s e v e n t e e n

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"They're here." Chan held me tight and kept whispering that everything will be fine.

"W-who's here?" I asked him, I felt my body trembling in fear due to what he said and the current situation we have.

I can't see him, but I feel him.

Full of worry.

"Don't worry, Princess. You'll be safe. We'll protect you from everyone and we'll do everything for you."

His hug became more tight, I hugged him with the same strength.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulders.

"Y/n, we need to go." I looked around, but I can't see nothing. I knew it's Jisung's voice.

"W-where are we g-going?" I said, slowly standing up.

"I'll explain everything to you later. But first, we need to get out of here." I nodded, even he can't see me.

I turned around and grabbed Chan's hands, but he shook it off. I froze.

"I'm not coming with you."

"Why?" I hugged him, and he returned the hug. But he pulled from the hug right after.

"I'll buy them some time so you'll get away from here." He confidently said.

"But what if they hurt you? What if they do something to you?" Tears were on the edge of my eyes.

"It's okay, as long as I protect you. It's my responsibility after all, and my duty." I cried as I hugged him.

His clothes were wet with my tears.

"Hey, stop crying. I'm not going to die. I promise." He patted my head while carrassing my back. "I'll see you guys at the 2nd hideout." He whispered to Jisung, probably.

He pulled from the hug and I felt a kiss in my head.

"Hey Jisung? Take care of my cousin, okay? I want you to bring her back to me in one whole, and alive." Chan said, chuckling.

"I will hyung. Don't worry." Someone held my hand.

"Let's go." Jisung pulled me gently, but I stopped. "Wait."

I removed my bracelet. "Keep this okay? This is the bracelet my dad gave to me when I was young. When I wear this, it gives me luck." I said, then kissed Chan's cheeks.

We heard a loud thud in the door.

"We really need to go now." Jisung said, while pulling me.

We came to the room I slept, and everyone are waiting there.

Someone lit a flashlight and pointed it in the floor.

Felix came to me, and hugged me.

"Chan hyung will be fine, I promise you."

Promise. A single word, but full of lies. Some promises are meant-to-be broken, right?

I nodded and hugged him as well.

Minho went beside the bed, and ran his hand under it. Seems like he's looking for something.

He stood up, and with that, the bed split in half, opening a staircase going into some sort of basement.

"Minho hyung hired a professional engineer just to build this." Felix whispered beside me.

"Where are we going?" I softened my voice, only Felix and Jisung who's in front of me can hear.

"This is actually a passage to the parking lot. Only us can enter and exit that door." Jisung replied.

"You have some sort of password there?" I asked, making them chuckled. "Ohh, we actually have a swipe card."

I nodded. Minho went first, followed by Changbin then Jeongin, Hyunjin, Seungmin and Jisung.

Before I went down, I looked behind, to where Chan is.

"Where is she?"

"I-i don't know. I'm the only one here."

"I don't believe you."

"Search every room. I know they're here, with that brat."

"Hey Y/n? We need to hurry." Felix said, pulling me.

I hurriedly went down the passage. It's quite dark, but I saw someone down pointing the flashlight up to us.

Before Felix went down, he closed the passage and went after me.

This is a long way down, but we reached a floor. Minho pulled out his swipe card and used it to open the door, revealing the parking lot.

We hurriedly went to the van and went somewhere I dunno.

But I heard, we're going to the 2nd hideout.

"Hey Jisung? Where are we going?" I looked at the guy on my left.

"Hyunjin's house."

• • •


Sorry for the short update. But, don't worry, I'll update later today because....



To thank you, I was thinking of making a special chapter. I'll do it right away and publish it today.

Thank you for the 1k reads.

I love y'all!!!


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