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I went to the grocery store, with Hyunjin, Changbin and Minho.

I'm not that close to them, unlike Felix who seems to be so attached to me.

I don't know, he just really wanted to be with me, talk to me and play with me.

Hyunjin, he's like an idol to me. Long blonde hair, tall, handsome, he has everything. He's also a bit childish and playful when he's with his other friends.

Changbin, kinda intimidating. He seems to like black a lot. He's like Chan, who ALWAYS wear black. Chan doesn't know any other color than black.

Minho, he's so intimidating when I first met him. But later on, he became so playful with his friends, especially Jisung.

Wait, do they all like Jisung? They always tease him, or play with him. Well, no one can resist his squirrel cheeks, maybe that's why.

After riding a taxi, we came to the grocery.

"Y/n, what are we going to eat?" Minho asked me. I looked at them and smiled.

"Stir-Fried Rice Cake, is it fine?" The three of them smiled.

"That's great. Everyone will love it!" Hyunjin said, clapping like a seal.

Then, we went to the frozen section.

"Hmm, we need chili paste sauce."

Minho and Hyunjin are looking at the fridge-like stall, while Changbin went far to look for it.

"Ohh, look hahahaha!" Hyunjin said, laughing while getting a sachet.

He gave it to me and he read the label. Stir-fried rice cake sauce. Hmm, not bad.

"Changbin hyung! You better come see this." He called for Changbin, which came back quickly.

They both laughed, agreeing at that thought.

"How many servings it can make?" Hyunjin read it's recipe at the back of the sachet.

"Maybe we can buy 5. And if it's not enough, we can remove members in our group." Minho said, joking. The other boys laughed, making me laugh as well.

Changbin grabbed 5 sachet of the sauce.

"We need rice cake." I told them and they grabbed two packs of it.

We're on our way back when they saw something.

"Eggs. Seungmin loves eggs so much." Minho said, Hyunjin and Changbin agreed.

They surely do know each other for years now.

They suddenly came back to the fridge-like stall. "Mozzarella. We need Mozzarella." Changbin grabbed a pack of Mozzarella, then eggs and we continued to the counter.

On our way there, Hyunjin saw something in the utencil section. He grabbed a spoon and came back.

"What's that for?" Minho asked, Hyunjin demonstrated to him how to use spoon.

"I know it, idiot. I mean why do you want to buy it?" He asked again.

Hyunjin looked at him. "Tch. For eating." Changbin laughed, making Minho rolled his eyes.

After paying it with Chan's money (Yes, he lent me his money for our dinner), we went back home to cook dinner.

We rode a taxi, but inside, the driver is playing one of 3racha's song.

We went in, making these boys excited.

"Jeogiyo nuna hokshi namjachingu isseoyo
Mian ajik jwesonghaeyo neomu doljikgujyo."

Hyunjin, who's on my right side, and Changbin, who's on my left side, were enjoying the song. Yes, their heads were moving with the beat.

"Wow (woo, oh man)
She's hot (hot, hot)
Wow (woo, oh wow)
She's hot (hot, hot, she's fine)"

Minho, which is on the shotgun seat, also enjoying the song. They must like that group so much.

This will be a long ass ride~

"Heosuseumman nawa"

Hyunjin sang loud and proud then laugh, while Changbin is blocking his ears.

"Neon oneul pionahae naneun syurek Miuna gouna yuchihan swag (swag)."

Hyunjin laughed harder, even Minho is laughing. Changbin was still blocking his ears.

Then, they moved their heads again. Even I moved my head. This song is great!

"Iron man in the street but I'm better than Tony"

They all laughed, not knowing why.

Then, we came home carrying all of the ingredients for our dinner.

I opened the door and saw everyone watching TV.

We don't want to distract them so, we went straight to the kitchen.

We prepared the ingredients, and they cooked our dinner.

"You should seat at that chair and let men do the work." Hyunjin said, winking at me.

He pulled a chair for me and there I sat on it.

Minutes of waiting and playing, I smelled something good. Hyunjin went to it and grabbed his spoon, which he bought earlier.

"Let me taste it." He said, dipping his spoon in it and put it in his mouth.

"Why does it taste like coin?" I stood up, to his side.

"Coin?" Changbin asked, looking at him confused.

I sniffed the aroma, but there's no coin smell in it.

Ha tasted again.

"Maybe the pan is newly bought?" Minho said.

"YOUR SPOON IS THE NEWLY BOUGHT!" Changbin said, Hyunjin rushed to the faucet to clean his spoon. He just laughed at his dumbness.

He came back, tasting again.

"Yeah, the spoon tastes like coin." He said, laughing again.

After that incident, we served the food in the dining table, and called everyone for dinner.

"Seungmin-ah, we bought eggs for you." Minho said, making Seungmin raise his head from his book and smiled widely. He rushed to the kitchen to cook eggs.

We saw black bean noodles in the table. We asked them and they said they ordered it outside.

We sat on the table, and waited for Seungmin to finish cooking the eggs.

Then he came, and put it on top of the black bean noodles. He put the pan in the sink and came back. He sat down and we dig in.

They started to be noisy again. They played while eating.

Such a happy family.

"Why are you quiet?" Jisung asked me, which is right beside me.

"Ohh, nothing. I'm just happy you have a great family." He smiled at me.

"And you're already part of this happy family." He said, stuffing his mouth with rice cakes.

I poke his cheeks, making him look at me and poke my cheeks too. I poke his cheeks again and he chuckled.

"Stop poking me. I'll pinch yours if you don't stop." He said, making me eat my food.

He chuckled again and ate as well.

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