t w e n t y o n e

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After like 4 hours, everyone took a bath and we cleaned the whole house because of the mess the boys made.

Chan was the last one who got out of the bathroom. Then, we saw him going out.

"Where are you going?" I walked to him. "To the convenient store. I'll be right back." He said as he opened the door.

"Be careful, okay?" I said, making him nod. He closed the door and we continued to clean the living room.

"Hey guys, look what I've found."

Minho, who came from the basement called us. He showed us a dusty box. He turned his back and blew the dust above the box and turned to us again.

They opened the box and we saw a lot of tubs and some small boxes.

"What are those?" Jeongin asked, making us asked the same.

"Wait, are those hair dyes?" Jisung asked, squealing in excitement.

"Those are mom's hair dyes. She ran a hair salon last year. I don't know if those aren't expired yet." We all looked at the expiration date and saw some of it are already expired, some are not.

"Should we?" Minho asked, pointing his hair using the hair dye he was holding.

"I'll help you guys." I said. "Pick what color you like." I said and they smiled at me.

Everyone grabbed a tub of hair dye they want and went outside. I also grabbed one for Chan, and grabbed the other ingredient for the hair dye (Don't know what's it called, sorry).

I followed them to the backyard and there they was, sitting in the bench.

"Now, grab a container where you can put the hair dye." I told them and they ran inside to grab a container.

They went back, each one was holding a transparent container and their chosen hair dye.

"Cut the tub of your chosen hair dye and squeeze everything to the container. After doing that, go to me and I'll put this in your container." I showed them the bottle I'm holding and they started to squeeze the tub.

Seungmin went first, next was Jeongin, Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Felix and Jisung. I put the same amount in their containers and told them to mix it.

After, they went to me one by one and I started to dye their hair.

Hmm, they all have interesting choice of hair dye.

I spread every dye in their hair and let it sit for 30 minutes.

After, I washed their hair in the bathroom. Feels like I'm their mom, hehehe.

They dried their hair and looked themselves in the mirror.

"OMG!! SO GREAT!" Hyunjin shouted, looking at his hair.

"I'm so good at this color." Seungmin smiled at himself.

The door opened, revealing Chan with a plastic of goods in his hand. He almost dropped the plastic as he saw his children jumping and squealing in happiness.

"What happened to your hair?" He asked, putting the plastic down.

"I saw hair dyes downstairs, and Y/n helped us to dye our hairs. It's good at me, right?" Minho asked, Chan just chuckled at him, nodding after.

"Well, let me dye your hair." I said, showing him the hair dye.

"Sure, my princess." He said and followed me to the backyard.

I let him put the dye in the container and I put the other ingredient in it. He mixed it and I started to dye his hair.

"Why don't you try it?" Chan asked, making me shook my head, though he can't see me. "No, I'm good."

He opened his phone and played some games while I'm doing my work.

After, I let it sit in his hair for 30 minutes, and rinse it after in the bathroom.

After, he looked at himself in the mirror and smiled.

"This hair color is new to me." He said, remembering his hair color before I dyed it.

"Hey guys, let's take a photo." Jeongin shouted, holding up his phone. They all agreed and went outside.

I just looked at them and smiled.

They just captured one photo. I wondered why.

(A/n: I edited the photo myself

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(A/n: I edited the photo myself. I've watched a lot of this in YouTube so, why not try it myself. I hope it's okay.)

Then, they all looked at me, again.

"Yaahh Y/n, why don't you dye your hair?" Changbin called me, but I shook my head.

"No, I'm good."

"That's what you said to me earlier." Chan said, smirking.

"Hey, don't look at me like that." I said, walking back as they walked to me.

They chased me around the whole house, until I became tired. Chan hugged me, and carried me in his shoulders, to the backyard.

"Heeeyyy!! Don't do this to me, please!!" I cried, and as the moment Chan put me down, I ran away to our bedroom. I smiled at them, but it completely fade away when I opened the door.

"H-hello, Y/n." Mr. Yoon greeted me. But, he's not the reason my smile faded away.

"W-why are you holding a gun?"

• • •

2 updates for this day!

I think, I should update more often. This book is like my stress reliever, especially my online class started this Monday.

Tons of activites and projects are coming up, and it will surely give me a hectic schedule, so I'll write and update in my free time.

Thank you for supporting non-stop, for reading, voting and commenting. Thank you so much!

And for the photo, I don't own the photo, I just edited it and changed their hair color. Hope you like it!!

Luv y'all!


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