t h i r t y

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We bid our goodbyes to Seungmin, Chan and Minho. Changbin went to the driver's seat and drove us to their company.

It feels crowded here, unlike yesterday. I miss it.

Everyone was quiet, or maybe they're sleeping.

Jeongin tapped my shoulders, and gave me the other earpiece of his earphone.

"You want to watch?" He said, showing me his phone.

I just nodded, and put the other earpiece in my ear. He's watching some sort of music videos.

"Who are they?" I asked as I leaned near his phone.

"Uhm, I don't know. I just like their song."

I looked closer. Those boys wore some wolf outfit, and kept repeating the lyrics 'Wolfgang'.

"Why do they kept repeating Mozart's name?" I asked him, and he just shrugged.

"Maybe because of the title of the song. It's 'Wolfgang'." He explained as he watched the video.

I looked more closer and one of them looked like Chan.

That "Chan" guy removed his white cape and wore a wolf skin outfit. He has claw marks in his back.

"Wait, was that you and– uhm nevermind." I looked at Jeongin who's sleeping. I grabbed his phone and looked at Jisung beside me.

"Jisung? Look at this one, everyone looked like you guys." He grabbed the phone from my hands and looked closely.

"Yeah, but I don't know them. We're not them, Y/n. There might be some sort of parallel universe or something." I looked at him, curiously.

"Hmm, I hope we can meet them." He chuckled and gave me the phone back.

I scrolled down through the list of videos this group has, and they have a lot. Their group name is also Stray Kids.

Well, I wish I can meet myself in that universe, if that universe really exists.

I put the phone back in Jeongin's bag.

I became really curious with what Jisung said. Parallel universe? Does that really exists? How can we go there?

I was repeatedly thinking of that parallel universe that I didn't even realized that we stopped.

Jisung shook my shoulders. "You okay?"

"Uhh, yeah I'm fine. Of course." He smiled at me.

"Y/n, you're coming?" Felix asked as he pointed the convenience store outside.

"Ohh sure." I hopped out the van and went inside with the others.

"What are we going to do here?" I asked Changbin beside me.

"They want to buy snacks. How about you?" I shook my head and smiled. "I'm full."

He nodded and sat down the vacant chairs. I followed and sat beside him.

"Hey Changbin, can I ask you something, if you don't mind?" He smiled.

"Sure what is it?"

"Do you believe in parallel universe?" He stared at me, like he's thinking of something.

"Sort of. Why?"

"Ohh, nothing. I'm just curious." I just smiled at him and left to look for the others. "I'll be right back."

"Okay, buy something for me!" He yelled before I disappeared in the stalls.

I rushed to the snacks section and I saw each of them grabbing their treats.

"Hey Y/n, you want some?" Hyunjin offered me a bag of chips. "My treat."

I smiled and took the bag. "Thanks, Hyunjin. Changbin told me to buy him something. Can you suggest? I don't know what he wants tho." He chuckled as Jisung walked beside Hyunjin.

"We'll just buy him some ramyeon." Jisung said as he showed me a basket of it.

Hyunjin shook Jisung's shoulders and ran away. He came back with a bag of fries. "We can't forget this one." He dramatically said as he put the bag inside the basket Jisung was holding, and smiled.

"All set. We'll just pay everything in the counter." Jisung said and grabbed the bag of chips I was holding. They walked away and the rest came back to Changbin.

We just waited for the others in the car and we drove again to their company.

Well, everyone's noisy now. They talked, laughed, and played some music.

I wanted to call Mom, but I don't want to lie to her, again.

"I guess, I should just call her later."

I stared outside, and someone suddenly poked my shoulders.

"Want some?" Jeongin asked, as he offered me some chips.

I shook my head.

"No, thank you." He smiled at me and went back eating his snacks.

I looked outside again, and noticed a lot of trees as we go on. We must be in a forest.

"Hey Jeongin? Are we there yet?" He smiled and nodded his head.

I looked ahead and saw a building. That must be it.

H.M. Hotel?

The van stopped in front of the company. We got out of the van, and was greeted by a lady. She looked like a hotel manager, or something like that.

"Hello, Stray Kids. Welcome back." She greeted and bowed to them.

"Hi Yeona, where's boss?" Felix said as he walked to the lady.

"He's on the way. You guys should wait at the lobby." She smiled and looked at me. "Hi, you must be Y/n, Chan's cousin. I'm Yeona." She offered her hands with a smile.

"I– uhh, yeah, I'm Y/n." I shook her hands and smiled back.

"Come on in. You shouldn't stay here outside." She led the way to the elevator and opened it.

We all went in and Changbin press the button that says "2nd Floor - Base".

Yeona waved as the metal doors shut. Then, we arrived at the 2nd floor of this underground company, I think.

Well I guess, they really like underground bases.

We came in a small room with long couches on 3 sides and a coffee table at the center. It's air-conditioned and it even has a television attached to the wall.

Everyone find their spot and we all sat down.

"It's so comfyyyyy~"

"It's been a while since we came here." Hyunjin suddenly said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, like 2 months?" Changbin agreed.

Some of us already felt asleep while waiting for their boss.

I wonder what I'm going to ask him. He might won't give the answers to my questions.

What should I do then if that happens?

I heard some knock on the door, and it opened. The noise of the cane echoed inside this room.

It was an old man, wearing a suit. His hair was all gray, and his skin were wrinkled, and yet, he's still good-looking.

Everyone stood up and bowed. I did the same to show respect.

"Hello, Mr. Yoon."

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