t h i r t y t h r e e

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I guess this is it.

"You guys ready?" Chan asked all of us.

After lots of trainings with their training team, we got ready.

I'm sure they're nervous, because I was.

"Everything will be fine, darling." Grandpa told me as he hugged me so tight.

I pulled out from the hug, and gave Grandpa the lipstick Jisung gave me.

"I'll bring it back to you after." He told me as he left the room. I looked at the boys and smiled.

"Let's go."

We left the company and drove to the school's gymnasium. Everyone's so quiet today. I felt the heavy atmosphere surrounding us. I decided to sleep to lessen the heavy feeling.

And to prepare for later's big fight.

Now I can have my revenge to you, Ara.

• • •

Someone shook my shoulders that made me woke up. I opened my eyes and saw Jisung smiling at me.

"Come on, we're at Chan's house." He dragged me out of the van and ran to the others.

Everyone's looking at Chan's house. It looked messy, but it's still whole.

Scratched and burnts were in the walls and the door's slightly opened.

Chan walked to his house and opened the door. We can see the inside of it looking so clean.

But how?

I walked to him as he just stood there.

"Hey Chan?" He hummed as a response. He's not even looking at me.

"Why don't we enter the house?" I was going to enter the door, but he stopped me.

"We don't know who's in there." He held my arms and roamed his eyes inside.

"Y/n? Chan?" Someone with familiar voice called our names. Both Chan and I turned around and saw someone we didn't expected.

"MOM!!" I ran to her and hugged her so tight.

"You didn't told me you're with your grandfather."

"How did you know?" She smiled and brushed her fingers at my hair.

"Dummy, he told me of course. I was going to ask him to find you, but luckily he's with you. I'm calling you since yesterday and you never picked up your phone." I scratched my nape and smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry Mom, I was in a training with Chan and our friends over there." I pointed out the boys. They smiled and bowed at her.

"Ohh about your house, I just finished cleaning it, and was about to renovate some of the walls. What happened here, anyways?" She walked inside and put her bag down in the couch.

"It's a long story aunty."

We invited everyone to enter the house. I went to the kitchen where mom was. She was looking inside the fridge and started grabbing ingredients from it.

"Wanna help me cook?" She asked me as she handed me the peeler.

I nodded and grabbed it from her. I started peeling vegetables and chopping onions and garlics.

We're cooking some chicken curry, I guess. She pulled out a whole fresh chicken from the fridge and started chopping it to pieces.

"You now know Chan's work?" I looked at Mom as she seriously chopped the chicken.

"Yep. Wait, you already know it?" She chuckled and nodded. "Of course. Your aunt told me to take care of your cousin, so I know everything happening to him."

I chuckled, making me look at the boys outside. They're all having fun while watching some videos.

"You've got some handsome boyfriends over there, huh?" Mom teased me again. I looked at her with widened eyes. "Mom! They will hear you." She just chuckled and continued her cooking.

After a few minutes, we started preparing the dining table with plates, utensils, glasses and the food. We called everyone and started eating.

"Mhmm, this is the best, aunty. I wish I could always taste your cooked foods." Chan said as he took his first bite. Everyone agreed at him.

"Thank you, Chan." She smiled at him.

I just observed everyone, peacefully eating our meals. No one seems to be bothered about what is going to happen later.

We finished our meal and started preparing to leave.

"Where are you going?" Mom worriedly asked as I hugged her. She brushed her hands in my hair and kissed my head.

"In the school's gymnasium. But don't worry, Grandpa will take good care of me." She smiled as she hugged me once more.

"Be back soon, okay?" I nodded and went to Chan.

"Chan, your cousin, okay?" He nodded as he messed my hair. "Don't worry aunty, she has 8 bodyguards right here." He chuckled, making her chuckled as well.

"We'll be going now, Mom. I'll see you soon." I waved at her and left the house.

We all hopped in the van and drove to our destination.

It will be a 30 minute ride to school. And I'm sure Woojin and Ara are already there.

Everyone's so quiet now. I can feel the heavy atmosphere again. But we need to be calm, 'cuz I know we will win.

"Stay beside me, okay?" Minho told me as he lean to my ears. "Changbin and I will protect you at all cost." He added as he looked at me. Changbin put his hand in my head, then nodded.

"Thank you, but how about Jisung?" He looked at Jisung and smiled.

"I'll protect him with all of my heart, of course." He answered without a second thought. Changbin just chuckled beside me.

"You're really weird." I smiled at them, teasing each other.

But it didn't last.

We arrived at the 2nd gate of the school. It's the nearest way to the gymnasium, and I'm glad Chan didn't drove us to the main gate, which is farther if we walk from there to the gym.

I was going to enter the gate but someone hold my wrist.

"Let us enter first." Seungmin told me, making me nod.

One by one, they entered the gate to the gym. And I followed Jeongin as he's the last to enter among the boys.

We stared at the empty gym, lights were turned off making the inside dark and creepy. Chan opened the main switch of the gym and opened the lights.

"Glad you're now here."

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