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After Mom ate her dinner, we went home and bid Chan goodbyes.

I went straight to my room and changed clothes. I plugged in my earphones and played my playlist.

I closed my eyes and let myself fall asleep.

• • •

I woke up and went to the bathroom to wash myself. After, I wore my school uniform and ate breakfast. I wore my shoes and went to school.

Well, nothing's new to my daily routine.

Except for the fact that I had to deal with these 4 boys from yesterday.

I saw them in the bus stop. Again.

"Hi!" Greeted by the squirrel looking guy.

I just smiled as response.

The bus stop was filled with their jokes. They looked like siblings messing around and having fun.

I just plugged in my earphones and played my playlist.

The bus arrived and we all hoped in. As usual, I sat by the window while imagining I'm in a music video.

While the bus is moving, I saw someone familiar walking alone in the streets.


I grabbed my phone and called him.

["Y/n? Why'd you call?"]

"Why are you walking alone?"

["Ohh hahaha. I'm fetching my friend at his house. Don't worry about me."]

"Okay, take care. Ohh, come by later at my house. Mom told me to invite you for dinner."

["I will. I miss auntie's homemade cooked foods. You too, take care. Bye!"]

"Okay, bye." He hanged up the call.

The bus arrived at the stop and I went down, those 4 following me.

I walked to my room and saw there my seatmate. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back as response.

I put down my bag in my chair. But, before I sat down, something hard hit my head.

And the next thing I knew, I felt my body hit the floor.

• • •

I woke up in an unfamiliar place. Everything here is white.

Wait, what happened?

Someone entered the room.

"Y/n, you're awake!" He went beside me and sat on the chair.

"Jeongin?" He smiled, flashing his braces. "What happened?"

"Someone threw a book on you and it hit your head so hard. You've been here for like 10 hours."

"10 HOURS?!" He chuckled as response.

"Nahh, I'm just joking. It's been 5 hours, I think." I sighed out of relief.

"Did you attend our class?" He slowly shook his head.

"No. But that's okay. We're both excused due to the accident." He smiled, showing his braces again.

He's really cute.

"The nurse also told me that you should stay here for a few more hours and take a rest." He said as he smiled at me.

Then, a knock was heard from the door. It opened, revealing Chan with worried face.

"Chan?" I asked as he put down his bag in the table.

"I called a friend, if you don't mind. Wait, you know each other?" He said, looking at me.

"Ohh, uhh..."

"We just knew each other. Nothing else." They both looked at me. Chan gave me a wink and I nodded as response.

I didn't knew Chan are friends with him.

They talked about random things. It looks like they knew each other for years. How come I didn't knew about his friends? I knew I was always at their house, visiting him.

They've been talking for hours, and they seemed to have a lot to talk about. I was just listening to them, some I knew and some I didn't.

"Ohh, time flew fast. I need to go home." Jeongin stood up, grabbing his bag. "Chan hyung, is it okay if I leave you here with Y/n?" He asked, tapping his hyung's shoulders.

"Yeah don't worry." They both smiled. "See you tomorrow."

Jeongin left, waving to both of us.

Then Chan looked at me.

"Wanna tell me what happened?" He asked, sitting beside me.

"Ohh, yeah right. Actually, Jeongin knows everything that happened. Well, it all happened in the morning. I was going to sat down, when something hit my head, and then I felt my body hit the floor, then I don't remember anything after that. When I woke up, I was here lying down. Then you two came in, not knowing you're both friends." He smiled at me.

"We've met years ago." Then he looked around. He looked at his wristwatch and then looked at me.

"Let's go home. Auntie will be worried if her little princess is not home early." He gave me his hands and helped me stood up. He crouched in front of me, back facing me and he patted his shoulders.


"Let me have your hands. I'll carry you." He smiled, holding my arms.

"Y-you don't have to, Chan. I'm fine. It's my head who were injured, not my legs." He chuckled.

Such a cutie~

"Yeah, then you'll get dizzy walking to the bus stop. Let me carry you there." He insisted. I sighed, giving up and wrapped my arms in his neck, then he supported my body with his arms.

I jolted when he stood up.

"Slow down when you walk, please!" I asked him and he nodded.

He grabbed both of our bags and went out of the school.

He walked slowly to the bus stop.

Then, he suddenly sings.

I laid my head in his shoulders, looking at him while singing.

"Do you like it?" He glanced at me as he smiled.

"Yeah. I didn't know that you sing." He chuckled.

"I'm not that good in singing. I just want to, you know, comfort you."

"Hey! Who told you Chan is not good at singing? Chan can do everything, you know that? He's the greatest cousin I have." He smiled at me.

"You're so adorable." He chuckled sweetly.

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