t w e n t y n i n e

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"What will happen when I reach the age of 20?" I asked as he looked outside the van.

He turned to me and smiled.

"No one knows Y/n, only he and the manager knows."

I smiled back at him. I looked outside and saw that we're in the forest road. We're still far from the hospital.

The van was quiet, as everyone was sleeping. Only Chan and I were the only ones awake.

I tried to sleep, but I can't. I just wanted to know everything.

Everything about me.

Well I guess, I need to talk to their boss to know everything. He must be related to me, or something like that.

And their manager too, he might know something that their boss don't know.

What about mom? Is she hiding something too? Why does it feel like everyone's hiding something from me?

Something I should know.

Something I must know.

Something about me.

Should I ask these guys to bring me to their company? What if something bad will happen to us? We should just stay to their secret hideout. We'll be safe there.

"Y/n? You're still awake?" I heard someone from the front seats. A head popped out, revealing Minho.

"Yeah. Why?" He showed me a paper.

"That's the paper Woojin gave me. It shows here the sketch of the school gymnasium. You might know something about this." I grabbed the paper from him and observed every details it has.

It shows here the gymnasium, and some names were written in here.

Stray Kids - Woojin

Ara - Y/n

What does it mean?

I looked behind the paper and there's something written in it.

"5 days from now, 7pm at the school gymnasium." We both looked at each other. Something bad is going to happen.

"We should prepare, no matter what will happen, we're ready to protect you." I smiled at him. "Thank you, Minho."

"Okay, just sleep first. It's still a long way until we reach the others." I smiled and nodded at him.

He smiled back and came back to his seats.

If that day will come, I might fight against Ara, and I know I have an advantage that she doesn't have.

I felt the van slowed down. I looked around and we're not moving.

Minho looked at me with worry in his face. "You okay?"

I nodded, then I roamed my eyes again. "What happened?"

"I think the van's broken." Chan yelled from the driver's seat.

I woke Jisung up and Minho did the same to Felix.

"What happened?" He looked around and saw we're not moving.

"The van's broken."

Chan got out to check the van. Minho followed and also check the van.

"Someone cut the wires." Chan said as he looked at Minho.

"It must be Woojin's men." They both nodded.

"They must be heading to the others." I said as they got in the van.

I quickly grabbed my phone and called Hyunjin.

At my first attempt, he didn't answer. But on the second one, he answered it.


["Hey Y/n?"]

"Jeongin! Where's Hyunjin?" A sudden silence, then he spoke again.

["He went out to buy on the grocery store. Why? And what's the rush? Did something happened?"] I looked around and saw Jisung and Felix looking at me. Jisung grabbed the phone from me and talked to Jeongin.

"Jeongin, listen to me, put the speaker on please."

["Okay done."]

"Changbin hyung? Seungmin? You guys there?" He asked, then someone spoke.

["Yeah we're here."]

"No matter what happen, don't open the door to other people. Especially, to Woojin."

["Woojin? Wait, did you met him somewhere?"] Changbin asked.

"No, he went to us, cut the wires of the van-"

"And threaten us." Minho cutted Jisung, showing the paper to us.

"We'll discuss everything later when we get there." Jisung said.

["Okay, take care y'all."] We hanged up the call and Jisung gave me back my phone.

"What's the threat?" Felix asked as he looked at Minho.

"We'll be fighting Woojin and Ara." Minho showed the paper to them and read everything in it.

"We need to be prepared for us to win." Jisung said, making Minho nod.

"Then, we need to go to the company." Chan said to us.

Okay, I guess I don't need to ask these boys, because Chan already said that we need to go there.

And I need to talk to their boss.

Chan went out of the van again, bringing a tool box with him.

He fixed the van for like 20 minutes. I saw how dirty he was after.

Then, he went in and started the van. I saw his smile when the engine started.

He drove really fast, until we reached the hospital.

It was like a roller coaster ride.

We quickly went out of the van and went to Seungmin's room.

The guards was still there, and I guess nothing happened.

I thought of an idea. I pulled out my lipstick and put some in my lips.

When Chan opened the door, I quickly followed behind him so no one will know I'm invisible.

"Wait, where's Y/n?" Hyunjin asked as he roamed his eyes on the new arrived boys.

I saw Felix smirked as he looked at the couch. "She just went to the restroom. She'll be back later on."

He sat on the couch, beside me. How does he know I'm here?

He suddenly lean near me. "I know what you're doing." I chuckled.

When everyone was already seated, I stood up and went to Jeongin. I pulled a strand of his hair.

"Oww! What's that?" He said, looking around while he massaged the part I pulled his hair.

"What happened?" Chan asked as he looked at him worried.

"I dunno, someone pulled my hair." I went to Felix and put some lipstick onto his hand, and slowly he vanished.

"Wait, where's Felix?" Jisung asked as he looked beside him.

"Maybe it's Felix's ghost you saw there." Chan said, chuckling. Jisung quickly stood up and went beside Seungmin.

I looked at Felix as he looked at me, then suddenly he kissed me at my forehead.

"Thank you." He said, then he erased the lipstick in his hands.

I felt my face became hot.

Darn you, Felix.

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