t h i r t y t w o

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It was our turn to take care of Seungmin. Jisung, Felix, and I went to the van and Changbin drove us to the hospital.

Before reaching the hospital, we stopped at a supermarket and bought fruits for Seungmin and snacks for everyone.

It's quiet right now.

"Hey, Y/n?" Jisung called beside me.

I just hummed as my response.

"I think you need some explaining to do."

I smiled as I recall yesterday. I looked at Jisung. Felix was listening to us.

"You mean yesterday?" He nodded.

I chuckled and looked at him. "I just accompanied grandpa, nothing more." His eyes widened.

"Grandpa?!" Felix asked which made me nod.

"So you mean, our boss is your grandpa??" I nodded the second time.

"Really? Then the manager must be your father." My father?

"Yeah, I remember the boss calling him son." I just smiled at them.

I can't wait to meet you, Dad. I'm sure you'll be happy when we meet. I wanna see you so bad.

Everyone kept on talking about Dad and Grandpa. And I must say, they have strong bonds with them.

A few minutes after, we arrived at the hospital. Everyone went down and went to Seungmin's room. Well, we won't be lost as the bodyguards were still outside. I wonder how they manage to stay there for 3 consecutive days.

Luckily, I bought some extra snacks in case.

The 3 of them entered the room, and I stopped outside. I grabbed the snacks inside the paper bag and gave it to them. I also gave them 2 bottles of water.

They looked at me, puzzled.

"Thank you, for staying and guarding for us. I know it's not enough but at least eat so you guys have more energy." They smiled and nodded. I entered the room and they all looked at me.

"Where have you been?" Chan asked as he hugged me.

"I just talked to the guys outside." He smiled.

"Did the boss met you?" I nodded as I smiled.

"Yep, Grandpa told me to say hi to you Seungmin." He looked at me, confused. Even Minho.

"Grandpa?" They asked at the same time.

Chan just chuckled at them. "You know guys, we should eat first." He grabbed a bag of chips and sat on the couch, legs crossed.

"You sure you don't want to eat at the van? The others are waiting for sure." Chan pulled me to his side.

"Nah, I miss my cousin so we'll leave later." He messed my hair and offered me his chips.

I just looked at him and smiled, then I hugged him.

"You okay, Y/n?"

I just nod my head as I felt the heat from his body.

I pulled back from the hug and looked straight into his eyes.

"You know Chan, I'm so happy to be your cousin, and to have you always beside me." He smiled and chuckled.

He hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"Okay, since we had our little bonding, we can leave now." He stood up, grabbed his chips, and waited for the others to get ready.

"Take care, you guys." Seungmin said before they left.

"And you, get well soon." Minho said as he messed with Seungmin's hair.

They left, and only the 4 of us are here. They're kinda quiet.

"Okay, what do you guys want to do?" Felix asked as he looked around the room.

"Is there anything else to do?" Some of them shrugged their shoulders.

"We can just watch on the television there." I pointed to the tv attached to the wall.

They smiled at me and opened the television.

A few hours later, and we've been watching since we opened it.


"Should we guys do something else?" Jisung asked as he stood up, stretching his body.

"Yeah, you guys must have been bored from watching." Seungmin said, looking at Felix.

"Nahh, I'm good." He smiled, changing the channel to some Australian cooking show.

"You guys want to eat something? I want to go out tho." I said, standing up and walking to the door.

"Let me come with you." Jisung said as he grabbed my shoulders. I looked at him and smiled.

"Buy me some egg rolls please." Seungmin said before we left the room.

"How about you Felix?" He looked at us and smiled. "Anything but spicy." And he suddenly winked before looking back at the tv.

We left the room and walked to the nearest convenience store.

Jisung's a bit quiet today. Unlike those times when he always talks and even shouts. Or maybe he's just thinking about something.

"Remember when I told you about the parallel universe thing?" He asked, out of the blue.

"Uhh yeah, what's about that?" He smiled at me.

"Don't believe in it, please."

I looked at him, confused.

I kinda believe tho. But well I should listen to him.

"Why do you want me to do that?" He didn't look at me. But when he did, his eyes shouted everything. A tear escaped his eyes.

"You don't wanna know about it." He just said, and hurriedly walked to the convenience store.

He's freaking weird today.

I entered the store and saw him grabbing some chips and popcorns.

I looked for the egg rolls for Seungmin, then I came across Jisung who's picking some rice balls and mandus.

"Jisung, what does Felix want?" He smiled and showed me some popcorns. "He wants this, I guess."

"He said anything but spicy tho, so he will like it." I said and followed him.

We went to the sweet treats sections and he grabbed a cheese and chocolate cake.

"What flavor do you want?" He asked as he looked around for other flavors.

"Hmm, strawberry for me." He looked and grabbed a strawberry-flavored cake.

Then we went to the counter to pay all of these. Yes, we bought a lot just for the 4 of us.

We thanked the cashier and walked back to the hospital. We kept on walking without talking to each other.

What's with him?

• • •

Yeah I know it's a lame update, but finally, I can update this one. It took me a couple of weeks before updating.

I just wanna thank you all for supporting my book, and


Anyways, I hope I can finish this as soon as possible because I have a lot of school activities, and it's killing me so much.

I love you all and thank you so much.


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