Chapter 38

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The next morning when Amiyah woke up, CJ had his arm around her while he was sleep.

Amiyah got up and moved his arm and that's when he kind of woke up.

"What time is it?", he asked.

"I don't know", Amiyah replied.

CJ yawned and stretched.

"...I thought you said you were done with everything? That you wanted a change", Amiyah said.

"I do...I just can't do that right now", CJ said. "Let I can't turn over a whole new leaf right now"

Amiyah didn't say anything.

CJ sat up. "What's up?", CJ asked.

"...I can't do this", Amiyah said.

"You can't what?", he asked.

"This. Us...I don't feel safe", she said. "After that guy pulled up on me and he mentioned Kaden and me getting shot...I just think it's best we keep our distance...I was already a bad friend for not reading the signs but I don't wanna be a bad mom too"

"...that's understandable", he said. " do know that I will and always will protect you right? I mean like I know you got shot but if I saw that coming I would've prevent you from getting hurt or worst

"That's the thing. You can't see everything coming and next time may not be so good", Amiyah said. "...I just can't do this, I'm so sorry"

"Hey, it's I said before. Me and you were a bad idea but at least we tried things out ya know", he said.

"...yea", Amiyah replied.

"...I was just a distraction anyway", he said.

Amiyah made a face and looked at him.

"You still love Dominic and the man still loves you...I'm not dumb. I can tell", he said. "That's why I ain't want you around him"

Amiyah looked down.

"I ain't mad about it because I did meet you. You made me rethink things about my life...but I do wish we could spend more time together because you kinda make me happy but I ain't what you need", he said.

Amiyah looked at him. "I do really like you as a person. I just can't rock with what you do for a living. I thought I could handle that but I couldn't", she said. "So...thank you for being understanding"

"You're welcome", he said.

"...we still cool?", Amiyah asked.

CJ nods. "Yea... yea we cool", he said.

Amiyah looked down. "I need to go talk to Lamar today", she said.

"You need me to come with you?",  CJ asked.

"No. I'll be fine", Amiyah said. "I don't need the bullet going through him this time"

"Oh yea. I did that", he said.

"Yea", Amiyah said as she got up.

"...what about D?", CJ asked.

"He told me he didn't need me anymore", Amiyah said.

CJ made a face.

"I'll be fine", she said.

"What did you tell him?", CJ asked.

"I didn't tell him anything...somehow he already knew we talked", she said.

CJ began thinking and then he shook his head.

"What?", Amiyah asked.

"I know who that was and his name isn't D...he was just trying to test me", CJ said.

"What?", Amiyah asked.

"Nothing. It dont matter. But I'm going to get going. I'll talk to you some other time", he said.

"Okay...but know that you can always come to for advice", Amiyah said.

"Yea. Of course", CJ said. "Bye"

"Bye", Amiyah said.

CJ got his things together and left and Amiyah got ready to go out to Lamar's house.


Once Amiyah got to Lamar's house she knocked on it and rang the door bell. But no one was answering. That's when she used her key to the house to unlock the door.

The house was quiet. No tv, no movement, no sound of Kaden, nothing.

She walked down the hall and walked into Kaden's room and he was sleeping. Then she looked over at Lamar's room and saw blood on the floor. That's when she ran into the room.

"Lamar!?", she shouted. "Oh my god, oh my god"

She was currently panicking as she called 911.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"Yes, I need a ambulance and the police at 451 Creekside Ave. I wanted into the house and my child's father is shot...I- I- think he's dead", Amiyah said crying.

"Stay calm, I'm sending help now"

Amiyah looked at Lamar hand and saw a gun. That's when she looked at the bullet womb on the side he head the gun. The womb was in his head.

Amiyah dropped her phone because she had a flashback of the last time he tried to commit suicide.

"Oh my gosh", she said as she cover her mouth.

She rushed into the room Kaden was in and looked at him. She noticed that he wasn't breathing.

"Kaden?", Amiyah said softly as she picked him. "Kaden!"

Amiyah felt for a pulse and it was no heartbeat. She went to the floor holding Kaden close to her and crying.

"No, no, no", Amiyah said.

Amiyah heard the sirens and next thing the police came through along with the ambulance.

On the officers came into the room because he heard Amiyah crying.

"Ma'am?", he said.

Amiyah continued to cry as she kissed Kaden's forehead.

"Ma'am, calm down", he said as he bent down to her level.

"My son is dead!", Amiyah said. "How am I going to calm down when my son and his father are dead?"

The officer looked at Kaden and then called for some help.

Amiyah went back to crying. She couldn't believe this was happening right now. She understood how Lamar died, he killed himself, she was starting to understand why he killed himself. Because he knew that Kaden was dead. She just didn't understand who did this to Kaden.

Amiyah looked around and saw cameras in Kaden's room.

She knew the cameras were the answers to her questions.


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