t w e n t y s i x

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I heard the boys behind me, trying to calm me down.

"Okay Y/n, relax. Everything will be fine." Minho said in a calm tone.

I inhaled some air, and slowly exhaled.

"Okay, I'm calm now."

"Good. Now, we need to know what caused you to be invisible." Minho said, looking around.

"I think, it's the lipstick you put on." Chan said, making me look at the lipstick in my hand.

"Is that the lipstick the boss gave you?" Felix asked, and I nodded.

Silly me, they can't see me.

"I gave it to her earlier." Jisung said, giving me some tissue.

"Try wiping it off. Let's see what will happen." He added.

I grabbed the tissue, and wiped the lipstick off my lips.

Slowly, I saw my body going back to normal.

"I like this much better." I said, putting the lipstick inside the pouch.

"Ohh wait, I think I saw this one. That lipstick was made by one of his scientist. It allows the user to be invisible from everyone, even the things on her hands will be invisible." Minho said, looking at my lipstick.

"So that's why he said, use it well. I thought it's just a normal lipstick." I told them.

"We can use it to hide you from everyone. Or even from those people chasing you." Chan suggested, making everyone agreed.

"Or even pranking someone." Jisung said, gaining slaps from Minho.

"Hey it hurts!!" Minho chuckled.

"Yeah, I love you too." Felix chuckled with his high pitched voice.

"OMG you two are so cute." He said with an Aussie accent. He chuckled until Minho and Jisung tickled him.

I just sighed and thought of those normal days we had.

Just like now.

Minutes later, we came home. We grabbed everything we need and went on our way to the secret hideout.

"Take care you kiddos. I'll take a look at Hyunjin and the others at the hospital." Mrs. Hwang said, waving at us.

"Thank you Mrs. Hwang. We really appreciate your help letting us in your house." I said, bowing to her.

"There's no need to thank me, Y/n. Our house is actually their secret hideout too. Hyunjin was the one who bought this house for us and for you guys." She said, hugging me so tight.

"I know they're ready to protect you at all cost, but still, be careful. I still want to see you wearing a white gown and walking down the aisle to one of these boys hahaha" She chuckled, making the boys chuckled as well.

"Ahh hehehe of course, Mom will be proud of me." I said, quite awkward at the moment.

"Be careful on your way, okay? I'm just one call away." She said, and hugged me for the last time.

I waved to her and hopped to our van.

Chan started to drive the van and went to our destination.

I was seated beside Felix. Minho and Jisung were behind us.

"Hey Felix? Do you know where are we going?" I asked him, but he shook his head.

"Only Chan the Great knows the way." He said, looking at Chan.

Maybe one of the boy's house again?

First, we had Chan's house as the secret hideout. Then Minho's condominium, and then Hyunjin's house. Who's next?

"Do you want to know where are we going?" I heard a voice above me, and saw Jisung peeking from behind.

I nodded my head, though it looks awkward.

"Hmm, kiss me first." He said, tapping his cheeks.

"Hey dude, Chan will be mad at you." Felix warned, making Jisung laugh.

"I know hahaha, I'm just joking. I actually doesn't know the way either." He said, going back to his seat.

"Aish, this squirrel." Felix said.

He's like a tomato.

Is he angry?

He suddenly turned his back to me and looked outside.

I think he really is mad.

I grabbed my phone, and earphones and plugged it in my ears. I listened to my playlist and watched the trees outside.

I suddenly remembered those mornings I'm off to school, I always wore my earphones and watched the surroundings outside the bus. I miss those moments.

Also if there's no teacher in class, I wore it and listen to music to remove stress. Or even during lunch, I wore earphones to lessen the loneliness.

It's been my best friend since the day Ara started to bully me.

Yeah Ara, that spoiled brat. I'll take revenge on her when I have a chance.

Or even I'll make her suffer everyday.

Then, I felt a tap on my shoulders. I looked beside me and saw Felix smiling awkwardly.

I removed the earphone and looked at him.

"Hey Y/n, I'm sorry for making you feel lonely." Felix said, looking at my earphone.

"Huh? I'm fine haha. I just want to listen to music." I said, but he shook his head.

"Chan told me that whenever you feel lonely or sad, you wear earphones and listen to music." He said, making me smile.

"I'm fine, actually. No need to worry." I put the earphones and my phone inside my bag. Then I looked at him.

"I'm fine, see? No more earphones and music." I smiled at him and he slowly smiled as well.

"Please, be happy as always. Or if you're feeling down and lonely, just call me, or one of us. Okay?" I nodded, making him happy.

"Good. Chan doesn't want you to be like that. He worries so much whenever he sees you alone and sad." Felix cupped my cheeks.

"Okay, I will always be happy. For you guys." He smiled at me and pinched my cheeks.

"Owww! What's that for?" I winced, rubbing my cheeks.

"Because you're so cute." He said, slightly blushing. He quickly turned away.

"Hahaha I saw that. I saw you." I said, pointing at him.

"Okay okay haha, you need to sleep. It's still a long way before we reached our destination." I nodded, and rested my head in his shoulders.

"Can I?"

"Hmm, sure."

I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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