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I looked at the time. 5 minutes before class ends.

Jeongin is looking at me, excited.

Well, after we ate, they invited me to watch them play basketball in the gym later after class.

I actually don't like sports, but watching one is not a problem to me, especially if I knew the players.

Bell suddenly rang, making Jeongin jump up and dragging me.

"Wait, let me at least grab my bag!" I told him and he let go of my arm.

After, he dragged me to the campus grounds to meet up with the others. He ran fast, indicating his excitement.

We reached the grounds fast. There, we saw Felix, Jisung, Hyunjin and Seungmin. They're playing and having fun while teasing Jisung, again.

We walked to them because we're both out of air.

"Are they always like that?" Jeongin looked at me.

"What do you mean?" He asked, looking to his hyungs.

"They always tease Jisung." He chuckled.

"We always tease each other." He said.

I looked back to them, then saw Felix running to us.

"Let me steal Y/n from you!" He said, dragging me to them. I heard Jeongin running behind us.

We arrived to their place. They let me sat between them. Then, Jeongin came, they all stood up and teased Jeongin.

"Baby Jeongin is grown up now!"

"Sooner, he'll have a girlfriend!"

"Then, he'll forget about us because he's busy with his girlfriend."

"And then, I don't have someone to bully who is younger than me."

"Our Baby Jeongin is so cute!!!"

Jeongin looked at me, with that 'I-told-you' face. They continued bothering Jeongin and then started pinching his cheeks.

Changbin came, joining them. Then Minho pulled Jisung away to tease him. Chan just sat beside me.

"Sometimes, being a parent is not that easy, especially when you have 7 chaotic children." He said while looking at them.

"But, having them is a blessing."

"Yeah, you're right." He stood up and grabbed his bag.

"Let's go, gym's waiting for us." Chan called out for his children and they followed him. They looked like 7 little ducklings, following their mother duck Chan.

I stood up and follow them as well.

We entered the empty gymnasium. They put their bag down in the bench and removed their polo uniforms.

Then, they lined up, forming 2 teams.

Chan, Jeongin, Changbin and Minho versus Jisung, Felix, Hyunjin and Seungmin.

Seungmin left to get a ball from I don't know where. Then, he ran to me.

"We need you." He said, holding my arm, dragging me to them.

"For what?" I asked him.

"You will just throw the ball in the air and that's it." I nodded, even he didn't saw it.

We reached them and he gave me the ball. Hyunjin and Chan went in my both sides, facing each other.

"The Korean Llama versus the Australian Kangaroo. Who will have the ball?" Jisung narrated in a silly voice.

I looked at Chan and he looked at me too. "How will I do that?"

"You just throw the ball upwards, then you can ran away." He said, sweetly smiling at me. Then, he looked at Hyunjin with a serious and competitive look.

Yes, I've just seen the duality of Christopher Bang.

I inhaled, then exhaled. Then I threw the ball upward with all of my strength. They both jump, reaching for the ball, then Chan grabbed the ball and passed it to Changbin.

I quickly ran out of there, to the bench. I watched them play.

I really don't know the scoring of this game, I just followed the ball with my eyes.

Now, Seungmin has the ball. He's dribbling with it and then he passed it to Jisung, then to Felix but Minho took it. Minho passed it to Chan and he shoot the ball in the ring and it went in.

As expected to Christoper Bang.

Jisung now have the ball, he passed it to Jeongin and passed it back to him. He ran with it to the other side of the court. He passed it to Felix, who shoot the ball to the ring from a far distance, but it still went in.

Looks like Chan and Felix are good at it.

They continued their game, until 30 minutes had passed. I didn't know the current score, but it seems like Chan's team is the leading.

Felix's team is a bit serious now, than earlier, where they still enjoy the game.

Seungmin was dribbling the ball, but Changbin and Jeongin are blocking his way. He tried some moves, but he couldn't pass them.

He passed it to Felix, but Chan was guarding him. He shot the ball, then Chan jumped to block him. But, he didn't continue his shot and passed Chan. He got near the ring and shot it, which definitely went in. His team celebrated for that sudden moves of him.

I just though if they're both part of the varsity team in our school. They're so good at it.

The game ended after Seungmin's last shot. Everyone gathered in front of me and drank water, some wiped their faces with towels.

"Since we won, we're going to eat at Chan hyung's house!!" They all cheered. Wait, there's a deal in their game?

He sighed in defeat, facepalming himself.

"Okay fine, let's go home." Chan said, leading his ducklings. I walked fast until I caught him.

"Hey Chan, are they going to eat at home?" He nodded.

"So, that means I'm going to cook?" He looked at me. "Great suggestion. I thought at first that I'm going to cook, but since you said it, you can do it, right?"

"Hey, I don't know a recipe that these guys will love." He looked up, maybe thinking.

"Stir-Fried Rice Cakes. Everyone loves it." He suggested.

"Wait, we don't have ingredients of it at home, right?" He nodded. "We go shopping then."

He turned around, looking at his children.

"Someone who wants to go with Y/n to do shopping?" I suddenly looked at him.


Suddenly, Hyunjin, Minho and Changbin raised their hands.

"Don't worry, they're good at cooking." He whispered at me, tapping my shoulders.

I sighed, giving up.


Hi! I just wanna say, thank you for reading my first story. I don't really expect that there are some people who will read this.

I know my grammar sucks because English is not my first language. And I'm learning English so much just for this.

Thank you for supporting my book, by just reading it. It really makes me inspire by just knowing some people are reading this. I will work hard for this book.


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