t w e n t y f i v e

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I was woken up by small talks and giggles. I covered my ears and closed my eyes tight.

Aish~ These boys~

"Will you please lower down your voices?" I asked, quite annoyed.

"Ohh, what a great idea. I'll write a song about that."



"Break free from the voices in my head~" One of them sang, maybe with some movements.

"Ohh yeah nice idea. I'll take note of that."

I gave up, knowing that they're all here, I decided to wake up and have my breakfast.

"Good morning princess." Chan approached me and messed my hair.

"Ohh sweetie, you're finally awake. You know these boys here wants to wake you up earlier, but you know, us girls need our beauty rest." Mrs. Hwang chuckled.

I looked at Seungmin, and he's still sleeping.

I sat beside him and laid my head on his bed.

A hand rested above my head.

"Y-you know, you don't need to worry too much."

I raised my head and saw him, smiling at me.

"SEUNGMIN!!" I hugged him tight.

"Oiii, be careful. He's still recovering."

"Oops sorry, hehehe."

"Good thing you're awake Minnie." Changbin gladly sat beside me, approaching Seungmin.

"How long I've been sleeping?" He asked, trying to sat up, but Mrs. Hwang won't let him.

"You've been here for just hours ago." Jisung smiled at him.

"Are you hungry? We bought some food here." Minho prepared some meals for Seungmin, and for me.

We both ate quietly while the others continued their chitchats.

"Uhm Seungmin?" I looked at him.


"Thank you, for saving me." I looked down, and tears started forming in my eyes.

"Hey, don't cry. It's our job to protect you no matter what."

"But, what if one of you die while protecting me?" He caressed my back.

"It's our job. And we'll be honored to protect you until our death."

"Please be careful next time. I'd rather be dead instead of you guys." He shook his head.

"Don't be like that. Chan will be sad without you." I looked down.

"And I'll be sad without you guys. It's just about 3 weeks since I met you, but my life will be dull without you all." He smiled.

"Then, let's protect each other." I nodded, smiling at him.

He smiled as well, messing my hair. We continued to eat, until Dr. Min came.

"Good thing you're now awake. You still need another 3 days before your discharge. A nurse will came every after meal to give you your medicine." He looked at each of us, then smiled.

"Okay, I'll leave you now." Dr. Min left the room.

"I think, we need to move." Chan suddenly spoke loudly.

"What do you mean?" Jeongin asked him, Chan looked at each of us.

"We need to move to our secret hideout." I looked at them.

They have other secret hideout?

"But, what about Seungmin?" Jisung asked.

I looked at Seungmin, and he just smiled at me.

"3 people will stay here each day to look after him. The rest will move our luggage to the hideout." Everyone nodded.

"Anyone who wants to look after Seungmin?"

Changbin, Hyunjin and Jeongin raised their hand at the same time.

"Okay, the rest will follow me." Chan walked out of the room, followed by the others.

"Bye Seungmin, get well soon." I whispered to him, and he smiled at me.

"I will, take care." I nodded, and followed behind the others.

We walked to the parking lot of the hospital, Mrs. Hwang drove us home.

"Hey Chan? Where is your secret hideout?" I asked him, and he smiled.

"It's far from here, but I'm sure you'll like it there." I nodded, and rested my head in his shoulders.

"I wish, everything will go back to normal." I whispered to myself.

I wish, we'll be back to the normal lives we have. Going to Chan's house to hang out, going to the hideout at the rooftop, and playing basketball at the gym after class.

I didn't even wish this kind of life, where someone or some people wants to kill me, or these boys protecting me from harm and danger.

I wish, I'll be back to my normal life.

"Hey Y/n? You okay there? Jisung has been calling you for a dozen times already." Chan shook my shoulders, making me snapped out of my thoughts.

"Ohh yeah. W-why?" I looked at Jisung, who's smiling at me.

"You're so adorable. Anyways, our boss wants you to have this." He gave me a small pouch, containing something cylindrical.

I smiled at him and opened the pouch.

It's a lipstick? For what?

There's also a note inside.

"Use it well, princess."

It seems like the boss knows me well.

I twisted the cap of the lipstick, and nothing special. It's just a normal red lipstick.

Maybe I can put a light shade on my lips, so I won't look pale.

"Is that from the boss?" Chan asked beside me, looking at me putting the lipstick.

I nodded at him and he smiled.

"I never saw you put lipsticks. Or any cosmetics."

"Maybe because I'm not a fan of those? And also, I have what you call, natural beauty." I said, and he chuckled.

"Of course, it's in our blood." He messed my hair and chuckled.

He looked outside the window and stared at the trees we're passing by.

Nothing happened to me.

So what's these? He just want me to put lipstick? Or there's something in it that I didn't know yet–

"Wait, Y/n? Where are you?"

I looked at Chan, and he's roaming his head around the van.

"What do you mean? I'm right here beside you." He looked at my whole body with confusion.

"I can hear you, but I can't see you."

It gave me shivers. I looked down at my body and started screaming.


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