t w e n t y t w o

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I stared at him.

He tried to hide the gun, but the boys came right on time.

"Is that a g-gun?" Jeongin asked, pointing the gun in his hand. Fear was all you can hear in his voice.

Yes, we're terrified.

He quickly hid the gun.

"D-don't mind this. It's nothi-"

"NOTHING? YOU BROUGHT A GUN! INSIDE MY HOUSE!!" Hyunjin yelled at him.

"N-no, let me expl-"

"No need to. You just want to kill Y/n, right? That's why you pretend to be her dad, Mr. Yoon Mijoon." Felix butted in.

Yoon Mijoon?

Chan went to the table and grabbed a paper above it.

"Earlier, when I went out, I went to the laboratory for this." Chan handed me the paper.

"DNA test?" I looked at him with confusion. He pointed below the paper and it said '25% match'.

"I had time to collect hair stands from both of you. I brought it to the laboratory for a DNA test, and you're right, Y/n." He looked at Mr. Yoon. "He's your uncle and not your real father."


Mr. Yoon lowered his head, smirking. His grip on the gun tightened.

"You guys are truly intellect." He said and suddenly pointed the gun at me. He walked to us, making us walked backward.

"You brat should be in hell right now."

He glared at me like I have done something bad.

"Your mom and dad were so happy to have you, especially your grandfather. While me? He has forgotten me, that he also has his older son. And the reason? You." He stated every word with hatred. He then looked at the boys behind me.

We reached the living room. He stopped from his tracks, which made us stop also.

"Your master is paying you a lot just to protect this brat. Tsk, what a waste." He pointed the gun at each of the boys. He rolled his eyes and smirked. Then, he pointed the gun back at me.

No one spoke.

We're in a life-and-death situation now.

One wrong move, one wrong word, and we're dead.

"I wonder how my brother will feel if he sees you in hell." He spoke again.

"Don't listen to him Y/n, uncle is still alive." Chan whispered to me. I turned to Chan to look at him.

What? My dad's still al-


The gun sounded.

Someone grabbed and hugged me. The hug was so tight.

"You know, I-I always wish to have a younger sister. And when you came, I became so happy. A-and I'm glad I've protected you until my last breath." His words, made me hug him back.


But the moment I touched his back, it's wet. I pulled out of our hug and looked at it.


My eyes widened as he stumbled down the floor.

"SEUNGMIN!!!" Everyone was in a panic. Changbin and Hyunjin brought Seungmin to the hospital. Jeongin pulled me aside, far from them.

Chan suddenly charged to Mr. Yoon— or should I say uncle, to snatch the gun from him, followed by Felix who's using some taekwondo skills, Jisung also ran with a bat in his hands.

Minho went behind to lock him in his place. Now he can't move.

My mind went blank. I didn't know what happened next. All I thought was Seungmin.

Should I come with them to the hospital? Should I help Chan and the others dealing with my uncle? Or should I just stay here?

I don't know what to do now.

"Hey, Y/n? You there?" I heard someone spoke. I looked around and saw everyone staring at me.

My uncle was also here, glaring at me. His hands were tied behind. Chan and Minho were on both sides.

"You brat must be lucky to have these boys protecting you." He stated. But my mind didn't function properly this time.

"If ever you want to know anything about your dad, go and talk to me. If you just want to."

They left, Chan, uncle, and Minho. They said they will bring that guy to the police station.

I felt a hug, followed by another 2 pairs of hugs.

And hot tears started to fall down my cheeks. It felt like there are so many happenings today.

They pulled out of the hug and wiped my tears with their hands. They forced a smile, but I can't.

"Be strong, okay? We're always here for you." Jisung said, kissing my forehead.

"I want to visit Seungmin." It's all I can say. They suddenly put a jacket on me and pulled me out of the house. Felix called Hyunjin for the info about the hospital.

We rode a taxi to the nearest hospital they have here. The whole ride was so quiet.

"Was this happening because of me being too special?" I asked, head hanged and eyes closed. I was in the back seat with Jeongin and Jisung, while Felix was in the shotgun seat.

No one spoke, I just felt a hug beside me.

"He shot Seungmin because of me. He's in the hospital because of me. Everything that happened was because of me. He might—" I tried to hide my tears. But because of the hug, I couldn't hold it anymore. I was too emotional now.

"Seungmin will be fine, okay? Everything will be fine." Jisung comforted me.

I hope so too.

The ride was so fast, we arrived at the hospital. They paid the driver and we rushed inside the hospital. We went to the Emergency Room and there we saw Changbin and Hyunjin waiting outside. We approached them and they smiled. Changbin pulled me to sat beside him.

"How are you?" He let my head lay on his shoulders.

I don't know how to answer.

"Everything will be fine, okay?" He brushed his hand in my head.

I just nodded as my response, not sure if that will be true or not.

The moment I closed my eyes, the doctor went out of the Emergency Room. I saw in his face how everything was not okay.

"How's our friend, doctor?" Hyunjin asked the moment he walked to us. Changbin and I stood up and walked to them.

"We already removed the bullet from his body, but he lost quite a lot of blood. We need a blood donor for him." He said, eyeing each of us.

"I'll do it." Felix raised his hand.

I looked at him with worry in his eyes. He looked back and smiled at me.

"I'll be fine, okay? They'll just transfer some of my blood to Seungmin." He smiled at me and he went into the room with the doctor.

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