Chapter 9

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When Amiyah got to her mom's house, it was a little ran down. Amiyah didn't think anything was wrong with it, but she just thought that they'd lived in a neighborhood that was a little better.

Amiyah knocked on the door and a man answered. He had a bottle of liquor in his hand and he drank from it for a moment before saying anything. He looked Amiyah up and down with a smirk on his face.

"Who are you and what brings your pretty self to my door?", he asked.

This man had to be her dad's age. She assumed it was the guy that Amiyah's mom was with.

"I'm looking for my mom", Amiyah replied.

Before he could say anything. Her mom came to the door.

"Amiyah", her mom said with excitement in her voice.

Her husband looked at her.

She looked at him and looked away.

Amiyah sense the fear her mom had toward him.

Her mom stepped outside and smiled at Amiyah. "We can talk out here", she said.

"Okay", Amiyah replied.

Her mom sat on one of the chairs outside. Amiyah began to walk to the chair next to her but as she didn't that, she looked at her mom's husband who was eye balling her in a way which made her feel uncomfortable.

He drank some more from his bottle and then he went back in the house and shut the door.

"So, what brings you here?", her mom asked.

"Well...I've been thinking about contacting you because I just have so many questions to ask you, but I've been procrastinating...scared I guess...but this morning Keyon told me what was going on and I think it's best that I stop procrastinating before there be a time when I'll never get answers", Amiyah said.

"What are you talking about? What did Keyon tell you?", her mom asked.

"He said you had this illness and that it couldn't be cure and -"

Her mom began shaking her head which caused Amiyah to stop talking.

"I don't know why he said that", her mom said.

"He was lying?", Amiyah asked.

"Listen, he just saw how I was acting lately and he knew that talking to you would cheer me up", her mom said. "He wasn't trying to be a bad person, he did it for a good cause even though I don't think he should have said something that serious"

Amiyah looked away for a moment.

"...but hopefully I am still able to hear your matter how difficult they may be for me to answer", her mom said.

Amiyah started tearing up and finally she looked at her mom. "Why? Why did you have to leave me? I spent years thinking that I wasn't good enough...that was until I doesn't matter who but the point weren't there for any of it. I get if you and dad had your differences but that doesn't mean you just 'X' your daughter out the whole picture", Amiyah said.

Her mom looked down. "I don't know if you see the alcoholic in there but...I didn't trust me around you, better yet I didn't want him to know anything about you", she said.

Amiyah made a face.

"He's very controlling, not only that but...I knew you would grow into a beautiful girl and I didn't want him to do anything to you", her mom whisper. "I didn't abandon you because I didn't want you, I did it because I loved you and I didn't want him to touch you"

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