s i x t e e n

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Someone woke me up, feeling something wet and rough brushing against my cheeks. Opening my eyes, I was greeted with my black-furred kitty, Seuji.

I patted his head, making him brushing his head against my hand.

I rose up and walked to the door, when someone knocked.

I opened the door, revealing Jeongin waiting outside. "Dinner's ready."

I nodded, walking with him to the dining room, passing a mini corridor with 2 doors on both side facing each other.

This place is surely big than I expected.

We all saw them sitting around the table.

Felix carefully pulled me to the chair beside him. He smiled at me as I sat on the chair.

Everyone dug into the food served in the table.

I'm sure, Felix and Seungmin cooked this.

I grabbed a chicken leg and had a big bite on it. It had a spicy taste on it, making it my favorite.

I grabbed another and finished it after the first one.

Chan, siting on my other side, served me kimchi on my plate. I smiled at him, thanking him.

"Eat well, you'll get thin if you don't eat plenty." He said, grabbing another chicken and placed it in my plate.

I nodded, happily eating the chicken, which is my third time. I ate some kimchi, making my mouth burn in spicy taste of both food.

I looked across the table and saw Jisung chuckling at me.

"What?“ I mouthed at him, making him gesture at his lips and wiped the sides of it.

I did the same, feeling something wet after I wiped it with my thumb. I looked at it and saw some kimchi sauce in it.

I looked back at him and chuckled as well, thanking him after.

The table seems so lively, because of Minho and Changbin telling some jokes that will surely make you laugh.

"I got one, I got one!!" Minho excitedly yelled, raising his hand. He chuckled after.

"You better have a funnier one than mine." Changbin said, threating him.

Minho just laughed.

"What's brown and sticky?" He went on.

"Eww! Not in the dining table!!" Hyunjin said, making a disgust face.

"It's not that, of course." Minho defensively said.

"Then what?" Jisung asked, making everyone curious.

He looked at each of us, wearing that naughty face.

"A stick." He laughed so hard, everyone just mentally facepalmed. Afterwards, Hyunjin followed Minho laughing.

"It's quite funny, actually." Hyunjin, 16, who laughs at everything, stated.

"Not gonna complain 'bout that." Chan said, chuckling.

"I won't complain either. But, I'm still the winner." Changbin said, throwing his head back while laughing.

"Rock." Minho suddenly said, making us looked at him.

"Paper, scissor, shoot!" Everyone threw their hands in front of them, doing either rock, paper, or scissor in their hands.

"Changbin hyung will wash dishes!!" Jisung stood up, followed by others and left the table.

I looked at Changbin, with his pouty face. I stood up and cleaned the dished.

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