t h r e e

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I turned around and saw Ara, grinning evilly.

I gulped.

"You thought you might lose us, right?" She sat beside me.

She brushed her hands in my hair, then suddenly pulled it. I winced from the pain and held myself from yelling.

"Where do you want to go. Tell me and I'll finish it in no time." She pulled my head towards her and met her eyes.

"Yah, Ara! Someone's coming!" I heard one of her friend whispered.

We both looked at the same direction and saw 4 boys wearing the same school uniform as ours.

Wait, are they the guys I saw in the bus stop earlier? And that same blue haired guy I saw at the gym?

She let go of my hair and I fixed it. She didn't left the bench and just sat there.

Those 3 continued to walk while one of them stopped in front of me.

I looked at him in the eyes and he did as well. He smiled at me and quickly held my wrist and ran with me towards his other friends.

"W-wait, what are you doing?" I asked before we reached them.

"You shouldn't hang out with her." He said as we caught up with his friends.

We stopped and they all looked at me.

"Uhm, what?" I looked them in the eyes.

They just stared at me.

Is there something in my face? Or I'm forgetting something? Should I say something? But what should I say?

Oh, okay I remember now.

"Uhm okay I get it. Thank you for saving my life from them. I need to go now." I said and walked pass them, but one of them held my wrist.

"You need to come with us." They said and pulled me somewhere.

"Why would I? Ugh, let me go!!" I irritably yelled.

What do this guys want?

We suddenly stopped. They all stared at me. Again.

"Quit staring! What do you really want?" I confronted them.

"You." One of them said and scanned me from head to toe.

That long blonde haired guy tapped everyone's shoulders and motioned them to come to him.

"Are you guys sure that she's the girl boss wants us to protect?"


"She is of course, Felix has sharp eyes and can remember faces easily." The blue haired, squirrel looking guy said, loudly.

"Yah, will you keep your voice low? She might hear us." The orange haired guy said in deep voice.

"She definitely hear us, for sure."

They slowly looked at me, all at the same time. Creepy~

They came back in their small meeting.

"Yeah, she'd surely hear us."

"Why are we whispering again?" Asked by that red haired guy.

I just realized. Are they some sort of idols? They have different hair colors, and they look like idols though.

"Because Hyunjin dragged us here."

"Wha- I'm just making sure we've got the right girl."

Right girl? For what??

If this is for illegal doings, I must get out of here.

I walked pass them, and they didn't seem to notice me.

"Maybe we should– hey, where did she go?" I heard them said and footsteps were running towards me.

"Hey, where are you going?" I heard someone asked. I didn't bother to turn to them.

"Home." I walked faster, but because my legs are short, it feels like I'm almost running.

"Wait for us. We'll walk you home." A deep voice said beside me.

I stopped and looked at the orange haired guy. Then they all stopped.

"What do you really want from me?" I asked them, quite irritated.

"Our boss wants us to protect you." The squirrel looking guy said.

"P-protect me? Why?"

"That's what he orders us."

"Who is he?" They looked at each other. "We can't tell you."

"Uhm, nevermind. I'll just go home." I said and walked away.

I never heard their complains, but I heard them following me. Well, just let them be.

Ohh wait, they'll know my house. Once they knew, they'll keep bothering me or something. Maybe I should lost them.

But how?

There's only one person who can help me.

I walked and walked, until I passed my house. His house is a few blocks away from mine.

I already texted him and said that I'll visit him.

I stopped in front of the gate and turned to them. They look confused.

"Is that where you live?" Asked by the long blonde hair guy. I nodded as I smiled nervously.

"You should go home now." I told them and they smiled at me.

As they left, I walked inside his house. I knocked and he opened the door.

"Hey (Y/n), you came!"

"Hi Chan! How are you?"

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