t w e l v e

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"WHAAAATT!!!" I shouted, looking at Chan, making him cover his ears.

"You're not going anywhere. Stay here, or I'll bring you to the hospital." He said, pouring water in the glass.

"No, I'll stay here." He nodded.

"Wait, on my own?!!" He shook his head, chuckling. "I'll stay with you." I nodded, coughing.

He gave me a medicine. "Drink that. Then go to sleep." I drank the medicine, then drank some water. He left me after and shut the door.

I just lie down there, trying to fall asleep.

Yes, I have a cold. It was because of yesterday.

I'm so glad they didn't caught a cold like me. I smiled at that thought and went to sleep.


I woke up with some strange noise from the outside. I think they're here.

"Y/n has cold?"

"Aww poor lil' girl."

"That's why her seat is empty."

"Wait, where is she?"


It became silent. Until a loud stomp of feet were heard outside my room.

"Should we go in?"

"Maybe she's asleep."

"We should come back la-"

"Come in!" I chuckled, calling them in.

The door opened, revealing those 7 boys with worried faces.

They went inside, then surrounded the bed.

"Are you okay?" Jeongin asked, breaking the silence.

I nodded slowly. "I just need rest."

They became silent again.

"Don't worry about me, Chan is taking care of me. I'll be fine, then we can hang out again." I smiled at them.

"What if you became sick again." Felix said, in his low voice.

"It's fine, as long as we had fun, right?" They all looked at each other, then nodded, half smiling.

"Why don't you guys sit there?" I asked, pointing to the couch on the wall.

Some nodded, sitting down on the couch, some refused and stayed beside me.

I looked around, from these guys beside me, to those sitting at the couch. I smiled, knowing that there are people who cares for me, though I'm nothing.

All heads turned to the opened door, revealing Chan with some soup and a glass of water.

"Get up, princess. Let's eat your hot soup." He said, placing the mini table in front of me and put the soup there. But, before I grabbed the spoon, someone took it.

"You seriously let her eat on her own?" Jisung said, scooping some soup, then tried to feed me up.

I looked around, seeing Chan's eyes on me. He nodded, followed by a chuckle.

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