t w e n t y e i g h t

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"Y/n? You ready?" Minho asked as he entered the room, with Jisung and Felix behind him.

"I'll just wear my shoes and I'm done." The 3 of them sat on the bed and watched me do my business.

I looked myself in the mirror one last time, then I turned to them.

"Let's go?" I asked as I looked at them staring at me.

What's with Jisung and Felix?

"Let's go, we need to be there early." Minho stood up, then he looked at me.

"Don't forget your special lipstick. You might need it." I nodded, patting my pocket where the lipstick was.

I looked at Jisung and Felix, and they're murmuring something to each other.

Such a weirdos~

We went out of the room and saw Chan waiting for us.

"Hi Chan!" He quickly looked at me then smiled.

"Hi princess! You look pretty today!" I smiled at him. "Thanks."

"Let's go?" He asked then we nodded. He led the way to the elevator, and press the H button as we all got in.

What does H mean?

Everyone was quiet. Until a ding sound broke the silence. The metal doors opened, revealing some black men outside.

They looked at each other with confusion.

Chan looked at me, then pointed his lips. I nodded as I decoded his message.

I quickly pulled out the lipstick from my pocket and applied some in my lips. Slowly, I became invisible. Everyone went out of the elevator, and so was I.

They stood in line, and I was behind of them.

"Who are you? And why are you here?" Chan said, with a serious tone. I felt scared.

Looking down, I saw Felix's hand was trying to reach my hand, so I grabbed his, he suddenly jolted, but regained his posture afterwards.

A man wearing a black suit came, he removed his glasses, and he kinda looked like a bear.

"What are you doing here?" Minho asked as he clenched his fist. I saw how angry he was when he spoke.

"Me? I'm just having my field trip. It must be a coincidence that we met here–"

"There's no coincidence here, Woojin. What do you want?" Chan asked, his fist was also clenched and he's really angry.

What's with these guys?

That Woojin guy, he must did something that made them mad at him.

Felix might be a little mad at him, his hand was holding my hand a little tight.

"I'm just here to see if you guys are still alive. And I heard Seungmin was in the hospital right now. Poor Seungmin-nie, he's really weak, just like before I left." How did he know about Seungmin?

"Seungmin is not weak. He just did what we need to do." Jisung defended Seungmin. What do this guy really what?

"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever."

He's really getting into my nerves.

"Who is he really? I hate him." I whispered to Felix, and he chuckled a bit.

I saw Woojin looked at Felix with a confused looked.

"Felix's still weird, just like now." He blurted out. I suddenly glared at him, but luckily he didn't saw me.

Then he looked at Chan. "How's your cousin by the way? You're still protecting her?" No one answered.

"Okay, since no one wants to talk to me, I'll just go straight to the point." He put his hand inside his coat and pulled out a paper. He gave it to Minho, but he didn't move an inch.

"Just drop it. I don't want to receive something directly from you." He said, making Woojin laugh.

"You're still sassy as always. And I assure you, this will be the last time you're going to do that to me." He grinned and then he walked away, followed by his men in black.

His car drove away, making these guy feel less tense.

I removed the lipstick in my lips and looked at them.

"What happened? Why does he know each one of you?" I asked as they all looked at me.

Jisung grabbed my hands and pulled me towards the van.

"I'll explain everything there." He said as he walked rapidly.

The others followed, Chan drove the car back to the hospital where the others were.

"Okay, you go start questioning." He said as he looked at me.

"Who is that guy?" He suddenly became serious.

"He's Kim Woojin, he's actually one of us but he left half a year ago."

Kim Woojin? Kinda familiar to me.

"Why does he bully everyone?" Jisung just chuckled.

"He thinks he's so powerful that he can do anything to us. He's the one who bully and made Seungmin this quiet and reserved." Ohh poor Seungmin.

"And why did he left?" His expression started to became mad, but he controlled his emotions and became calm after.

"We almost died because of him."

"What do you mean?" He looked down. "He betrayed us, we're once in a mission of fetching our boss from the airport, and he didn't came with us, then, our car exploded. All those times, he wanted to claim the company, but master didn't let that happen." I suddenly became confused.

"Wait wait wait, so your boss and your master are different person? You once mentioned that you're going to bring me to your master, then you always mentioned your boss these days." He chuckled.

"Yeah, they're like the CEO and the manager of the company. Master is currently in a business trip so we didn't mentioned him a lot." He smiled at me.

"Okay, so what happened after that explosion?" Jisung looked down again.

"We're all injured, but our boss was a lot more injured as he's already in his 70s. He also gained a lot of bone fracture especially in his both legs so, he's using wheelchair now."

"And he's still working as the CEO of your company?" He nodded.

"He's not yet finish on the mission he has." I looked at him with confusion, as he looked at me seriously.

"And that is?"

"To protect you until you reach the age of 20."

• • •

Don't hate me!

I don't know what the individual member feels about him, but I know they're not mad at him. It's just in my story and here, I can do what I want to do to make my story beautiful, right?

If anyone of you is currently mad at him, just ignore it and change his name in your mind. Sorry.

Anyways, thank you for reading and showing love to my book. I always appreciate your comments and votes. Thank you!

Love lotsss~


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