e i g h t e e n

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2 hours have been passed since we left the condominium.

And since we left Chan.

During our way to Hyunjin's house, I've kept quiet, thinking how's Chan.

Is he alright? Did they done something to him?

Please no.

Please be safe, Bang Chan.

I felt a tear came down from my eyes, but was wiped off by Jisung who's seated beside me.

I looked at him, and I've seen worry all around his face.

"Hey, you okay?" He smiled, but not his genuine smile.

I nodded as my response, and focused my eyes back on the road.

I closed my eyes, until a tear escaped my eye again.

I felt a hand on my shoulders. I looked at it and saw Jeongin with teary eyes.

"Y/n? Everything will be fine, okay?" He said, ready to hug me, but I hugged him first.

He sobbed at my shoulders, making me do the same.

Jisung, who's in between of us, gave us a big hug, whispering some soothing words that made us calm.

We pulled out of the hug and we both wiped our tearstains. Jisung pinched our cheeks, making us smile a bit.

"You two are so cute. Don't worry, we'll protect you no matter what." He hugged the two of us.

I felt a gaze from the front seat, and when I looked at it, I saw them looking at us.

They smiled when they saw me looking at them.

Seeing them like this, smiling despite the situation, makes me feel like everything will be alright.

Hyunjin, who's busy typing on his phone, smiled widely.

A smile that will lessen your worries.

"I have 3 surprises for you later." He said as he put down his phone.

I just smiled, and nodded as my response. He winked at me after.

The van became quiet. Some are sleeping, some are listening to music, and some are playing. Everyone's quiet.

I looked outside, and there were a lot of houses and we just drove passed them all.

I smiled as I saw Jisung hugging Jeongin while sleeping and Jeongin, he's just listening to music.

I focused my attention back to Jisung, and he keeps mumbling on something.

Might be sleep talking.

But, I heard something from him. From his mumbles.

"Don't worry Y/n, I'll protect you without any cost."

• • •

It's been 3 hours and the van came to a stop. We already reached our destination.

I looked outside, a white-painted house was all I've seen. It's not that big, or maybe it's as big as my house back in Australia.

Then, a married couple came out of that house. Must be Hyunjin's parents.

Ohhh, a cute dog!

Hyunjin came out of the van and hugged his parents. Welp, the dog just stared at him.

He tried to lift his dog, but he just ran away. Aww~

"Kkami!! You don't miss me??" Hyunjin chased his dog, but it kept on running away.

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