t h i r t y f i v e

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We've been travelling for 4 hours straight. And most of them were already sleeping.

Suddenly, Changbin went to Chan and talked to him. The van stopped and they went out to switch places. Changbin sat on the driver's seat while Chan hopped in with us.

He looked at me first then smiled, before he sat on Changbin's seat.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed. Someone just texted me.

Ohhh, it's just Chan.

;Hey princess how are you doing there? Can't ask you earlier, everyone's sleeping right now.

He's really thoughtful. Knowing that he's already tired from 4 hours of driving, he still cares for everyone.

I tapped the given space and replied to him.

;I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Worry about yourself. Get some
sleep, please.

I sent it to him, and he quickly replied.

;I will, I'm just checking on you. You should get some sleep too.

I smiled while staring at my phone.

Then suddenly, his head popped from his seat with a big smile plastered on his face.

"I will. Thank you." I mouthed at him, and he then nodded at me.

He went back to his seat and maybe find a sleeping position.

I put my phone inside my bag and looked on my both sides.

Jisung and Hyunjin were both sleeping, heads were bumping on the window.

Now I'm bored~

I wanted to play with someone, but they're all sleeping.

I decided to raise my knees and lay my head there. I'm not that sleepy, but I just wanted to do this.

I've been in this position for like 5 minutes, and someone just tapped my shoulders. I raised my head, but my sight was blurry so I can't recognize things I saw.

"Y/n, you alright?" I heard someone talked. I looked where the voice came from, and slowly, my sight went back to normal.

"Jisung? I though you're sleeping." I lowered my legs and faced to his direction.

"Yeah, but I suddenly woke up and saw you hugging your legs. Something wrong?" He looked so worried.

"I'm fine. It's just, I can't sleep and I need someone to play with me." I told him, and he just held my hand.

"Come here. I'll just sing for you so you can go to sleep." He said as he patted his shoulders.

I laid my head on his shoulders while he's still holding my hand.

Then, he sang me some lullaby, slowly making my eyes heavy.

I was mesmerized by his voice that I didn't realize that I slept.

• • •

I was woken up by a light shake on my shoulders. I'm still sleepy but I managed to open my eyes slowly.

"Hey Y/n? Wake up. We're here." It was Jisung.

I looked around and saw everyone going out of the van, one-by-one.

Jisung guided me out of the van and we reached the others.

I rubbed my eyes and suddenly I saw the hideout's entrance. And beside that, a black car was parked there.

I grabbed Chan's shirt and started to point the car as he looked at me.

He just smiled at me, and patted my head.

It must be from a visitor.

As everyone gathered, we all entered the hideout and rode the elevator.

We arrived at the ground floor and went first to our rooms.

I walked in front of my room, inserted my fingerprint and went in as it opened the door.

I lied down and closed my eyes.

But before I dozed off to sleep, the door opened. I opened my eyes and saw Felix walking to me.

"Did I wake you up?" He asked as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Not really. Why?" I asked as I sat down.

"Chan sent me to fetch you. He wants to talk to you." I went down the bed and fixed myself.

Then, he escorted me to the elevator and we went to the living room.

"Are you somehow, nervous?" He suddenly asked me as he just stared at the metal doors.

"No, why?" He looked at me and shook his head.

Then he kept quiet.

We arrived at a strange room and there I saw everyone and a man in mid 40s.

He must be the owner of the black car up there.

They all looked at us as we walked to them.

There's a lot of beds here, with a large machine in the middle.

Chan let me sat down beside him. Then he stood up, and walked back and forth.

"I just discovered something, that all of us are not from this universe. We're in a different universe, and we travelled to this planet." He explained as he looked at me. I saw them nodding at him.

"Can you explain to me why are we here?" He just smiled at me.

"You'll know everything when we get home." I just nodded at him as response.

"Everyone, lay down on those beds. I'll send you guys home." That man in mid-40s said as he sat in front of the machine.

I lied down on the bed near him, and he saw me. He stood up and went near me.

"I want you to know, that even tho I'm not your real father, I will always care for you. Your mother and I were lucky to have you." He suddenly held my hand. He raised my hand and stared at my bracelet.

"Please keep the bracelet for me." He said as he touched my cheeks.

"Dad? Is it really you?" He nodded at me, and a tear streamed down his cheeks.

"Yes, sweetie. I'm sorry for not being there while you grow up." I shook my head as I wiped my tears.

"It's fine, Dad. What matters is that I saw you even before I go home." He smiled, the sweetest I saw from him.

"Take care sweetie." I nodded. "You too, Dad." He nodded as he went back to the machine.

"Okay everyone, close your eyes. In any minute now, you'll see yourself in your own world." He said as he typed really fast on the keyboard.

Moments later, I felt like my body was being sucked, and it was too quiet.

Then, that weird feeling was gone, but I'm afraid to open my eyes.

"Y/n? Open your eyes." A voice said while slightly shaking my body.

The moment I opened my eyes, I saw all of them surrounding me, looking worried.

"Good thing you're awake now." Chan said as he hugged me.

"Uhm, where are we now?" I asked as Chan released me from our mini hug.

"We're home."

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