s p e ci a l c h a p t e r o n e

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I'm staring at my Math teacher talking about some polygons and sides and edges.

There are drawings at the chalk board.

I glances at the wall clock.


"Square has 4 sides, and 4 edges."

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I already know that.


"Don't forget your assignment."

Our teacher is now cleaning up her desk.


She looks at her wrist watch. She smiles and looks at the whole class.

"I'll see you tomorrow class."


Everyone stands up and rushes outside.

I go to the cafeteria and there I see my cousins, Chan, Hanna and Lucas.

"Hey!" I greet and sit beside Hanna.

"You don't want to grab something before we go home?" Lucas asks, which makes me slowly shake my head.

"Nahh, mom will make me fairy bread." I smiles at him, making him smile back.

"Okay, let's go home." Chan says after he finishes his burger.

We all grab our bags and go home.

We reach the bus stop and wait there. A car stops in front of us and the car window go down, revealing my uncle, Chan's dad.

"Hop in, let's go home." We all hop in and we drive home.

Me and my cousins were neighbors. We're so close to each other that I felt like we're siblings.

Chan is in the passenger seat while Hanna, Lucas and I are in the back seat.

While on our way home, uncle is asking his children how's school, sometimes he asks me too.

We arrive in our front gate. They drop me there and stop to the next gate, which is theirs.

I walks in and there I see my mom reading her favorite book.

"Hi Mom!!" I greets and she looks at me.

"Hi sweetie. How's school?" She kisses my forehead and grab my bag.

"It's fine." I give her my sweet smile.

She pinches my cheeks and kisses it after.

"Go change to your comfy clothes, I'll make your fairy bread now." She says while heading to the kitchen.

I rushes to my bedroom and there I change my clothes. I'm going to open the door when I notice something on my table.

A box with a wrapping.

I grab it and go down to the kitchen.

"Hey Mom? What's this?" I asks as I shows her the box.

"Ohh, open it. You'll love what's inside of it." She states as he smiles widely.

I open it and saw an old paper in it. It is folded, but when I open it, there's a hand written in it.

From Dad?

I look at my mom while she's making fairy bread.

I silently read the letter.

"My sweetie Y/n,

10 years from now, I know I won't see you. I probably be gone in those years. And I can't give you this thing I've been keeping for you. That's why I'm asking your mom to give this to you when you're already 10. I love you sweetie. Always take care okay? Don't let your mom cry every night. She just misses me. I love you both.

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