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"Hey (Y/n), you came!" He hugged me tightly.

"Hi Chan! How are you?"

He's my cousin Bang Chan. Well, everyone thinks we're in a relationship, but we're not.

He let me in first and we sat in his couch.

"I'm fine. Ohh by the way, are you hurt? I saw Ara with some girls chasing you earlier." He said while getting water from his fridge.

"You saw me?" He nodded as response.

Ahh yeah, we're studying in the same school, but he's my senior.

"Yeah, at the gymnasium. I was there with the other boys. Sorry for not helping you." He said while brushing my hair.

"Ohh, it's fine. No need to say sorry." I smiled at him sweetly.

Though we're cousins in the same school, I told him not to talk to me that much. Maybe if it's emergency.

"How are you here? You're so thin now." I said while holding his thin arms.

He really became thin since the last time I saw him.

"Ahh, yeah. But I'm fine, don't worry."

I glared at him.

"Are you still eating? Or you're just locking yourself up in your room making music?"

He scratched his nape and looked away.

I stood up and went to his fridge. I opened it and saw a lot of food.

"You have enough stocks here. Why aren't you eating, huh? Mr. Christopher Bang?" I stood there, crossed my arms and looked at him like I'm his Mom.

"Sorry." He looked down.

He'll be sick if he continue to do this.

I went to his fridge again and looked for something to cook for us.

"Hey Chan? Can you text Mom? Tell her I'm having dinner here." I yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah sure." I heard him said.

Afterwards, he went to the kitchen and wore apron. He put one on me and tied it himself.

He's really caring. He's the best cousin for me.

"What are you cooking?" He asked as he grabbed for the garlic, onion, knife and chopping board.

"Chicken Curry."

"Ohh, I see." He started chopping the garlic.

Minutes of cooking, and we sat down on the dining table. I sniffed the savoury smell of the curry, and so is he.

"Ohh I forgot, aunt will be here for like 10 minutes." He said and ate a spoonful of rice.

I nodded and ate as well.

"Hmm, it seems like your cooking skills are improving. This is great!" He complimented as I smiled at him.

We just kept quiet while eating. After dinner, he volunteered to wash the dishes.

Then, a knock was heard in the front door. I peeped through the hole and saw Mom carrying her shoulder bag and a plastic. I opened the door and let her enter.

"How are you, sweetie?" I hugged her and smiled. "I'm good."

"Where's your cousin?" She looked around and saw someone came from the kitchen.

"Hello Auntie. How are you?" He smiled as he removed the apron.

"I'm great. Anyways, I brought fruits for you. (Y/n) told me you're not eating so I bought it on my way home." She handed the plastic to him and he accepted it.

"Mom, have you eat dinner already?" I asked her as she put down her shoulder bag. "Not yet sweetie. What do you have there?"

"(Y/n) cooked chicken curry. You should try it! It tastes great!" He said. "I'll just prepare your dinner." He went back in and Mom followed him.

I sat on the couch while waiting for Chan.

I heard them talking inside the kitchen.

"Hmm, this taste great! (Y/n) really did improved!"

"I told you auntie."

"How are you here? Do you have any girlfriend?"

"Uhm, not yet. But I will introduce her to you once I have someone."

"Ohh, it made me excited. You're already 19, why you're not looking for her?"

"I'm busy with music, auntie. Don't worry, I'll look for her, someday."

Chan came out of the kitchen and sat beside me.

"I bet that girl will be the luckiest for having you." I teased him while looking at him.

"Hahaha, you silly! And you, you're too young to have a boyfriend. You must introduce him to me before you give him your yes." He warned me while pointing his finger to me.

"Hey, I'm already 15."

"You're still minor." He said with authority.

I smiled as sign of defeat.

"Yes Chan." He laughed and messed my hair.

"But, what if he came to me like months from now? Should I introduce him to you?" I asked. He smiled at me, the usual smile he always shows me.

"Of course. Who knows, I knew them." He said and left to the kitchen.

Is that a good thing?

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