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I woke up from a light shake on my shoulders. I opened my eyes and saw Chan smiling at me.

"Good morning princess. Breakie's ready." He said with his Aussie accent.

"You're still good at it!" He smiled as he patted my head. He pulled me to the dining table, making me astonished.

"You cooked all of this?" He nodded, smiling. "But, why so many?"

"Well, I have 4 friends coming over."


"Who? And why?" I asked him while sitting down.

"Don't ask too many questions. You'll know it soon."

The doorbell rang, making us looked at the door. Chan stood up and opened it.

"Hey guys, come in. Wanna join us in breakfast?"


"Ohh haha, forgot to mention my cousin, she'll live with me for a month."


Don't ask too many questions. Follow me."

Footsteps were heard walking to the kitchen. Chan entered, followed by 4 familiar faces wearing school uniform like ours. We all eye-contacted and our eyes widened, pointing to each other.

"YOUU!!!" "YOUUU!!!!!!"

"I knew it!" Chan face-palmed then looked at us.

"Knew what?" Asked by that long blonde-haired guy.

"That you're those guys she's referring to." He said, pointing his thumb to me.

"Wait, you're both cousins?" We nodded then they looked at each other.

A minute of silence...

"Okay, sit down you 4. We have something to discuss about."

He let those men sat in the table and then he looked at us.

"Now..." Chan looked at me. "I'll explain everything to you."

I nodded, feeling nervous.

"Okay, these guys, are my friends."


Those 4 looked at me with confusion in their faces.

"Yes, again. You already knew Jeongin, right? Then these 4 guys here are Seungmin, Felix, Jisung and Hyunjin." He said, pointing to those red-haired guy, orange-haired guy, blue-haired guy and that long blonde-haired guy, respectively.

"We still have 2 other friends. You must have seen Changbin." He said. He must be referring to that brown-haired guy yesterday.

"And last is Minho. He is a senior like me." He added. I nodded at him.

"We're not just a typical group of friends. We actually, uhh, work for someone."

"Eehhhh?? Why??" He smiled at me.

"For personal reasons." Hyunjin said, butting in. I let an 'ohh' silently and then looked down.

"Wait, to whom are you working for?" I asked, making them looked at each other.

"For someone who can give everything we need." Ehhh?? Who's that?

I looked at Chan. And then to those guys.

"Is that even legal?" I asked them and they bursted in laughing.

"Of course. We're not working for him to kill someone. We're just, uhh, protecting someone."

"You mean, me?" I asked them and they all nodded at the same time.

"Okay, I think that's everything we need to discuss. We should continue eating and school will start in an hour." We all continued eating while me being quiet.

Well, it's been 2 days since I know them and since they confronted me to go to their master, which I don't really know who he is. Now I know their names, it's quite awkward to me.

Usually, I only talk to Chan and Mom. But talking with other guys, it makes me uncomfortable.

I looked at them, roasting and choking each other with love. Uhm, is that how they describe this scene?

"Yahh! Stop poking my cheeks! I can't concentrate eating!" I looked at Jisung, who eats like a squirrel.

So that's why they call him squirrel guy, except the fact that he really looks like one.

"Why are you always eating like that?" Hyunjin continued to poke Jisung's cheeks.

"Because I'm a squirrel and a squirrel eats like this." He said, munching quickly while moving his head sidewards with a mischievous smile.

Chan is just laughing, making him unable to eat. Felix is enjoying the scene while laughing with Chan. Seungmin, nahh he doesn't care. He just eat.

Jisung held a fork, pointing to Hyunjin.

"Stop, or a squirrel will eat a Llama." He said, joking.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry." Hyunjin said in defeat.

He looked at Jisung one last time and poke his cheeks.

"YAAAHHHH!!" Jisung yelled crying, choking Hyunjin playfully.

"You think you can do that because you're Hyunjin?" He yelled louder.

Chan and Felix bursted laughing, Seungmin joining them. He even caught a video of them.

I finished eating, and left the table early. I went to my room and took a bath. After, I dried up myself and wore my school uniform. I fixed my hair and apply some lip gloss.

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. I saw them putting their shoes on.

"Let's go." Chan yelled to me. I ran up to them and wore my shoes. We all walked to the bus station and waited for the bus to arrive.

When the bus arrived, we all hoped in. I sat by the window and Chan sat beside me.

The bus left the station and we all became silent. I looked outside the window, remembering every words they've told me this morning.

"Hey Chan?" I looked at him. He just hummed in response.

"Why are you working for that someone?" He suddenly looked at me for my sudden question.

"Well, you remember Hanna and Lucas, right?" I nodded at him, referring to his younger siblings.

"Since they're still studying and mom and dad doesn't have a work there, I thought this will help me and them. I also want some music-producing equipments so, I bought it with that money." I smiled at him and patted his head.

"Don't worry Chan, Mom and I are here for you, and for them. We're a family after all." He smiled and pinched my cheeks.

"You're so cute! Thank you, Y/n!"

I smiled, gaving him my sweetest smile.

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