Chapter 35

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The following day, Dominic was at his desk sitting on his computer. From the corner of his eye, he saw people coming his way so he looked. He saw CJ walking to his office and some people walking after him. Dominic quickly got up and that's when CJ walked in.

"What's going on?", Dominic asked.

"I'm sorry Mr. Bethel he just walked right through", an assistant said. "Security is on their way now"

"That won't be necessary. Unfortunately I know this man", Dominic said. "Thanks anyway"

"Of course", she said with a smile.

Dominic smiled back.

She walked out of his office.

"Yo game must be good as hell. I swear you be fucking with all the bad bitches out here", CJ said.

Dominic began walking to his desk. "What are you talking about", he asked as he sat down.

"I know that look that she gave you Bruh", CJ said.

Dominic changed the subject. "What do you want? You can't just walk up in my job and cause scenes and shit", Dominic said.

"You know, Amiyah said the same thing. It's always the black people who start making some money and wanna act like somebody embarrassing them", CJ said.

"I gotta work with these people, you don't. Now what you want?", Dominic asked.

CJ sat across from Dominic. "You a smart dude", CJ said.

"Okay", Dominic replied. "You smart too Bruh. You just put your smarts else where instead of in them books"

"At the time I felt like it was a waste man", CJ said. "But you live and you learn right?"

"Right", Dominic said.

"I just need some help with finding a way I can get some money regardless of my criminal record", CJ said.

"Dont you make money now?", Dominic asked.

"Yea but when I stop dealing the streets, I need some income", CJ said.

"I thought you couldn't just stop", Dominic said.

"I can't. But I'm almost at the top of things. I'm just waiting for ole boy. Some niggas are after him anyway so he gone be dead soon", CJ said. "After that, I'll be in charge and then whatever I say, goes. Therefore I can take the money and leave"

"Okay so after that, you need a steady income?", Dominic asked.

"Yea", CJ said.

"This couldn't wait til after I was off?", Dominic asked.

"It was on my mind now", CJ said.

"Where's Amiyah?", Dominic asked. "I thought she was helping you"

"We ain't really fucking with each other no more...I thought that since me and you was cool again that you could help me", CJ said.

"...the only advice I got for you is to get your credit up and start a business", Dominic said.

"My score is a 800", CJ said.

Dominic raised his eyebrows.

"What? My mom didn't play about that shit. If I get some money somebody, I always pay them back", CJ said.

"Well...start you a business then bruh", Dominic said as he got up.

CJ stood up.

"I'm going to a meeting, so you gotta go", Dominic said. "Hope I helped"

"You gave me an idea", CJ said.

Dominic nods.

The both walked out of his office and went their separate ways. As CJ was walking toward the elevators he saw someone that he thought was Amiyah. But when he looked closely, the girl was gone.

He shook his head because he thought he was tripping and walked inside of the elevator.


Amiyah was currently in court, defending one of her clients. After they were done, she left the building and began walking her to her car. She looked around once she opened the car door and got in.

As she drove, she notice someone following her from a distance. She continued to do different turn until she lost them. She was scared because she didn't know if those people were actually following her or not. If they were, she didn't understand why.

She parked in a parking lot of the store and got out. When she did, a black Escalade playing loud music pulled up behind her car.

She started to go into her purse for her gun but she saw two guys get out and one of them opened the back door. That's when another guy came out.

He dressed nicely and had some expensive looking jewelry on. He was also kind of cute but Amiyah wasn't really thinking about that at the moment because she was scared for her life.

"Now hold up baby. No need to go for the taser", he said

"More like gun", Amiyah replied.

"Oooh feisty", he said. "Come in the truck for a moment. I have some business I wanna chat to you about"

"And if I saw no?", Amiyah asked.

"I would have to force you. I don't wanna have to force you because I think you're cute. I don't like to man handle the cute ones", he said.

Amiyah looked to the side.

"I won't bite unless you make me", he said with a wink.

Amiyah got into the back seat of the car and so did the guy she as talking to. The other two guys got in the front and started driving.

"I didn't say to drive off", Amiyah said.

"We're just going for a little drive. Don't worry, you'll be safe a sound and back at Publix to shop for you and your son", he said.

Amiyah made a face. "How do you know about my son?", she asked.

"I needed some leverage", he said.

"...leverage for what?", she asked. "What is your name anyway?"

"You can call me D", he said.

"Leverage for what D?", she asked.

"For something that I want you to do for know CJ right?", D asked. "like you were a lawyer for him"

"...yes", Amiyah replied.

D put her hair behind her back she he could see her face better. "What else?", he asked.

"That's it", Amiyah asked.

D turned her face to his. "Dont lie", he said.

Amiyah didn't say anything.

"I need you to get information from him about the guy he works for", D said. "Where he's at to be're good at getting the truth out of people right?"

Amiyah eyes looked down.

"I'll give you some time to think about it...just don't say anything to anyone", he said. "I see you're a bit hesitant"

"...okay", she said.

The guy in the passenger seat got out of the car after the car came to a stop. He opened the door for Amiyah and that's when she got out of the truck. After the guy got back into the car they drove off. And Amiyah began walking toward the store thinking about what just happened and what she was going to do. She didn't want to get in the middle of any gang war or causing someone else to die. She knew she really didn't have a choice anyways.


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