch bell rang, a sign of hell for me.

I stood up, with my wallet, phone, and handkerchief, and went to the cafeteria. I ordered my usual meals and went straight to the rooftop.

This is the only peaceful place in this school, second to the library.

As I'm going to eat my meal, the door of the rooftop opened as well. Voices of male students were heard, playing, singing, and having fun.

I quickly hid behind the boxes and start eating my lunch.

"Yahh Jeongin-nie, what's with your face? You smile a lot today."

Jeongin? Wait, that's the new student in my class.

"Uhm, nothing."

"Eyyy, you met someone beautiful, aren't you?"

"Hmm, I dunno."

"Yahh you're too young for that matters."

"You're too small for that matters."

"I'm older than you, respect me!"

"I'm taller than you, respect me!"

"Will you two shut up?"

"Hey! Is someone there?"

They all became silent.

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