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We arrived at the campus grounds, and they're walking beside me.


"Relax, you'll be fine." Said Felix who's beside me.

I felt safe with his words. And it adds the facts that they're walking on my both sides.

Chan, Hyunjin and Seungmin on my right side, while Felix and Jisung on my left side. It feels like they're guarding me.

Ohh wait, they are.

But it doesn't make sense. Why someone will pay them, just to guard me? Am I that important to that person?

"Hey princess, you there?" Someone snapped me out of my train of thought. I looked around and saw 5 of them looking at me with worried faces.

"Uhh, why are you looking at me like that?" They looked at each other, then looked at me.

"We'd call you for a hundred times already. Maybe you're just drowned with your thoughts." Chan said, worrying.

I smiled at them, making them smile back at me.

"I'm fine. It's just a thought. Nothing to be worried about." They smiled again, but this time it's genuine.

"Let's go. We'll walk you to your room." I looked at them and they just walked upstairs.

"Wait, you don't have to. The bell—" I stopped, listening to the bell ringing around the school campus. "It just rang."

They all chuckled and looked at me.

"Okay fine, go to your room now." Chan said, and I ran upstairs along with some other students.

I stopped running when I get to the door of my room. I entered and saw Jeongin reading a book.

I walked to my seat, caughting his attention.

"Hey Y/n, how are you feeling now?" He asked, putting down his book.

"Better. Thanks for caring." I gave him a smile and he gave me one back.

I sat down and looked at my table. It looks new now. Like nothing's written on it. I slowly brushed my palm against my new arm rest and smiled. It's not disturbing me at all.

But, who did this?

I move aside my thought as my teacher came in.

She started teaching what's on her lesson plan, just like every teacher does.

Well, I don't want to listen to her lectures. I looked down again and brushed my palm against the arm rest.

Then, I looked beside me and saw Jeongin, hand below his chin supporting his head, and circling his hand in his table.

He suddenly looked at me, making me look back at our teacher. Then, I felt him passing a folded paper onto me.

I looked at him and grabbed the paper. I unfolded it and saw writings on it.

"Wanna go grab a snack with me and Chan hyung later?"

I smiled, and remembered those 4 guys earlier. Well, they will definitely be there. And those Changbin and Minho guys. They must be older than me.

I wrote onto the paper, agreeing with his proposal and passed it to him.

He smiled at me, that smile says he's excited. I smiled back, making him more excited.

Bell rang and the teacher got out of the room. Jeongin stood up excitedly.

"Come on, they will be happy meeting you." He said, jumping up and down beside me.

I grabbed my phone and wallet then he dragged me outside my room.

We walked fast until we reached the canteen. He just walked and walked until we reached the most back part of the canteen.

He approached one of the tables, still dragging me. I saw 4 familiar and 2 unknown faces.

"Hey Jeongin! You're right in time." That light brown-haired guy greeted, who must be Minho. Then they looked at me.

"Y/n!!" Felix stood up, dragging me to his seat and let me sat there between him and Jisung.

Those 2 unknown faces looked at me, confused.

Uhm, how do I start? How will I introduce myself? I don't know~

"Ohh hyung, this is Y/n, Chan hyung's cousin." Felix explained, making them smile at me.

"You're Chan hyung's cousin?? How come you didn't told me??" Jeongin said, throwing tantrums. I scratched my nape, mouthing him 'sorry'.

I looked at them. Hyunjin and Jisung are playing something on their phone. Seungmin is reading a book, Felix is just seating beside me. Jeongin is playing with that brown-haired guy, he's Changbin I think? And that Minho guy is disturbing Hyunjin and Jisung.

I looked far away, and saw someone familiar running to us.

"Ohh, you're there. I was looking for you everywhere!" Chan is that running guy. He stopped, catching his breath.

"Jeongin invited me." I explained to him. Then they stood up.

"We'll order now. The usual?" Chan asked me, I nodded in response. He winked at me.

"I'll stay with Y/n." Felix said, seating down again.

"Me too. I need to finish reading this." Seungmin said, seating beside Felix.

"Okay, we'll order your food." Changbin said, and they left.

I just sat there. Felix looked at me and smiled.

"You kinda looked like Chan hyung." He said, while still looking at me. I just smiled at him, not knowing how to respond to that.

I looked at him and saw some dirt in his face.

"Felix? You have something on your face." I told him, and he just chuckled.

"Those are freckles. They say I look ugly with this, so sometimes I hide it with foundation." He said, looking down.

"You look good with it. It suits you well." I told him.

"Really?" I nodded at him.

"Thank you." He gave me a genuine smile. I looked at him and smiled back. Then, I saw Seungmin. He's still reading his book, unbothered with the canteen's loud noise.

Minutes of waiting, others came back with our food. Chan ordered me a burger, milk and a bar of chocolate. He smiled at me.

Then we started eating. They ate like earlier, back in Chan's house. But now, Changbin and Minho joined Hyunjin teasing Jisung. They were poking his cheeks.

"You guys, stop poking me. I can't eat." Jisung complained. I chuckled with his cuteness.

"Hey, why are you laughing?" Chan asked me. I looked at those 3 who's still bothering Jisung.

"Nothing. It's just that you have a great group of friends." I whispered, only he can hear.

"Well, welcome to our group." He said, warmly.

"Wait, let me rephrase it. Welcome to our family, the Stray Kids."

I smiled at him. Then, we continued eating while watching them having fun.

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