t h i r t y f o u r

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Grandpa escorted me to his van, and drove to our house.

It was a quiet ride, also Grandpa's quite nervous. He looked worried about something.

I wonder where the boys are. Are they going to stay at Chan's house? Or are they going to the company?

Maybe I'll just call them later.

Minutes later, we arrived at our house. We entered the house, and saw Mom watching some tv shows.

"Hi Mom." I greeted, and she suddenly rushed to me, hugging me tightly.

"Yoon Y/n, where have you been, huh? It's already dark, good thing you're with your Grandpa. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She continuously said as she checked on me.

"Mom, I'm fine. Grandpa took care of me." I told her, and she suddenly calmed down.

"How about Chan, and your friends? Where are they?" I looked at her and shrugged my shoulders.

"I dunno, maybe at his house? I didn't have a chance to ask them earlier." I smiled and looked at Grandpa who's so quiet today.

"Okay. You should change your clothes upstairs. We'll wait for you for dinner." I nodded, and quickly went to my room and locked the door behind me.

Why do I felt something's strange earlier? Was it just me or there's really something on them?

I was going to close the curtains when someone knock on them.

Two men were waving at me, making me smile.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" I asked them as I slowly opened the window.

"We're getting you out of here." Felix held my hand and slowly pulled me.

"Wait, why? What if Mom will find out about this?" They smiled, reassuring me that everything will be fine.

"We all miss you so much." Jisung, suddenly hugged me, leaving me shock from his sudden move, but then I managed to hug him back.

"That quick? I was away from you minutes ago." I chuckled, but they just smiled at me.

"Wait, where are the others? Where's Chan?" I asked, looking down to see if someone's there.

"Chan sent us to fetch you. It might be suspicious if everyone is here." Felix explained, making me nod as my response.

"Let's go?" I looked at my room, and then nodded. I slowly and quietly closed the window and we all slowly went down by the tree.

"How about Grandpa and Mom?" I asked as I looked at my house we just passed by.

"They'll be fine. And you don't need to worry much, the CEO is powerful, he can summon thousands of men just to protect himself." I smiled, nodding.

We kept on walking, until we reached Chan's house. We opened the door and saw everyone waiting there.

Someone suddenly rushed to me and hugged me, making everyone quiet.

"I'm glad you're safe. I know these guys will take good care of you." I smiled as Chan brush his hand in my head.

I looked at him and smiled. He messed my hair and kissed my head.

Then, he looked at them and showed them a serious face.

"Okay, now we should prepare. We'll have a long trip." Everyone stood up, preparing for another trip.

Chan just sat down and motioned me to sat beside him.

"Hey Chan? Can you explain to me what is happening? I thought everything's okay now?" He looked at me, his eyes are both sad, and his smiles were now gone.

"Can I explain to you later? Is it okay to you, princess?" I nodded at him, and his smiles were now back.

I watched everyone doing their own things, packing up and preparing food for the trip.

"Anyways, where are we going?" I asked Chan beside me who's doing the same thing as I did.

"To the secret hideout." I smiled as I remembered that I went there only with him, Jisung, Felix and Minho. Now, they're all complete.

I stood up and went to the kitchen to see what are they doing.

Felix and Seungmin are already packing up the food.

"What did you guys prepare?" I asked as I sat across them on the counter.

"Brownies, some chicken sandwich, and fruits. We also have this orange juice so we won't get thirsty." Felix said as he showed me all the foods they prepared. Seungmin just nodded and smiled.

"Okay. Let me visit the others." I smiled and walked upstairs to the room where the others are.

Jeongin and Hyunjin was playing there. Hyunjin was dancing, holding his drink while singing 'Americano' multiple times. Jeongin was just laughing at him.

I didn't bother them, and let them just play.

I went to the next room and saw Minho peacefully laying down, Changbin might be sleeping.

I knocked and went in. "Hi."

Minho suddenly stood up, motioning his hand for me to come to him.

"Why?" I asked as I sat beside him.

"I never had a chance to ask you this earlier." He whispered his words, sending me shivers in my whole body.

"What is it?" I whispered back, making him smile and chuckle.

"How are you? Did Ara hurt you earlier?" I smiled at him as he just looked at me.

"I'm fine, don't worry." He messed my hair in a playful way.

I was going to talk again, but I heard Hyunjin screaming dramatically. Me and Minho rushed to the next door and saw Hyunjin holding his white jacket stained by his drink.

Like seriously~

We just chuckled at him.

Jeongin suddenly rushed to his bag and gave Hyunjin something that made him calm down.

"Guys, let's go." Chan suddenly shouted from the living room

We both went to the other room and woke Changbin up. I decided to go to the other room and saw Hyunjin applying some stain remover stick in his jacket.

I just sat there and Jisung came in, went to Hyunjin and started teasing him.

"Guys, let's go. The others are waiting for us." I reminded them, and they rushed to get their bags. I was waiting for them to get out of the room, but Jisung suddenly held my hand and pulled me to the van.

He decided to have the last row of seats and he pulled me there.

What's with him now? He became clingy since we left the school gym.

One by one, the others hopped in the van and went to their seats.

I was sitting between Jisung and Hyunjin. Welp, Hyunjin chose it so, yeah.

Chan, from the driver's seat looked behind and checked each of us.

"Where's Y/n?" He asked, making me shout and raising my hand. "I'm here Chan." I saw him nodded and we started our travel.

• • •

I'm sorry for any grammatical errors. I'm really sleepy now and needs an 8-hour sleep.

Have a good day everyone!


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