e l e v e n

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After we ate dinner, they went home, leaving me and Chan alone here.

"We'll meet them tomorrow. Don't miss them that much."

I looked at him confused. He just smiled at me.

"Hey, I don't miss them. Maybe it's you who miss them." I teased.

I don't really miss them. Or do I?

"I'll go to sleep. You should do as well." He said, walking upstairs.

"Okay." I replied, then his door shut.

I went to my room as well.

I lied down in my bed, then stared at the ceiling.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. 08:46 pm.

I don't want to sleep.

I plugged in my earphones and listen to my playlist.

I looked outside, stars are twinkling along with the moon shining brightly. Such a great view.

When I was young, we're still living in Australia. Me and my mom. We're neighbors with Chan and his family.

After class, me, Chan and his two siblings Hanna and Lucas were always hanging out at the nearest park until night. Then, when night came, we'll just lie down the grass and stare at the sky.

Then we'll talk random things like Lucas being an astronaut, Hanna being a teacher and Chan being a singer. Me? I still don't know what I want in the future, or after I graduate college.

All I want is to listen to music.

I closed my eyes and just listen to the music. Then, three knocks were heard in my door. "Hey Y/n?"

"Come in." The door opened, revealing Chan wearing gray hoodie and jeans.

"You're going out?" He nodded, pointing his thumb to the door. "Others are waiting downstairs."

"Where are you going?" He chuckled. "On our hideout."

"Hmm, seems interesting. Can I come?" He chuckled again. "That's what I'm here for. Get up, we'll wait you downstairs." He went out of my room and closed the door.

I changed to a dark blue hoodie and shorts. I tied my hair to a ponytail and wore my shoes. I grabbed my phone, earphones and put my money inside my phonecase. I went downstairs after to meet them up.

"She's here, let's go." Jeongin said, everyone stood up and went to the door.

I went beside Felix and Jisung who's talking about some sort of computer games.

"Hey guys." I greeted, making them turned to me and smiled.


"Glad you came." I smiled.

"I'm just curious with your hideout. Is it in an abandoned warehouse?" They both chuckled.

"It's actually in an abandoned building." Felix said, smiling.

"It's so fun there. That's why we invited you to come over." Jisung jumped in excitement.

"Yeah, it sure do." I said, chuckling.

We walked until we reached an abandoned building. They ran inside, then upstairs, until we reached the rooftop.

My eyes widened, jaws dropped while looking around the place. There's a couch in the middle of the place, then a TV and a bike, there's also a shed here, in case it rains up here. There's definitely a lot of shower stalls here. Then there's a push cart from a supermarket, a fridge, and a BIG trampoline. There's a lot of things here.

"This is great!" I said, running to the trampoline.

They all followed me and jumped with me at the trampoline.

It's been a while since I last played with a trampoline. I was like, 9 years old that time, Chan and I played in the bounce house with his two siblings. It's so fun to play it again.

Then we got tired and lied down at the trampoline. I went beside Chan who's staring at the stars.

"You remember this?" He asked me the moment I lied down beside him.

"Of course, who wouldn't?" I smiled.

I closed my eyes, and imagine the bright night sky above us.

I sometimes imagine, what if I'll be the moon?

Will everyone stare at me? Will they admire my beauty? Will I shine brightly?

I thought of those things, everytime I'm so down, everytime no one likes me, and everytime I felt I'm nothing.

I felt a light tap on my shoulders. I opened my eyes and saw Jeongin looking at me.

"Hey Y/n, we need to go home. The sky is dark already." He said, making me look up.

The moon and the stars are nowhere to be found. And there are a lot of dark clouds up there.

I stood up and caught up with them. We hurriedly went down the building, and ran home.

Rain started pouring lightly, but we're too far from home.

We found a waiting shed, and stayed there for a while. It's the waiting shed where I met those 4 guys.

Half an hour passed, the rain didn't stopped.

We just stayed there and sat near each other to kept ourselves warm.

I felt someone hugging me from my side. "Aren't you cold?" He asked.

I looked beside me and saw Jisung hugging me. He put his head in my shoulders.

His body is trembling, as well as his arms.

"You okay?" I asked him, looking him in his eyes. I saw him suffering from the coldness.

I looked around, others are cuddling to each other, and some are waiting for the rain to stop. We're in the back of the shed.

"Wait." I removed his arms around me, I stood up and went to Chan, who's standing on the other side.

I put up my hood and looked at him.

"Wait me here." I said and was going to run, but he pulled me back.

"Where are you going?" He said, worriedly.

"Home." I said. "Just wait here, I'll come back." He nodded, and let go of my arm.

I dashed under the rain until I got home. I looked under the flower pot and grabbed the key.

I opened the door and looked for all the umbrellas we have. I gathered 5 umbrellas and ran back to them.

They're all worried sick of me.

"I'm sorry. I just think that this rain won't stop."

I showed them the umbrellas I have and gave it to them.

"Let's head home." Chan said, going to his house.

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