t w e n t y f o u r

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"He said, he was paid by someone to get rid of you."

And now, someone wants to get rid of me. Why though? I'm just no one.

"Then, we need to protect you more than what Seungmin did." Felix said with his deep voice. I looked at him and he smiled at me.

"Yeah right, we're ready to be shot in all parts of our body, just to save you." Hyunjin added.

These boys...

My eyes started to blur, unable to see the boys in front of me. Then, hot tears started to flow down my cheeks.

I closed my eyes, preventing the tears to flow, but it continued down my cheeks.

"Omoo!! Y-y/n! Don't cry. What's the matter??" I heard Hyunjin asked, someone cupped my cheeks and wiped the tears off my eyes and cheeks.

I saw Felix and Hyunjin with worry in their faces. Their eyes were also teary.

I felt a hug from behind. "Hey princess, why are you crying?" Chan asked, making me turn to him, then I hugged him.

"Why are you guys doing these?" I sobbed at his shoulders. He caressed my back and held my head, hugging me so tight.

"Apart from our job, it's because we love you. We want to protect you, even if it was sacrificing our own lives." He whispered, while caressing my back. "You don't have to worry about us. We'll do everything for you to be safe."

"But that's what I'm afraid of. That another one of you will be shot, or worst, will-" I bursted into tears. Chan calmed me down and hugged me more tight.

The room was filled with my sobs. No one was talking.

Then, the door opened, making me stopped at my sobs, then I pulled from my hug with Chan.

"Do I interrupt you?" A doctor came. He's also the doctor we talked to earlier.

"We're just, emotional." Chan chuckled, wiping off tears in his eyes. Felix and Hyunjin did the same.

The doctor smiled, as he walked to us, particularly, to Seungmin.

"He will wake up tomorrow." He started. But then, he looked at each of us. "And you kids must take care of yourselves. I don't want to see one of you injured again, is that clear?" He said, quite serious.

"Yes, doctor..." Hyunjin answered that made the doctor chuckle. "I'm Dr. Min, by the way." He introduced.

"I'm Chan, and these are Seungmin, Felix, Hyunjin and Y/n. Others went home to have a sleep." Dr. Min nodded.

He seem nice tho.

Or maybe pretending? I dunno.

"Alright, I'll leave you for a moment. I'll be back." He walked and opened the door. But he stopped the moment he was closing it.

"By the way, don't worry about the bills. Someone already paid for it." He completely left.

I looked at Chan, confused. He chuckled, messing my hair.

"It's our boss, don't worry." I nodded, looking at him with a smile.

I saw them staring at Seungmin, so I did the same.

He's sleeping.

Such an angelic face~

"Hyung, where are you going?" I heard Felix suddenly said. I looked around and saw Chan walking to the doors. He looked and smiled at us.

"I'll just talk to the guards outside." He left the room. I looked at Felix and Hyunjin, but they just shrugged at me.

Hyunjin stood up next, telling us that he's going to the convenience store.

"Are you leaving too?" I asked Felix. He just smiled at me.

"I'll never leave you." He chuckled, staring at me.

I smiled back, it made him looked away.


It's so calming.

"You know, ever since you came, everyone changed." Felix started.

"Especially, Seungmin." I looked at him, and he's staring at our sleeping friend.

"He's the quiet, genius, and bookworm friend of ours. Whenever we have bondings, you'll always see him in a corner, reading a book, observing everyone or laughing with us. He barely speak to us, so he usually do everything on his own. But when you came, everything changed."

"And this is the first time he protected someone. He can't even protect himself from his bullies."

I looked at him. Everything replayed in my mind. His hug when he blocked the bullet for me, his words when he said he's glad to have me in his life, and the blood in my hand when I hugged him.

Felix started wiping tears off my face.

"Hey don't cry. Everything will be fine, okay?" He hushed me as my sob gets louder.

I stopped sobbing when I felt a kiss above my head. I looked up and saw Chan smiling at me.

"Don't cry princess. Everything's fine. Seungmin just need a rest."

I wiped my tears and hugged him.

I wish everything is just a dream.

"Why don't you sleep while we wait for him to wake up?" Chan prepared the couch near the door.

"Ohh, I'm fine. You should be the one sleeping." He chuckled and messed my hair.

"I'm fine. I will sleep later." He kissed my forehead and I laid down.

"Good night, princess."

• • •


I'm back, and school finally ends.

Well actually school ended like 3 weeks ago, but I had writer's block, so I was like I need to read it all from the start.

And now, I'm back hehehe.

I missed writing this book.

And I miss you guys so much. Your comments made my day and I'm really happy that you're still supporting me and my book all throughout those months I'm gone.

Thank youuu so much~

And loveyouuu all~~~


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