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We came to the bus stop, blocks away from my house, with Chan still carrying me.

"Hey Chan? You can put me down now."

He continued walking. It seems like he didn't heard me.

"Chan?" He just smiled.

"Yes, Y/n?"

"Can you put me down?" I asked politely, hoping it will work.


I smiled, and waited for him to stop, but he didn't.

He just walked, and walked.

"Chan, I thought you're going to put me down?"

He chuckled.

"I'm going to put you down later. I'm not tired yet."

I sighed, making him laugh so hard.

We came home, and Mom is still not here. He put me down and I unlocked the door.

He sat down on the couch and I changed clothes upstairs. I went down after.

"I guess you're going to cook for us again." He said, making me nod.

I went to the kitchen and started cooking.

Chan came in as well and went to the fridge.

"Hey Y/n? Auntie has a note for you." He said, walking to me. He gave me a note that was attached in the fridge.


     I'm going to Australia because Chan's mom needs me there. I'll be gone for a month. Make sure to take care of yourself, okay? There's enough supply for you in one month. I told Chan to keep an eye on you for me. I'll treat you both your favorites when I get back home. I love you. –Mom"

"What does that mean?" I asked him as he smiled.

"That means, I'm going to babysit you for a month." He laughed at me.

"WHA— I don't need to be babysit by a 19 year old guy. I'm already 15, okay?" He laughed harder than before. Then he stopped.

"I'm 4 years older than you. And teenagers like you needs to be guided and taken care of. And I'll be your guardian for a month." I sighed, giving up.

"Well then, should we sleep at my house?" I looked at him confused.

"Why at your house?" He smiled. "Because we have everything we need there. And besides, we can have fun there nonstop."


"Why you don't like here?" I asked him.

"Ohh, nothing. My friends sometimes sleep at my house. You may miss the fun." He teased.

"Your friends might be all boys."

"I'll protect you from them, don't worry. But I know they are all good and gentlemen." He assured. I sighed and continued cooking.

Minutes later, I finished cooking, and we both ate. After, Chan helped me pack my things. I brought a luggage and put my clothes there.

"Uhm, Chan?" I looked at him folding all my shirts. "Yes Y/n?"

"Where am I going to sleep there? You said your friends are sleeping at your house."

"There's a vacant room beside mine. You can have it. I'll just clean it a little bit." I smiled at him and continued my business.

After everything, I locked the door of my house, walked to his house and he cleaned my room for a month. He helped me carrying my luggage at my room upstairs and sat down at the bed, looking around.

So cozy, this is great~

I lied down and closed my eyes.


I woke up, hearing some laughs and giggles from downstairs. I went to the door and saw Chan with 2 boys. One with blue hair and the other with brown hair.

"Okay Channie hyung. See you tomorrow."

"Sure. Take care."

"Wait, who's jacket is this? It's not yours, I know it. And it looks like a girl's jacket."

I though my jacket is inside my room? Maybe I left it there earlier.

"Ohh, it's my cousin's."

"I though you have a girlfriend?"


"C'mon you squirrel, it's already midnight."

Squirrel? It might be... Oh no, not him.

"Aww I'll miss Chan hyung!"

"We can meet tomorrow at school."

"Okay, bye!!"

Then, the door closed. Chan looked upstairs and saw me in the door.

"Hey Y/n, how long you've been there?" He smiled and went upstairs.

"Not that long. I woke up with your laughs and giggles." He scratched his nape and looked down.

"Sorry for waking you up. I'll cook you dinner, you haven't eat yet."

He dragged me down to the kitchen and let me sit at the chair. He wore apron and went to the kitchen to cook something.

"Are those your friends?" I asked him while he's frying chicken.

"Yeah, why?"

"That blue-haired boy is really familiar. Especially when that brown-haired boy called him squirrel. He's with 3 other guys and they always approach me at the bus stop."

He suddenly looked at me for half a minute, then continued his business.

"Why are they always approaching you?"

He glanced at me, then back to his cooking.

"They want to bring me to their master."

He stopped, and looked down. Then he suddenly nodded.

"Lemme talk to them tomorrow." He started flipping the chickens.

I nodded.

I waited for him to finish cooking. Then, we both eat. After, he volunteered washing the dishes and I went upstairs.

I sat down my bed and think of those men.

Who are they, really?

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