t h i r t y s i x

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We're in some sort of indoor garden. Plants were all healthy, seems like they're always taken care of by some gardeners.

Everyone was amazed by the indoor garden we're at.

"Should we go out of here?" Hyunjin asked, we all looked at Chan, and he nodded while smiling.

I saw Jeongin rushed to the big doors, and opened it, revealing a more bigger garden outside.

"Are we in some sort of secret garden?" Changbin said as he touched a flower.

"Don't touch it sir, please." A voice said from a distance.

He's wearing a gardener's outfit, with a watering can in his hand. He put down the can and walked to us.

"I'm glad you came home, Sir Chan." He greeted Chan and hugged him.

"You still remember me, Daewon?" The gardener nodded. He all looked at us, until he looked at me and Jeongin.

"The twin were grown ups now. Good morning Ma'am Y/n and Sir Jeongin." Jeongin and I looked at each other with confused looks.

"Where's everyone? Woobin and Haeji?" Chan asked as he looked around.

"They're inside the mansion, Sir. I'm sure they're all excited to see you." We bid our goodbyes and walked past through the garden. We came at the end of the garden, and a huge mansion greeted us.

"That's where we live?" Chan nodded as Jisung playfully pointed the mansion in front of us.

"From now on, we'll live peacefully here. No one will chase us, or will hurt us." Chan said as he put his arm on my shoulders. I looked at him and he smiled sweetly. "You're safe here." I smiled back at him.

We walked to the front doors. But before we opened it, someone did. A lady in 50s looked at us, then she smiled at us, giving each of us hugs.

"Oh my goodness. You're all grown ups now." She said as she hugged the boys. Then she came to me.

"Y/n! How good to see you with your siblings all grown up." She then hugged me tight.

I gave her a sweet smile after the hug.

Ohhh wait, siblings??

"Haeji, it's good to see you again." Chan greeted at her, and she smiled.

"I'm glad you still remember me, Channie." Haeji ruffled Chan's hair, and kissed his forehead.

"Haeji, I'm too big for that nickname." Chan said, chuckling.

"Well, you're still the Channie I know 14 years ago." They're both chuckling.

"Ohh right, come on in. You guys must be tired. I'll call the maids to prepare your rooms." Haeji said. She then clapped her hands, twice.

8 maids came to her, in line. I dunno if they're afraid of Haeji, or they're just like that.

"Boys, follow them to your rooms. I'll escort Y/n to her room." Haeji gently held my hand, and we both walked upstairs.

"How are you, dear? I remember when you left here, Chan was still carrying you." She told me, chuckling.

Then, we stopped at a door, maybe at the 2nd floor. I saw Jeongin at the room before mine.

Haeji opened the door, and it revealed a royal blue-themed room. I like blue, and this room suits my taste.

She entered the room, and opened the closet. She chuckled as she saw all the clothes.

"We need to change these clothes here. Baby Y/n is not here anymore." She said as she showed me a lot of baby clothes.

"I'll have the maids to change these here. For now, have a rest, or maybe you can go to your brothers. I'll leave you now." She said as she left me. I was going to open the door when someone knocked. I opened it and there I saw all of them smiling at me.

"Can we enter?" Changbin asked as he made cute poses at me.

"Haha come in." I said as I opened the door widely.

Everyone find a spot to sit down while Chan remained standing and observing everyone.

"Okay, so we're here. And to explain everything, I want you to listen to me." Chan started. He showed us a book and placed it at our center.

"This, is our boss's journal. And this thing will reveal everything. About us." We all looked at each other.

"As you all know, they've been mentioning about us being siblings. Well, that's right. Y/n and Jeongin are twin. Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, and Seungmin are quadruplets. I'm your eldest brother while Y/n being the youngest." I looked at them, and they looked serious.

Yesterday, they're my friends protecting me. Now, they're my siblings, and also me having a twin.

What's next, we're some sort of prince and princess?

"The boss hid our true identity from us. He distributed us to different families to be part of it." He continued as he flipped pages from the journal.

"And to be together again, he hired us, boys, to protect you." Chan continued as he looked at me.

"Actually, if you stayed there at your house yesterday, he will sent you here, alone." I looked at him with shocked eyes.

"Why? What about you guys?" He was still flipping the pages of the journal. "We'll stay there, for good."

"Why would he do that? Grandpa won't do such things." I told them, but Chan shook his head.

"I guess you don't know him well." He flipped the pages again, looking for something specific.

"We went there to pay our family debt. And the only way is to work for him." He explained as he closed the journal.

"Working, while looking after you." Minho added, making Chan nod.

"Then what about those salaries he gave you?"

"Those are real. We already paid everything 2 years ago, and we're still working for him so he gave us money." I nodded at him as response.

"Chan hyung? Why do we have a debt to pay at him?" Jeongin suddenly asked, making Chan sad.

"Not us, actually. But Mom and Dad."

"Our real parents?" Felix asked, making Chan nod.

"Yes. I heard that this mansion, everything here was bought by our parents to the boss. But since they can only afford the half of the price, they sent us there to work for him." Chan explained.

"Don't they love us? How could they do that to us?" Seungmin suddenly said, quite angry and sad at the same time.

"Where are they now?" Jisung asked.

"A week after we left, they died. I don't know the exact happening, or how they died." Everyone got shocked at the news.

"Maybe if we didn't left here, they must be alive until now." Changbin said, sadness in his tone.


Everyone's mourning about the news.

I dunno if I should cry, or be mad. I just don't like my real parents.

I don't like them, nor hate them.

Suddenly, a knock was heard at the door and it opened, revealing maids holding bunches of clothes.

"Hello Ma'am. These are the clothes Lady Haeji told us to bring here." I nodded, and opened my closet.

The boys helped the maids arranged my clothes.

"Hey Y/n? You look good with this one."

"No, she's stunning with this evening gown."

"She's still young to wear that. Here's what you need to wear."

"You know guys, let her wear what she wants. You don't want her to pick your outfits, right?" Chan said, chuckling.

"Yeah right. I might make you wear some long gowns and short skirts." I added, laughing with Chan.

I just watched them argue and complain at each other who's fitting my clothes.

These guys really are ridiculous.

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