t w e n t y t h r e e

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Half an hour later, Seungmin was transferred to a private room. 2 mascular men came, in all black.

Shades, fitted shirt, pants and combat boots. It's all black.

I leaned near Hyunjin, who's seated beside me.

"Who are they?" I whispered. He glanced at me and smiled.

"They were sent by our boss to guard us in this room. You're safe in here." He messed my hair and smiled.

I nodded at him, looking back at those men.

They're kinda scary~

A phone rang, made Changbin flinched from his seat and held unto his chest, looking at us.

He picked up his phone and smiled.

"Hey hyung, how's it going? Hmm, good to hear. Uhh yeah..." He glanced at Seungmin, lying in the hospital bed, peacefully. He has a dextrose attached from a bag of blood to his arm.

"... He's stable now. Felix donated blood for him. The doctor said he lost quite a lot of blood. Ahaa. Hmm. Yeah. Ohh sure. Please be careful." He hanged up the call and he looked at me.

"Chan and Minho hyung will be here any minute now." He smiled at me, making me smiled back at him.

Everyone was here. Changbin, Hyunjin and I were looking out for Seungmin. Jisung, Felix and Jeongin were sleeping behind us.

"Hey Y/n? Why don't you sleep?" Changbin asked, making me shook my head.

"I'm not tired yet. Maybe later." I replied, while staring at Seungmin.

"C'mon, just an hour. We'll wake you up if Seungmin opens up his eyes." Hyunjin kissed my forehead.

I looked behind me, looking for a place to sleep. But there's none.

Then I looked at Seungmin. There's a place in his bed, right for my upper body.

I lied on it and closed my eyes.

• • •

Third Person's POV

Y/n fell asleep the moment she closed her eyes. Hyunjin and Changbin stared at her as she slept beside Seungmin.

"She must be suffering." Changbin spoke softly. Hyunjin just nodded.

"Oh, poor lil' princess." He added.

Minutes of them staring at her, the door opened, revealing Chan and Minho.

"Hey hyung!" Hyunjin stood up and went to hug his hyungs.

"How's everyone?" Chan sat beside his sleeping cousin.

"Everyone's fine, I think." Changbin said, looking at Y/n.

"Y/n's suffering the most. Everyone can handle the situation, but her, she's trying, but she can't." Felix spoke up, surprising everyone. He walked to them.

"On our way here, she cried because she's so worried of Seungmin. She also blamed herself for being the reason of everything. She's so worried of you Chan hyung when we left without you. And I saw her worried when I volunteered to donate my blood." Felix explained further.

Everyone looked at her, worry all over their face.

"I think, we need to tell her the truth." Changbin suggested, making the rest looked at him.

"I don't think so." Chan said. "I know her, she'll take it seriously. We don't know, she might change because of that." He put his hands inside his pockets.

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