t h i r t y o n e

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Well, I guess there's a lot of people around me whose surname is Yoon.

And he's one of them.

He suddenly chuckled. "You kiddos, raise your heads. It's good to see you again."

I looked at him again. I felt some connections from him.

He stared at me.

"We've finally met, Yoon Y/n."

Well, it's not surprising that he knows my name. He's the one who sent these guys to protect me in the first place.

I smiled and bowed. "I'm glad to finally meet you, Sir."

He chuckled again.

"How's Seungmin, by the way?" Changbin raised his hand. Mr. Yoon looked at him and nodded.

"He's recovering now Sir. At the moment, Chan and Minho were in-charged in looking after him." He smiled at the good news.

Felix raised his hand and waited for Mr. Yoon to nod his head to him.

"Sir, how's your leg? Didn't your doctor told you to stay in your wheelchair?" He chuckled and smiled.

"I'm fine, Felix. Thank you for your concern. He told me that I can practice my legs in walking now, but I need this cane for support."

Everyone nodded and smiled at him.

"Anyway, what brings you all here?" He looked at each of us. Eye-to-eye.

Hyunjin now raised his hands. Mr. Yoon nodded, even he's not looking at him.

"Woojin threatened us." He gave the paper to Mr. Yoon and he looked at both sides of the paper.

"He wants his revenge. And he's also bringing his little brat sister with him." Little what??!

"Sir, you mean Woojin and Ara are siblings?" Jisung suddenly asked. He nodded, not removing his eyes at the paper.

"You heard it right. Kim Woojin and Kim Ara are siblings." He looked at us again. At each of us.

He's not that scary, but his stares will surely scare you to death.

"I'm not sure if this is true, only the 2 of them versus the 9 of you? They're planning something." He became serious.

"Follow me."

We walked out of the room. We passed a lot of doors until we reached the door at the end of the corridor.

It's big, and will surely fit 2 people if they will enter at the same time.

Mr. Yoon sat at the desk that has his name on it.

Yoon Hwansong

We sat at the couches in front of his desk.

"Okay, I'll just call the training team, and they'll teach you some other combat skills that you can use. We also have gadgets to use to take advantage of them. And we need to rush. Your training will be for 4 days. After that, you need to fight them, no matter what." He grabbed the telephone in his desk, and called, as he said, the training team.

After some chitchats, he hanged up the call and looked at us.

"You can go now." We all stood up, but he spoke again. "I wanna talk to you, Y/n." I looked at them, and they all nodded at me. I smiled at them and sat back on the couch. They walked and shut the door behind them.

I looked at Mr. Yoon, and our eyes met.

"So, how was your mother?"

My mother?? How did he know about my mother?

"I know, it's surprising that I mentioned your mother even we just met." Yeah, everything's weird to me right now.

"Your mother and I knew each other." He said while scanning through his drawers. He pulled out something and gave it to me.

Mom and Mr. Yoon were here. And another man was here also. He was holding Mom's hands.

I looked at him and he chuckled.

"You wanna know who's the man beside your mom?" I nodded.

I have something in mind, but I don't know if that's true. Maybe he was Mom's boyfriend or fiancee or what.

"He's my son."

Well, for sure, he's not Mr. Yoon Mijoon.

"And your dad."

My dad??!

"Is he alive?" Mr. Yoon smiled and nodded.

I smiled back, and a tear fell down my cheeks.

"You okay darling?" He stood up and walked to me. He sat down beside me and comforted me.

So all this time, my grandpa watches over me?

"I never know I still have a grandpa. And my dad's still alive." He chuckled.

"You know, ever since you were little, I like watching over you. You're my first grandchild after all." He smiled and brushed his hands in my hair.

I suddenly remembered what uncle Mijoon said.

"Uhm grandpa, is it true?" I looked at him in the eyes. "That you've forgotten uncle Mijoon because of me?"

His eyes saddened.

"Your uncle despise you since you were little. He's my eldest son, and I promised him that he will inherit the company when I retire. But when you came into this world, he thought that you will ruin everything and will be the successor of the company instead. Ugh, I dunno darling. Everything's so complicated right now. I heard he's in jail for attempting murder."

I wanna tell him that I was the one he tried to murder, but I can't ruin everything. I know grandpa needs to know this, but I can't just ruin their relationship. Things might get harder for our family to be whole again.

"Anyways, let's just talk about your uncle later. Let's go visit your boyfriends." Whuuttt??!

"Grandpa!!!!" He chuckled and held onto his cane.

"Ohh darling, I'm just joking." I helped him as he got up off the couch and walked out of his office. We went to the door with a sign saying 'Training Room'.

We went inside and saw them doing some combat training, as grandpa said.

"You guys, keep going. Y/n darling here will just accompany me." I looked at Stray Kids and they're so confused. I just chuckled at them that made them confused more.

"I'll explain later." I mouthed at them and they nodded.

They continued their training.

As I watched them, something came to my mind.

"Grandpa, I've got a great idea."

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