e p i l o g u e

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"And that's the story." I said as I ended the story telling to my classmates.

Everyone started to clap and cheer loudly.

"What a wonderful story, Y/n. You may take your seat." My subject teacher, Ms. Han, said with a smile.

I walked to my seat and looked at my friends.

"I'm sure Felix Oppa and Jisung Oppa will tell you to remake the story." Yoora said as I sat down beside her.

"Why, tho?" I looked at her, confused.

"Because instead of letting one of them became your man, you decided to became their siblings."

"Ohh c'mon, as if I can choose between the two of them." She chuckled at me. Yeah, you silly Yoora.

It's been 2 years after we came back here at our home, and I started my school life here, in Rising Star High.

I'm a student here, plus, I'm a secret trainee.

"Y/n, you should come." Jena said as she looked at me. She's already carrying her bag, and ready to go.

I decided to grab my bag, and follow them. "Where are you guys going?" I asked as I reached them.

"A new coin karaoke has opened. Yoora and I decided to check on that." I just smiled at them. "Sorry guys, I need to go somewhere. Maybe nexttime." I told them, and since I always do this, they became used to it.

"Fine, take care." Yoora said, kinda mad with her tone.

"Sorry, I'll come with you next time. I really need to go somewhere." I told them, and ran to the opposite direction.

It's been a year since I became a trainee. And it felt like debut is coming with me any moment now.

Well, I always envy my brothers.

I wish I'm with them now, but the company won't allow us.

"Good afternoon, Y/n." I entered the company, and a female staff greeted me.

"Good afternoon." I bowed, and greeted back.

"Come with me, they've been waiting for you." She told me, and I followed behind her.

We went to the 4th floor, the floor where dance practice rooms are.

"Go inside." She told me, and opened the door for me.

I walked in, and saw my brothers lying down on the floor, all sweaty.

I was going to put down my bag, when someone yelled.

"Y/n!!!" Jeongin ran to me, and tried to hug me.

"You know, I want your hug, but clean yourself first." I told him, but someone suddenly hugged me from behind.

"I like your hug too."

"YAHH CHANNIE!! YOU'RE SWEATY!!" He just chuckled, while still hugging me.

And everyone hugged me.

Well, what to expect. They always tease me no matter where we are.

"Okay, you can let me go now. I smell like I didn't took a bath earlier." They all chuckled at me.

"How's school, princess?" Changbin asked as he sat beside me.

"Well, I had a story telling earlier. Everyone liked it." He smiled at me, and messed my hair.

"I know you'll do great with that." He said before going back to our brothers.

They're practicing their debut song, District 9.

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