t w e n t y

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It's been 3 days since we came here in Hyunjin's house. Yeah, nothing bad happened during those days.

And since the day Chan introduced me to "my dad"- or let me call him Mr. Yoon, everyone believed that he's really my dad, well except Felix. I always talk to him regards to that topic and he supports me whatever decision I made.

Everytime Mr. Yoon wants to have quality time with me, I always come up with reasons just not to be with him, well of course, with the help of Felix. I really don't want to be with him alone.

And this day, is different from other days.

"Hey sweetie?" Mr. Yoon called me as he sat beside me. Everyone was here except Mr. and Mrs. Hwang.

I just hummed as response, not looking at him. I felt their eyes staring straight at me.

"Do you want to go to the mall? You know, father-daughter bonding." He asked, smiling at me. I glanced at him first, then turned to him and smiled.

"Sorry 'dad', I already have plans with Felix and Jisung. Maybe we can go out next time?" I looked at the boys I've mentioned. They both smiled at me.

Then, I looked back at him and he smiled. A fake smile?

"Sure sweetie. Enjoy with your boyfriends." He kissed me in my cheeks and walked out.

"T-they're not- Ugghhh!" I sighed, defeated.

Hey!!! They're not my boyfriends, okay??

Everyone chuckled. But one of them just glared at me.

Chan stood up and went to me.

"Follow me." He coldly said and went upstairs.

Everyone looked at me and nodded, sign that I should follow him.

I sighed deeply, standing up and walked upstairs.

We went to our room with Mr. Yoon. Only the 3 of us occupy this room.

I walked in and there he was, standing with that glare. He's annoyed to me, I'm sure of it.

I went to him and stood in front of him. I stared at him in the eyes.

He's still glaring at me. Then, he closed his eyes and sighed. The moment he opened his eyes, his annoyance was gone.

"Why do you always have reasons?" He asked calmly. Or maybe he's trying to hide his emotions.

"I-I just... really don't want to." I said, looking down.

"Why?" He asked, sitting down the bed. I walked to him and sat beside him.

"Promise me one thing first." I said, looking straight in his eyes.

"Don't be mad at me, okay?" He nodded and looked at me, eye-to-eye.

I sighed first, then looked at him.

"I'm not really convinced that he's my dad." I said shyly, confessing him my thought since that day.

"Ehhh? I thought you're believing him since we met him?" I smiled at him, shaking my head after.

"Everything he said, it doesn't make sense. He saved you from danger, but he's with those guys chasing after us. And everything he said about him and mom, it's true but it feels like he's not my real dad. I don't know, I just don't really believe him." I explained to him.

"Do Felix and Jisung knew about these?" I shook my head. "Only Felix."

He nodded.

"I'm quite convinced with what you said. All I thought, he's really your dad. That explains why you call him Mr. Yoon sometimes." He said softly.

"But, I'm still not sure about that. That's what my gut feeling says." He nodded at me.

"Don't worry, if something bad happens, I'll protect you." He hugged me and kissed my head.

"Thank you for everything." I whispered between our hugs.

We went out of the room and sat agaim in the living room.

Felix went to me after and sat beside me.

"What happened?" He whispered. I looked at him and saw a cake frost on his cheeks.

"Ohh, I just told him what I told you about Mr. Yoon." I whispered back. He nodded. I looked back at his cheeks and he saw me looking at it.

"Don't mind that, the boys put that on me." He said, chuckling.

"Why? What happened?" He smiled at me.

"Nothing." Jisung came with the same cake frost on his cheeks.

I looked around and they're a mess. Jeongin has cake frost all over his hair, Changbin has a lot in his whole face, Minho has a bit in his hair and forehead, Hyunjin was holding a paper plate full of cake frost, ready to struck it in Chan's face, and Seungmin was just watching them while drinking his juice. Felix and Jisung beside me were enjoying the show.

Hyunjin struck Chan's head with the cake frost. They all shouted from happiness, while Chan, he's smiling and laughing with them. I laughed with them.

Not until they all turned to me.

"Yahh, why are you looking at me like that?" I asked them in panic.

Chan ran to me, ready to hug me, but I ran away. They kept on chasing me until I was caught by Hyunjin with his long arms. I sat down the floor and looked up to them.

Hyunjin pinned me down and everyone went to me.

"YAAAHHHH LET ME GO!!" I saw Chan going to me and hugged me, well, with his face dug deep in the crook of my neck.

I felt the cake frost all around my neck, hair and face.

They started to laugh when they saw me pouting.

"Last one." Jisung said, wiping a cake frost on my nose. He chuckled and smiled at me.

"I hate you all!" I said, acting like a child. They smiled, pinching my cheeks.

"Go wash first, princess. We'll do it after you." Chan said, helping me stand up. He kissed my forehead and let my hand go.

I went upstairs to prepare my clothes and went to the bathroom.

After like 30 minutes of removing sticky cake frosts around my body, I wore my clothes and went outside.

"Who's next?" I asked them and they raced to the bathroom, arguing on who's going first.

I sighed, facepalming myself.

"Why don't you all bath together?" I asked them, making them stop. They all went out the bathroom with a disgust face, making me chuckle.

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